Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

2012 in 12 Photos / {pretty, happy, funny, real}

Hosted by Like Mother, Like Daughter

Today’s {p, h, f, r} will be joined with Dwija’s fun 2012 in 12 Photos. Enjoy!

{pretty, happy, funny, & real}

2012 was the year of embracing being a mom and homemaker. I worked on organizing my cluttered house and started the year clearing off Mama’s corner.


In February we had a stay-cation and visited Pebble Beach.

The view from our deck in March. You’ll often find the fog rolling in from the ocean until it completely covers the hills behind us.

In April our little Matthew (aka Matty) celebrated his 1st birthday. 🙂

In May I started walking more and found the beach to be one of my favorite spots.

In June we went to Point Lobos for Andrew’s birthday. I held back a tear as three of the kids walked hand in hand.


We love our family walks. This little path in the woods makes one think they’ll come across a hobbit or an elf.


In August my sisters visited us and we had a fun day at the beach with the kids.

In September the three eldest went back to school. This “mama” rose and “baby” rose reminded me of Matthew and I spending our last year ( or two) at home alone before he’s off to school too.


In October we were visited by three awesome munchkin superheroes – Spidey, Captain America and Thor.

In November we visited my family in So Cal and made our annual Disneyland trip.

On December 8, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, I launched the new Revolution of Blog site. 🙂

That was fun! Next week for Making It Count Tuesday I’ll write about how I used my 2012 {p, h, f, r} photos to make a Shutterfly photo book. Come back and check it out. 🙂

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