Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (8/21/15): Brunch, Birthday & Blessings


I was going to do an Online Daybook but I don’t have enough time. Instead I’m linking up with Kelly and posting a quickie 7 Quick Takes that will really only be of interest to my family (or close friends) since it’s mostly family news. πŸ˜‰

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This has been our last week of summer vacation and I feel like we packed more fun in this week than we did over the whole summer! (Well,Β  minus out trip to Lake Tahoe in June.) On Saturday my friend Celia (whom I met through the Blessed Is She regional Facebook group) and I hosted a Blessed is She Brunch in Monterey. We got together with old friends as well as new friends who we only knew through the Facebook groups.

revolution of love - qt_brunch_1WWe started off the day with Mass at San Carlos Cathedral to celebrate the feast of the Assumption. I love my lively family but it was a treat to sit and worship Our Lord at Mass without having to tell someone to stop making rude noises or quit poking their brother during Mass. I needed that alone time.


Afterwards, we headed over to Celia’s house. Everyone brought in a dish for the potluck and we enjoyed the deliciousness, we talked and shared stories.

Revolution of Love  - Blessed Brunch (brunch_2)We shared how BIS has touched our hearts and helped in our spiritual journey. We talked about our families, our kids, our interests and everything else under that came up. If you put a group of women together, you will never run out of things to talk about! After we closed the afternoon with prayer we said our goodbyes and planned to make this a regular occurrence. πŸ™‚


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Revolution of Love - qt_bday_2015_aWa birthday bouquet

On Tuesday, I celebrated my 35th birthday (full disclosure, I have been 35 for years now.) πŸ˜‰ My favorite gift?

Β Revolution of Love - ba_sibs_2015In the family line up it’s me (#1, the oldest)), Jacinta (#6, the athlete), Isaac (#9, the baby) and Nathaniel (#4, the artist).

A visit from my sister Jacinta and my brothers Nathaniel and Isaac. I haven’t seem them since January at my brother Jake’s wedding so it was a real blessing!

Revolution of Love - qt_bday_2015_dWe spent the day touring Monterey, specifically San Carlos Beach…

Revolution of Love - The Wharf in Montereyqt_bday_2015_eand the Wharf.

Revolution of Love Blog - qt_bday_2015_3WThere were a number of sea lions out and the kids had fun watching them swim and pose for photos.

Revolution of Love - qt_bday_2015_fWAfter walking the first mile, the boys needed a little motivation to make the second mile so we stopped at this Willy Wonka like candy store. I may have consumed a dark chocolate almond clusterΒ  rationalizing that calories don’t count as long as you are moving while you are eating. πŸ˜‰


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Revolution of Love Blog - qt_bday_2015_cWLater that evening my siblings told me to go out with Brian and they would babysit. I ran out the door before they could change their mind.

Revolution of Love -- qt_bday_2015_bWLuckily, Brian had won a free dinner at work so we were able to dine at Peppoli’s in Pebble Beach. Brian must have told them it was my birthday because this was on my menu. A birthday greeting! Fancy.

Now, Brian and I are more of a chips and salsa couple than a wine and cheese couple so we definitely were a little out of our element as we were escorted to the table, greeted by the chef, had napkins placed in our laps and given the wine list.

Revolution of Love - qt_bday_2015_gWe don’t usually eat beef, so when we go out I like I get a treat. This time I chose the beef tenderloin. It was SO GOOD.


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At one point our conversation went something like this.

Brian: I don’t like this.

Me: “Don’t like what?”

Brian: “They are treating me like, like…”

Me: “Like you are somebody?”

Brian: “Exactly! I don’t like it.”

Me: (Laughing) (In a whisper:) “I feel like I am on Downton Abbey. Look at that waiter standing by the wall with his hands behind his back. He is keeping an eye on us so he can come to our side the moment we need him. Watch this.” (I then place down my silverware and wipe my mouth with my napkin. Like clockwork, the waiter comes over and asks if he can remove my plate.

Me: (After the waiter leaves.) “I could get used to this.” (Snapping my fingers joikingly.) “Oh, Carson. The dessert menu please.” Yeah, I can get used to this.

