Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

{pretty, happy, funny, real} – vol 54

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~

Here are my favorite photos and instagrams of the week.


From Day 12 ofย  #adventphotoaday – My favorite photo of Mary. I think I already mentioned this icon when I redid our bedroom but it is still one of my favorites. I got it shortly before I met Brian and I took it with me to all the kids’ births. Whenever we travel, it is always set up in our hotel room.

Our Lady of Guadalupe that hangs in our home.


Andrew was sporting his James Dean hair for 50’s Day and he was excited to be holding the cookies he decorated at school. (He made sure to decorate four so he could give one to each of the his brothers and sister. That is so sweet…even though he didn’t bring one for me. ๐Ÿ˜‰


We keep our shoes on a shelf by the front door. It works out well until Matthew decides to rearrange the shoes. Brian texted me from work and showed me what he landed out wearing that day. That gives whole new meaning to casual Friday. LOL.


Speaking of my little spit fire, it’s been awhile since Matthew has tried to give me a heart attack. He is usually not allowed in the bathroom but one of the boys left the door open and he made a run for it. The kid is a fast worker.

Have a great evening!

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