Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

{pretty, happy, funny, real} vol 68 & Theme Thursday: Dad

It’s a photo celebration mash-up today as I link up with Like Mother, Like Daughter with {pretty, happy, funny, real} and with Cari for Theme Thursday: Dad. (Scroll down to {real} for that. :-))


I took this shot yesterday at the Mission in the courtyard.


At the end of the school year, Bella and Andrew’s school has its annual mini-Olympics.

Andrew was happy that this was his first year to participate.

Despite his befuddled look here, Matthew was the happy unofficial 5th grade mascot, especially loved by the girls.

This week Andrew also celebrated his Pre-K graduation. 🙂

John-Paul and Andrew look happy but Matthew is trying to figure out why there is a tassel hanging from Andrew’s hat.


The other day I took off the boys’ mattress to clean under the bed and they were ecstatic to re-create the scene in Empire Strikes Back when Luke hangs on for dear life after fighting Darth Vader.

Of the three boys, Matthew has the frame closest to his mama – short and thick, poor kid. He went for his 2 year check-up and he only weighed one pound less than John-Paul (or the average weight of a 4 year old.) We have to make sure he get s a lot of exercise and little junk food so his height can catch up with his weight. (Personally, I am still waiting to reach 7 feet tall.)

Here he is working off the weight as he runs and pushed John-Paul on a ride-along toy.


(These are the photos I am linking up with Cari’s Theme Thursday: Dad.)

When we first got married, Brian was worried about being a father. He grew up as an only child and didn’t have any experience taking care of babies or little ones. While watching her son play with the kids, Brian’s mom once commented to me how surprised she was that he seemed to take to fatherhood so naturally. I couldn’t help but smile. I knew that his loving and sacrificial heart would help him become an amazing father.

I love how the kids just love to be near him. When I see him teaching them their prayers or running around with them with a light sabers, I fall in love with him all over again.

Happy Father’s Day to my sweet man! Thank you for taking such tender care of all of us.

And Happy Father’s Day to my own daddy, to my father-in-law Bill, my brother Rob whose son was just born yesterday, my brother-in-law Vinnie and to all the amazing dads who set an example of strength, courage and sacrificial love every day. 🙂

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