Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Simple Woman’s Daybook (8/29/11)

Courtesy of The Simple Woman’s Daybook.
FOR TODAY – August 29, 2011
Outside my window…it is the usual August weather here – cold and foggy.
I am thinking…that I have not made a post in a week even though there has been a lot going on.
I am thankful…that my sister BC and my parents were able to spend a few days with us. And it was the first time my dad met Matthew. šŸ™‚

In the kitchen
…I can smell the leftover pasta I had for breakfast. (I’d rather have lunch for breakfast and cold cereal for lunch!)
I am wearing…capris, a black top and socks.
I am creating…a new weekly menu board.
I am going…to post a photo of my new haircut on facebook.
I am wondering…how Bella is doing on her first day of school.
I am readingSmart Martha’s Catholic Guide for Busy Moms
I am hoping…that this week is a lot less hectic than last week.
I am looking forward to…trying out my new chore schedule and seeing how much I can actually get done. (Which means I better get off this computer in the next 10 minutes!)
I am hearing…the boys playing with their train set and Matthew blowing raspberries in his swing.
Around the house…there are piles of clean laundry and ironed clothes that needs to be put away because my mom washed and ironed every piece of clothing we have before she left! (I was spoiled and loved every minute of it. šŸ˜‰
I am pondering…if I can find a low fat recipe for zucchini bread.
One of my favorite things…a fond memory. This weekend it was hearing the kids playing with their grandpa; they were giggling uncontrollably because they were having so much fun. Priceless.
A few plans for the rest of the week…continuing Operation Clean and Organize since I didn’t get very far last week with first week of preschool, JP’s birthday, the trip to the ER, doc appts, having my family over and life in general.
Here is picture I am sharing…a photo of John-Paul, the birthday boy, (he turned 2) playing on the new deck.

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  • mamabearjd says:

    Oh, the sweatshirt is killing me, it is so hot here! Don’t you love the kid-friendly deck? We had splinters for years until we were finally in a place where babies can crawl. So nice! It looks good.

  • bobbi says:

    I feel bad for those in the heat! We actually get our warmer weather in Fall. So at Halloween the kids will be sweating in their costumes. šŸ™‚ And thanks about the deck. We are loving it.

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