Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Simple Woman’s Daybook: 1/27/10

Courtesy of The Simple Woman’s Daybook.
FOR TODAY…January 27, 2010
Outside my window… the sun is finally shining! Yay!
I am thinking… it’s been a really long time since I’ve posted anything on the blog!
I am thankful … that Brian is feeling a lot better and is able to return to work.
I am wearing… my cozies.
I am remembering… that I need to call my mom before she flies out to VA to help out my about-to-give-birth sis.
I am going… to burn my mouth on this soup if I don’t let it cool down more.
I am readingBlack as Night: A Fairy Tale Retold by Regina Doman and Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul by John Eldredge.
I am hoping… to get some serious spring cleaning done.
I am hearing… John-Paul’s breathing coming from the baby monitor.
On my mind… the upcoming construction to convert the garage into another bedroom.
Noticing that… I forgot to recharge my iphone.
From the kitchen… I see a big bag of tomatoes that doesn’t know if it wants to be a batch of marinara sauce or salsa.
Around the house… are Thomas the Train engines.
One of my favorite things… an email from an old friend that you were just thinking about.
Pondering these words… A tweet I read this morning: “You can’t EXPECT to get a woman like Mary if you’re not willing to step up and be a man like Joseph.”
From my picture journal… John-Paul turned 5 months old this week. Here he is having his first baby cereal.

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