Brian: “Well, don’t get used to this! Its back to the real world once we walk out the door.”

Me: (Sighs) “Well, it was fun while it lasted.” πŸ˜‰


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revolution of love - qt_dl_4_14kI came home and found the table decorated like this. So sweet.


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The next day I wanted to take my sister and brothers to one of our favorite spots – Point Lobos Reserve.

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We climbed our favorite trail and enjoyed the gorgeous scenery.

revolution of love - qt_bday_2015_lIt’s a tradition to take a photo of the boys on the big rock that marks the half way point of our walk.


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The last few birthdays have been a little harder with Brian being sick and going through chemo so it was a treasured blessing that this year we are all well and healthy and not going though any serious drama. There are always peaks and valley so right now I am enjoying this peak in my life. πŸ™‚

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! If you are not having the best time right now and could use some extra prayer, let me know. I’d be happy to pray for you.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads Letterboxd, Spotify or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

Saturday 7 Quick Takes (8/8/15): Periscopes, Podcasts and Pirates


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pirates_of_carThe crazy busyness of July has made way for a less busy August schedule (until school starts on the 24th) and that has allowed me to catch up on housework as well as spend some play time with the kids. This week we’ve gotten into the habit of playing outdoors until they are ready to drop from tiredness and heat. (Heat being a relative term since 80 degrees constitutes a heat wave here.) Then they come indoors and we watch a movie. I have taken the opportunity to let them view a few of my favorites. This summer they saw for the first time Jurassic Park, The Princess Bride and the entire Star Wars saga (only Andrew watched Episode 3. Anakin’s turn to the dark side was too intense for the younger boys). Next they wanted to watch The Pirates of the Caribbean. I told them okay but it would have to be a fast-forwarded version since they couldn’t watch the scarier parts.

So while they are getting settled with their snacks and being introduced to Captain Jack Sparrow, I’ll type up a short 7 Quick Takes.

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As the kids have been playing outside and building Legos or Minecraft creations, I have done some serious purging and organizing this week. I know I have been breaking blogging code by continuously promising to post some organizing results then never actually posting but the blogging code is more of a guideline so…. next week! That’s a pirate’s promise.


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I will say that while cleaning out my closets I found a treasure chest of picture frames that I had purchased on sale or clearance but that I never got around to hanging up. (I can hear my mom say, “Well, that’s a shocker.”) Sigh. I know, I know but yesterday I said, “No more!” I got a hammer and nails and got to work. Yay! Now my wall looks happy, even though there’s one spot that needs a small frame to complete the look.


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As I have been busy cleaning this week, my phone has kept me entertained with a stream of podcasts and periscopes. My newest podcast love is for Building Bridges by Jenna Guizar and Cristina Trinidad. I’ve heard half their podcast list so far (#1 – 4) and next week I will catch up with the other half. There’s some great content, fun moments and a large dash of crazy.

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Besides podcasts, I’ve also become a fan of Periscope, which is basically a social media app that allows you to interact with a person doing a live video. (You interact by typing in comments that they see live and you tap your phone screen to give them “hearts” if you like what you’re hearing.)

My favorite periscope show is Cultivating the Lovely by Mackenzie ofΒ  Bold Turquoise. Mackenzie’s daily challenge is for each of us to pick three things that we will do to bring loveliness into our busy (sometimes messy) lives. Mackenzie is also a Christian and I love how she encourages you to first spend time in prayer and the Word and then ask God what three things He would like you to work on. If you’re never caught the show live, you can watch her replays here.


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My other favorite scoper is Mystie Winckler from Simplified Organizing. I am currently taking her organizing course and being able to interact with her online has been fun.

It was Mystie’s course that inspired me to clean out the closets and Mackenzie’s quest for loveliness that inspired me to pretty up our family room. πŸ˜‰


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Since I’ve been busy cleaning and movie watching I’ve also needed some easy dinners. I found ample inspiration from Dwija’s post and link up Easy Slow Cooker and One Pot Meals Link-Up. Go check it out. There are some yummy options there!

