Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Quick Take Friday – The Monday Version

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Hello?? Anyone home??
Yeah, I’m still here. I just never get around to having free time on the computer. It also doesn’t help that with my iphone, I have everything at my fingertips and rarely use my desk top anymore, which is where I used to do my blogging. Anyway, I thought I would check in while I had the urge and the spare 10 minutes. (The fact that I am avoiding a huge mound of dirty laundry is irrelevant.)

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Well, we have two more days left for our summer vacation. Two more days to train our bodies to get up early again. I’m going to miss those lazy mornings on September 1. By the way, are we the only people who aren’t back in school yet?? All the local schools are back as early as Aug 10th but Bella’s doesn’t start until Sept 1. Seems too early to return in early Aug!

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Speaking of iphones… (Remember? Back in #1.) I have to admit that I am changing my position on ebooks. I hated the idea of giving up the physical feel of a book in your hand and getting lost in the pages. An electronic device just seemed so impersonal…until I started using ibooks and other book apps. I used to never have time to read but now I fit it in often. I love having a library of books in my pocket!

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I’m not a huge macaroni and cheese fan but I’ve always wanted to try and make it myself, rather than the salty boxed kind. I while back I was watching Food Network’s What Would Brian Boitano Make? (Stop laughing. I actually like his show. And not just because I had a crush on him 20 years ago.) His mac and cheese looked so easy and tasty that I decided to give it a try. How did it turn out? One word – yum!! It is a bit on the “fancier” side as he uses asiago, fontina and gouda but the family loved it. It’s too fattening for us to eat all the time (unlike some skinny people I know who never gain wait. Ugh.) but it is a nice occasional treat. The recipe is here: Cheese Cart Mac & Cheese.

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This month John-Paul (and I) celebrated birthdays! My little JP is now a year old and I am now…well, let’s not get into that. Here is a pic of the bday boy on his big day. He’s been walking for a couple months now so he is quite mobile! - jp_8_24_10

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Here’s another pic of our clan. - kids_8_22_10

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I’m running out of time and things to say so I am going to stop here. Heck, I didn’t even do it on the right day so who cares if I don’t do the right amount. Have a great afternoon!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰

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