Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Perspicacity: Hope For A Family – Carla’s Family

I posted a few weeks back about CFCA (Christian Foundation for Children and Aging) our sponsored child Abi. Yesterday I received an email from Paula K. who recently visited Guatemala. She is trying to find a CFCA sponsor for a little girl named Carla who lives in Guatemala. Please read her story and see if God is asking you to open your heart to bettering her life and the life of her family.
UPDATE: Here is a comment from Paula:

Bobbi, I can’t thank you enough for sharing this on your blog. In sharing Carla’s story, I have found it challenging to convey that feeling I got in Guatemala among the sponsored children and families, and getting a very true sense of how an expenditure that to a U.S. family can be relatively small (a trip for 5 to Mcdonald’s, say), can truly transform the most basic elements of a whole family’s life. If any of your readers have questions, please feel free to contact me directly! Although my sign in has my daughter’s email address, the best is Thanks everyone!!!

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  • tenleykiger says:

    Bobbi, I can’t thank you enough for sharing this on your blog. In sharing Carla’s story, I have found it challenging to convey that feeling I got in Guatemala among the sponsored children and families, and getting a very true sense of how an expenditure that to a U.S. family can be relatively small (a trip for 5 to Mcdonald’s, say), can truly transform the most basic elements of a whole family’s life. If any of your readers have questions, please feel free to contact me directly! Although my sign in has my daughter’s email address, the best is Thanks everyone!!!

  • tinafisher5 says:

    Hey Bobbi!
    I love this! What a wonderful way for you to help another child.
    God Bless!

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