Okay, I’ve got to run. The pirates need refills of popcorn and lemonade and a certain young scalawag wants me to find him a pirate costume ASAP. Savvy?

Have a blessed weekend!


PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads Letterboxd, Spotify or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

PPS – This post may contain affiliate links.

Online Daybook (7/31/15) & 7 Quick Takes: Brian Update, Confession & Movies

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Happy Monday! Tuesday! Wednesday! Thursday! Friday! Okay, seriously?? I’ve sat down to write this post every day this week but every time something comes up and I’m sidetracked. Oh, well. SuchΒ  is life. However, I want to make the effort to post a Daybook since many of you have asked how Brian’s cancer testing went. In a nutshell, great! For the longer version, plus a little bit of this and that, read below. πŸ™‚Β  I am linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.


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Grateful for…

  • Brian’s good health.
  • My brother’s successful surgery and that he’s back home with his family.
  • The kids’ swimming instructors and their patience.
  • Brian’s safe trip and return home.
  • The love and family and friends.

Praying for..

  • Those in abusive (physical or emotional) relationships.
  • Those who have recently lost their lives, especially under tragic circumstances, and the loved ones left behind.
  • The upcoming the BIS Brunches and those planing and attending.
  • All pregnant moms, those trying to get pregnant, those who have lost their babies (especially my sis) and for moms contemplating an abortion.
  • The souls in purgatory, especially family, friend and those most forgotten.
  • Some special intentions.



My need for Reconciliation this weekend. I can always tell when I am getting close to (or past) my monthly Confession. I am more easily impatient, short tempered and put out by inconveniences. Yesterday I was upset with Brian over something stupid and caught myself talking down to him like he was one the kids.Β  I have been trying to be careful not to do that and to lift him up with my words and actions.Β  But I was in such a foul mood that everything anyone said to me was getting on my nerves.

I know when I get like this I need to humble myself before God and receive God’s grace through the Sacrament to strengthen my soul. If it’s been awhile since you’ve been to confession, let’s both get to it this weekend! πŸ™‚


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Around the House…

As you know, I have been trying to work on the house a little each day but the progress is so slow sometimes it is depressing. I feel like I am so far behind and have so little extra time and even with the kids “helping” I don’t feel like I am making a dent. The other day Brian came home and I just broke down and cried. I felt like a failure. I let the mess get so bad that I couldn’t get myself out of it. Of course that wasn’t completely true and Brian was quick to soothe me and gently reminded me that life with a busy family means progress may be slow but it is there. After a good cry and getting the tension off my chest, I was able to see the corners of the house that did look better and how continued purging of all the junk (my hoarding tendencies really come out when I purge!) will help me make more progress. πŸ™‚


Family Chit Chat… (Brian Update)

revolution of love - cwa_bv_15aMy best friend and sweetheart.

As many of you know, Brian has been battling cancer for the last two years. He was clean as of Jan 2015. Last week he was scheduled for another round of bloodwork and a CT scan. We got the results in Monday and his scan was clean and his bloodwork was good. In fact, the doc said his levels have improved. Three months ago his bloodwork had him in the lower normal range. This time he was in the solidly middle range. It is such a relief to get this news. it is never something that we will be done with and we will always have that cloud over our head somewhat, but hopefully Our Lord will continue to bless us with health and healing.

Thank you so much to all of you for your continued prayers and words of encouragement. Brian thinks it’s a little weird that I share these things with you but I need the emotional support and prayers of my OL friends and in turn it may give an encouragement to someone else struggling with some of the things I discuss. So to you, the quiet lurker reading this who never comments, sending out an encouraging hug to you. No words need to be spoken.Β  πŸ™‚


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In the Kitchen…

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I tried a new recipe for our Thursday’s breakfast dinner. I made Martha Stewart’s oven baked blueberry pancake. We don’t use white flour or white sugar so I made it with wheat flour and coconut sugar, adding a touch of cinnamon. It was a little more dense than a fluffy white pancake but still came out tasty and everyone gobbled it up! Next time I may try using wheat pastry flour.


