Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

{pretty, happy, funny, real} vol 60: Trees, Ashes & Valentines

Hosted by Like Mother, Like Daughter


There are still 14 minutes of Thursday left so here are my favorite photos and instagrams of the week. šŸ™‚


These two photos were featured in today’s Theme Thursday: Trees. You can see the rest of the photos here.

A few people commented on the post about how pretty it is here and I agree! I remember the first time I visited Brian here on the Monterey Peninsula (we met online and I lived 400 miles south in So Cal) I was flabbergasted at how ridiculously gorgeous it was here. You have the beautiful green pine, rolling hills and the breathtaking ocean. I told him he was spoiled to live here! Well, I’ve been spoiled now for 13 years and it’s been lovely. That’s another reason why I want to learn about photography and using a real camera, rather than my iphone. There is so much to shoot! But I digress, back to the post.



I’m not exactly happy that Lent has started but I do enjoy the sense of buckling down and recharging my spiritual life. It’s sort of like being on vacation. As fun as it may be, it’s nice to get back home and back into your routine. A little discipline is a good thing.

The next two photos are really blurry but they still convey the idea.


I was trying to get a shot of our #ashtags but Matthew just wanted kisses. It was so sweet I couldn’t help but be happy.

Finally got it, even though it was more of a light blob than a cross.

John-Paul got the perfect cross!


{ funny}

Okay, who is trying to scare mom with the fake plastic spider in the laundry room? It’s becoming a game of “where will it show up next!”



We went to a St. Valentine’s party at a friends house. (I shared the Catholic valentines we made here.) The boys were busy decorating their bags, although I think Andrew was wondering when they would get to the treats. After the previous day of sacrifice he was looking forward to some sweets. (I don’t know how the guy is going to make it through 40 days of Lent!)

Happy St. Valentine’s Day. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be your first love!


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