Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Simple Womans Daybook – 12/2/09

Courtesy of The Simple Womans Daybook.
FOR TODAY…December 2
Outside my window… cold and gray – finally. It’s hard to get in the Christmas spirit when it is hot outside.
I am thinking… is it REALLY December already?
I am thankful for… our fun time at Disneyland and for the great Thanksgiving with my family.
I am wearing… the usual cozies – black knit pants, white tank, gray sweatshirt jacket.
I am remembering… that I need to update my costco shopping list.
I am going… to take Andrew to the speech therapist this morning.
I am (still) readingThe Shadow of the Bear: A Fairy Tale Retold by Regina Doman ( I haven’t had much reading time lately.)
I am hoping… to finally get all the suitcases unpacked.
I am hearing… John-Paul drink his milk on my lap.
On my mind… why am I on the computer when I have so much to do?
Noticing that… my hair looks so much better after getting it professionally cut. (It’s only been five years!)
From the kitchen… breakfast is calling.
Around the house… it’s a mess.
One of my favorite things… when Brian watches the kids and I am able to get the house in order and my chores caught up without interruption.
Pondering these words… “Get off your butt and get to work.” (Ok. I’m going.)
From my picture journal… You get two pics – my little ones and me & JP.

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