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(At the Movies)

Summer is movie time! Here are the latest…

me-earl-girlMe, Earl and the Dying Girl

Although I am old enough to be their parents, I enjoy watching the young adult movies filled with ironic teens who never quite talk like any teen I’ve known. Although, I happened to sit behind a group of hip, ironic teens that talked as if they belonged in one of these movies. It was kind of sweet to witness. Anyway, the movie was about a self-centered teen (Greg) who is forced by his mom to befriend a classmate (Rachel) that has leukemia. Although Rachel has cancer, the movie is really more about the self-loathing Greg learning to care about someone other than himself and risking getting hurt in order to connect with another person on a deeper level. There are touching moments and quirky humor that add to the overall movie. Rated 3 1/2 out of 5 stars or “I wouldn’t rent or buy the DVD but I’d watch it again if it happened to be on TV.” Parent’s note: The movie contains profane language, crude remarks/ behavior, a secular worldview and deals with cancer and it’s effects.

mr-holmes-ver2Mr. Holmes

Some may think that the story of Sherlock Homes has been done to death but I don’t mind the various versions. This movie is the story of a non-mythical Sherlock at the end of his life, dealing with his failing mind and his desire to right a case that he cannot remember. It is definitely more of a drama than a mystery. The story was a little slow at times (and the storyline a little depressing) but what really made this movie was the remarkable talent of Ian McKellen. He was painfully believable as a genius of a man grappling with the decline of his mental capabilities. Maybe it felt a little close to home seeing my father-in-law decline mentally but it touched me. Rated 3 1/2 out of 5 stars or “I wouldn’t buy the DVD but I’d rent it on DVD so Brian could watch it.” Parent’s note: The movie deals with some adult subjects.


Listening to …

Molecules by Atlas Genius is my song of the week. πŸ™‚


I’ve been so bad with my reading lately! I am trying to finish up Jen Fulwiler’s first book Something Other Than God so I can read her new one Like Living Among Scorpions: One Woman’s Quest to Survive Her Suburban Life.

Also on the night stand…

Lizzy and Jane



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Here are last couple of posts…

Other than the granola recipe and a couple Daybooks, it’s been quiet. I’m in summer mode. πŸ˜‰


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In the blogosphere…

When life is so busy you don’t have time to read your favorite blogs, then I recommend at least reading Catholic All Year. Kendra manages to always have great posts such as these…


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Here are some Instagrams I’ve taken these past two weeks.revolution of love - cwa_collage_7_31_15


1 – #projectblessed – Goodbye. Goodbye lawlessness. There’s a new sheriff in town.

2 – #projectblessed – Sitting. I’m sitting down with the sweet @celia.oz to plan a Blessed Is She Brunch for Monterey, CA.

3 – That moment when your daughter says, “I’ll make the boys’ breakfast so you can do your work, mom.” ❀️❀️ Mamas of young ones, one day your 13 yr old will make meals and your 8 yr will vacuum and your 5 yr old will match clean socks and your 4 yr old will set the table. You’ll have helpers soon!!

4 – #projectblessed – Street & Glimpse. You can get a glimpse into Matthew’s mind when you see what he wants for his birthday. We saw this while walking along the street of downtown Carmel.

5 – #projectblessed – Clean. I was cleaning the kitchen and found this guy. After a few swats with a shoe I realized it was from Matthew’s toy Spider-Man car. (I don’t know if I was more relieved or mad.)

6 – #projectblessed – handwriting

7 – #projectblessed – Where I live. Even on a gloomy day, there’s no place like home.

8 – It’s been a busy day but now I’m slowing down and writing a letter to a @blessedisshe__ sister.

9 – #projectblessed – Drink. After shopping with the boys I feel like I need a stiff drink.


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Bonus Take

august 1

Speaking of Blessed Is She, tomorrow August 1, it is my turn to share a Gospel reflection with you. Here’s a snippet…


So that’s what I’ve been up to lately! What about you? What’s currently happening in your life? Do share.

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads Letterboxd, Spotify or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

PPS – This post contains affiliate links.




