Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

{pretty, happy, funny, real} – vol 32: Mother’s Day Edition

round button chicken

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~



My mother’s day flowers. I love them! (Brian finally figured out that I am not a “pink flowers” kind of girl.)


Bella gave me a flower and a flower pot that she decorated herself. She painted a picture of her fish Francis. šŸ™‚



Mama and her little man.


32c.JPGI had to laugh at the answers Andrew gave about me. According to him I am 13 years old (I love how that age is “old” to him.) I am prettiest when I sleep. (LOL) I like to make cookies. I always say I love you. (Awww.) And I am funniest when I go to sleep. I asked him why I was funny…did I snore or talk in my sleep? He said it is because on Saturday morning he woke up and Brian said he had to be quiet since I was still asleep. He said I was silly because daytime was for being awake, not sleeping. Hence my funniness. šŸ™‚


32d.jpgOn special occasions Brian will get “real” donuts. For years I have been looking for the kind I used to love as a kid – chocolate cake donuts with nuts on top. He had never seen those. Finally on Mother’s day we found one! I savored the moment and the memory. (You may notice at the top left side there is a piece missing from the bite I couldn’t resist taking, but I tried to hide it in the photo. LOL.)


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