Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Saturday Night 7 Quick Takes, {pretty, happy, funny, real} & Answer Me This

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I spent all week finishing up my You’re A Good Mom post and never got to finish my link-up posts. So today you get a trio post with Jen’sĀ  7 Quick Takes, LMLD’s {pretty, happy, funny, real} and Kendra’s Answer Me This.

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The view from our deck.


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On Monday Brian and I went on a lunch date before he started Round 4 of chemo on Tuesday. We had lunch then walked around downtown Carmel.

I was super happy to go out with my sweetheart. šŸ™‚

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Our hallway doubles as a parking garage.

I was in the other room and heard, “You can do it, Spidey!” šŸ™‚

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The other day it was really windy outside and the boys wanted to make paper airplanes to see if they’d fly. However, John-Paul insisted that we fly kites, even though we don’t have any. I compromised. We made the airplanes and got out the Tinker Toys to create make-shift airplane kites. They had a blast. šŸ™‚

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Now Answer Me This hosted by Kendra at Catholic All Year.

1. Do you have a smart phone?

I have an iPhone and it literally goes with me everywhere and holds so much of my stuff, it’s crazy.Ā  I have the older 4S and plan to update it but I am waiting for the new iPhone 6 coming out in September. I remember that I bought my current iPhone in August of 2011 as an early birthday gift. I wanted to have it before I went into go into labor with John-Paul. I loved that I was able to post to post to Facebook and tweet labor updates as I was waking up and down the halls waiting for the contractions to get stronger. Here is one of the first photos taken with my phone.

2. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

Probably dinner since that is the meal in which we are all able to sit down together and eat. Lunch is usually something quick while I am running around picking up kids from pre-school. I am not a huge “breakfast food” fan. In fact this morning for breakfast I had a bowl on lentil soup. šŸ˜‰

3. Shower or bath?

Definitely shower. I don’t have time to bathe and even if I did I am not brave enough to sit in our tub (where I shower the boys.) Scary.

4. Think of a person you love. How many days have you been in love with that person? (Don’t worry, this site will do the math for you. And, hey, now you can order this card!)

I can’t tell you the exact date I fell in love with Brian but I know I fell in love with him before I met him in person, so I will start it on the date I read his online profile and sent him an email. Have you heard this story? It is such a God-coincidence. In a nutshell –Ā  Brian was in the seminary for 1 and 1/2 years but discerned it wasn’t his vocation. Someone recommended that he try to find a good Catholic girl on Ave Maria He came home, joined and started a novena to find the woman God meant to be his wife. On the last day of the novena he went to the chapel at the Carmel Mission, finished his novena prayers and told God that if he was meant to be married then God would just have to bring his future wife right to his doorstep. Later that night, God delivered his future wife on the doorstep of his computer. I also joined Ave Maria and sent my first email to him on the 9th day of the novena. A year later we were married at the Mission. šŸ™‚ So I have been in love with Brian for 5,683 days. šŸ™‚

5. What’s the best church you’ve ever been inside?

St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Breathtaking.

6. Happy Feast of the Visitation (on Saturday!) Has anyone ever come to help YOU?

Me, Bella and my sisters Jacinta and Bridgette.

My family is always there when I need their help, even though we live 400 miles apart. (I am in Central CA and they are in So Cal.) My mom and my sisters were especially there when I needed them most – during baby births and while Brian was sick in the hospital. Even when it is not emergency, anytime they come they always help me out.Ā  It’s not often that my entire family gets up here (I’m the oldest of 9) but I get the most visits from my parents and two of my three sisters. Elena is the only family member not living in California. I told her when Matthew turns 5 (in 2 years!) then we’d try to come to VA to visit them. šŸ™‚

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It is late so I must say good night. Have a blessed Sunday! šŸ™‚

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd or Instagram (It’s set to private but I’ll approve you.) šŸ˜‰

PPS – This post may contain affiliate links.

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