7 Quick Takes (7/19/15) & Answer Me This


When summer began I was so excited to have some time to myself to get things done. What the heck happened? Summer vacation is half over and I feel like I am running around busier now that I was during the school year. As a result, posting here has been sparse and there have been way too may blah, blah, blah posts that don’t really serve much more than letting me unwind a little. I guess that’s okay, so sit down and kick off your heels (or flats, in my case) and join me in Kendra’s virtual cocktail party Answer Me This and Kelly’s 7 Quick Takes.

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It’s been a rainy Sunday with thunderstorm waking me up at 4:50 AM this morning. I can’t remember the last time we had a storm like that. I rushed to the boys’ room certain they’d be afraid of the loud thunder cracking over our house but they didn’t even budge. Why is it when I want to sleep in they are up at 6AM and when I am awake and ready to go they decide to sleep in. That’s a cruel joke, Mr. Murphy!

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Have you heard about Periscope? I first heard about it on one of Jen Fulwiler’s podcast. You know I love me some social media and I’ve jumped on the Periscope bandwagon craze! If you are unfamiliar, it is an app were you can post live video. As the person is recording, the names of participants come up on the lower half of the screen (you sign up with your Twitter account) and you can type in comments and questions. The ‘scoper can read and respond to your comments. There are some drawbacks – videos are only up for 24 hours, there’s no rewind or FF button and anyone can see your video unless you post it as private or block them. On the plus side, it is fun to see your favorite blogger or twitter friend live or to watch a clip of a concert or see another part of the world. It’s been fun! If you on Periscope, let me know so I can follow you. πŸ™‚

The rest of the Takes will answer Kendra’s questions.

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Β 1. What’s currently on your To Do list?

Revolution of Love Blog - planner_2015_c(My Erin Condren planner. See more info here.)

My list is filled with a lot of rip roaring fun!Β  You know, things likeΒ  – paying bills, renewing my driver’s license, filling out school forms, taking kids to swim classes, dentist appointments, doc appointments, ortho appointments, speech therapy… fun stuff, people! It’s sort of our summer routine. In June, after school is over we celebrate a slew of birthdays and go to Tahoe. In July we pack in all our classes and appointments. Then in August we slow down and do more family fun things before school starts.

Oh, but you know one thing I want to add to my To Do list – a brain dump! Have you done one of these?? I heard about it when I was watching a periscope from Mystie from Simplified She said it is one of the best things to do when you feel scattered and distracted. Yeah, that’s got my name written all over it.

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2. Better type of superhero: magic/radioactive powers? Or trauma/gadgets/hard work?


Hmm…interesting question. I think I am going to go with trauma/gadgets, hard work. There is just something about a guy (or girl) that trains and works their body to do incredible things, especially after they have suffered a trauma. It could also be because I just finished watching the last episode of Daredevil on Netflix and I love his character, flaws and all. It reminds me a bit of Batman in The Dark Knight. Would Star Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy count in that category because he’s a fave too. πŸ˜‰


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3. Finding out if baby is a boy or a girl before birth: Good idea? Bad idea?

brm_birth_2WIt’s funny that I am the type of person that HATES spoilers. I don’t want to know how a movie ends. I refuse to watch a movie unless I start it from the beginning to get the full effect of the ending but when it comes to finding out about the baby, I want to know! I like being able to call our little one by name and picture him or her and what they’ll be like. Although, it does not always work out the way you planned.

Besides Bella showing up a month before her due date and on the day of my baby shower, she had another surprise for us.

When I went for my ultrasound the doc could not tell if she was a boy or girl but he said if he was forced to choose a side, it looked more like a boy. I didn’t want to admit to anyone that I was secretly hoping that my first born would be a girl. However, I embraced my future “son” and bought lots of baby boy clothes only to be shocked when the doctor announced, “It’s a girl!” I remember my mom running to the store and buying me a bunch of pink outfits to replace all the boy clothes I had hanging in the closet.Β  So in this case, finding out did not help. πŸ™‚


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4. Have you ever appeared on a stadium jumbotron?

No, I am not much of a sport fan. I remember going to a couple hockey games with my brothers when I was growing up but no jumbotron sightings.


