Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

St. Leonard of Port Maurice: Apostle of the Stations of the Cross

Here is the second of two posts from my better half, just in time for Lent.

St. Leonard of Port Maurice:
Apostle of the Stations of the Cross

by Brian

It is not uncommon to read about saints, especially those that were priests and religious, who promoted amongst the lay faithful the practice of specific devotions. For example, St. Gaspar del Bufalo promoted devotion to the Precious Blood, while Bl. Henry Suso promoted devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus. With Lent here, I would like to introduce to you a saint who was known for his fervent promotion of the Stations of the Cross, St. Leonard of Port Maurice (1676-1751).

In 1697, at the age of 21, St. Leonard joined an Italian branch of the Franciscan Order that was known for its austere way of life. With dreams of being a foreign missionary, he was ordained a priest in 1704. Shortly after his ordination, he developed a painful stomach ailment that prevented him from leaving his native country and forced him to retire to his Order’s monastery in the region of Port Maurice. After four years, St. Leonard recovered from his ailment and slowly began to give missions to the faithful in nearby towns.
St. Leonard’s reputation as a highly effective preacher grew and eventually caught the attention of Pope Cosmos III, who immediately commissioned him to give a series of retreats throughout Tuscany. His success in Tuscany reached the ears of the new Pontiff, Pope Clement the XII, who personally invited him to come to Rome and preach to the people of the city. As in Tuscany, his style of preaching touched the hearts of many Romans, bringing about numerous conversions.
What caught my attention when reading about St. Leonard’s life was his love for the Stations of the Cross. Wherever he gave a mission, he would implore the faithful to make the “Stations” regularly. The reason for this was that he recognized through this devotion a simple way for people to grow closer to Christ and to experience His Love. St. Leonard’s devotion for and faith in the Stations was so immense and complete that he erected over five hundred Stations throughout Italy. What an awesome witness to the Passion of Jesus Christ!
I am sure if St. Leonard were alive today he would encourage all of us to make the Stations of the Cross frequently, but especially during the season of Lent. The Stations are a beautiful devotion/prayer that can help us enter into the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. Each of the fourteen Stations act as stepping stones to greater virtue and greater insight into the sacrificial love displayed by Christ during the final hours of His life.
If you have never prayed the Stations of the Cross I would encourage you to begin this Lent. If you are praying them, keep it up! What makes the Stations an easy devotion to practice is how they can be tailored to your particular needs and time constraints.
“We adore you O Christ and we praise You, because by Your Holy Cross You have Redeemed the world.” Amen. God bless.

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