5. Are you more book smart or more street smart?

I guess, street smart. I probably have more practical knowledge than classical knowledge.


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6. Have you had that baby yet? (Feel free to skip this one if it’s not applicable to you.)


Well, I may look preggers but my baby was born four years ago. So let’s just drop that subject, ‘kay!

All right, guys, it is nearly midnight and I am feeling punchy so I better get some sleep.

Oh, and if I remember correctly, tomorrow is Monday the 20th and it is my turn to share my thoughts on the Gospel over at Blessed Is She. Plus, it is my turn for the BIS Monday Introductions on Instagram. It’s a twofer! So check it out. πŸ™‚

Have a great night/day!


PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads Letterboxd, Spotify or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

PPS – This post contains affiliate links.

Online Daybook (6/8/15) & 7 Quick Takes: Birthdays, Books & Movie Reviews


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I was supposed to post this Friday but I was too busy with school events! Oh, well. I’m linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes and Jenny for Online Daybook Journal.


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  • That John-Paul is back in school after a week of being ill.
  • For sunshine after days and days of gray gloom.
  • That there are only three school days until summer vacation.
  • For unexpected acts of kindness.

Praying for..

  • Those who are being persecuted for their faith.
  • That I don’t take my faith (or God’s grace) for granted.
  • All the students who are graduating and for their future ventures.
  • Those who are ill, especially for those fighting cancer, and that Brian remains cancer-free.
  • All pregnant moms, those trying to get pregnant, those who have lost their babies and for moms contemplating an abortion.
  • The souls in purgatory, especially family, friend and those most forgotten.
  • Some special intentions.



Last week I got an email from a sweet reader named Vanessa and it really brightened my day. I kept thinking about this one line she wrote.

“Thanks for giving other moms a peek into your life! Sometimes all we need is to know we’re not alone in this.”

I could not agree more!! What is that saying? “Motherhood is not for wimps!” (Or it could have been, “Pass me the chocolate. STAT!”) Either way, I am always encouraged when I hear/read about another mom share her triumphs and her trials. I am eager to rejoice with her or to give her a shoulder to cry on.

I remember awhile ago when a friend confided in me with some struggles she was having interiorly.Β  I was a little shocked, not because of what she said, but because in my eyes she was Mrs. Happy Super Catholic Mom and I envied her more than once. Once I took her off the pedestal I saw her for who she really was – a mom that has done amazing work but who also struggles in different areas of her life. I’ve felt a lot closer to her since then. I also stopped imagining that other people have this “perfect” life.

All of us Catholic moms, no… Make that all of us Catholic women should have a sort of kindred spirit. We are all in this fight together and no matter where we are in our vocation or circumstances in life, we all need support, respect and encouragement to be the women of God that we’re meant to be.

So thanks for reaching out to me, Vanessa. It meant a lot.

My challenge to you who happens to be reading this, go reach out to someone who could use a kind word or a hug of encouragement. πŸ™‚


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Around the House…

Yeah, you don’t even want to look around my house because I’ve been gone all week and am sooo behind. Yesterday Andrew had to wear pajamas when he got home from school because there were literally no more clean clothes to wear. Thankfully, this weekend I did a lot of catching up! My kids happen to still be in pajamas but it is strictly by choice, I swear! πŸ˜‰


Family Chit Chat…


Thursday was Matthew’s last day at pre-school. We have been attending the same pre-school for the past decade. All four kids are alumni and today was our last official day there. Next year Matthew will attend the big kids school in the Pre-K (or Transitional Kindergarten) class. It will be our one year to have all four kids in the same school before Bella goes off to high school. High school! Gosh, that really freaks me out! We are entering a whole new era in our family and I’m not quite sure how I feel about that! πŸ™‚

revolution of love - ajm_collage_2015_640Today is a special day because it is my sweet Andrew’s birthday! Eight years ago, after years of secondary infertility and two miscarriages, God finally blessed us with the gift of Andrew’s life. He can be funny and crazy but he is more often my soulful child who likes to ponder and think about deep subjects. He reminds me so much of Brian and I pray he grows up to be a good and holy man like his father. I love you, sweetie boy!



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In the Kitchen…

I haven’t picked out my new recipe to try this week yet. Any suggestions? I’ve got a lot of chicken in the freezer. Actually, I also have a bag of red potatoes to use up. Hmm…a recipe is starting to formulate. I’ll keep you posted. πŸ˜‰


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(At the Movies) Over the past two weeks I saw two movies.

It has been awhile since I’ve been to a great period drama movie andΒ Far From the Madding Crowd did not disappoint. Honestly, I loved it. I have never read the book (by Thomas Hardy) so I can’t tell you how it compares. The main character Bethsheba Everdene is an independent woman that comes into unexpected wealth. She sets out to prove that she can be a strong and successful mistress of her land despite the conventions of the time. Meanwhile, Everdene is courted by three suitors – a humble farmer, a rich land owner and a dashing soldier. In theory it may seem a little cliched but it works really well and you feel for not only Everdene but for each suitor, in some capacity. I didn’t know how the story was going to end and was holding my breath that there would be some tragic conclusion that would depress me but I was ever so pleased with the way the movie ended. This has definitely fallen into my “Buy the Blu-ray when it is released” category. (Parent note: Adult themes. Some sensuality. A scene of animals dying violently. It was sad but the woman sitting next to me completely freaked and was sobbing.)


The second movie I watched was Tomorrowland. I really, really wanted to like this movie but I came out thinking, meh. The story premise was interesting and the visual effects were stunning at times but in the plot there were too many moments when the movie just lagged and got boring. (Bella literally almost feel asleep on me at a few points.) The ending was getting heavy with it’s soapbox preaching, however, my favorite part of the movie was the last five minutes when they were searching for people who were creativelyΒ  making a difference in the world. It was beautiful. It’s too bad there weren’t more moments like that. This has definitely fallen into my “Sat through it once but wouldn’t watch it again” category. (Parent note: The violence is stylized and but it could be unsettling for the youngest viewers.)


(On TV)

This week Brian and I started watching the Netflix series Daredevil. We’ve only seen two episodes so far but we both love it. It is dark and gritty but very well done and it has a touch of Catholicism. I’m interested to see how it develops.


Listening to …

This song is a couple of years old but it is still a favorite and the video is just cool. Plus, John-Paul’s’ Pre-K class lip synched the song today for their end of the year ceremony. Now the song is stuck in my head but thankfully the memory is sweet. πŸ™‚




I finally finished The Girl on A Train. I gave it three out of five stars. The story was slightly confusing since it was written from the viewpoint of three women and you had to keep track of each of their points of view and whether is was a flashback or real time but it wasn’t that big of a deal. However, the lives of the women are so depressing, it’s hard not to feel a little down after reading. One is an alcoholic struggling with a number of personal issue. One is sleeping around as she struggling with pain from her past. The third is a home wrecker who has no remorse. That being said, by the time the mystery started unfolding and clues were being gathered, I could not put the book down until I found out what happened. If you were a fan of Gone Girl, then you’d most likely enjoy this story too. (Parent notes: Not for Kids. Sex is mostly implied and not graphic. Some language.)

The next book on my list…

book_mr_knightlyDear Mr. Knightley: A Novel



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Here are last couple of posts…

Pinterest Party & Link-up (vol 36): Slow Cooker Pulled Pork – The RoL Pinterest Party is back! The link-up is open for another week so join in with a new or old posts. πŸ™‚

Dating Q&A: I May Have Faults but Can’t I Want a Guy to Like Me as I Am and Not Expect Me to Be Perfect?

Dating Mr. Wrong: Questions to Ask about Your Relationship

Also, a big thanks to all those who voted for my new logo. This design was the winner.

Revolution of Love - logo_rol_mainI just tweaked it a bit with a different font and added the tagline.

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In the blogosphere…

A small sample of posts I’ve been reading and enjoying…

The Triumphant Return of Answer Me This – Catholic All (Yay!)

How to Keep the Spirit of the Visitation Alive by Heather guest posting at

Tricks to Help You Save Money and Stop Impulse Buying by

Sodality: How I came to be a “Church Lady” byΒ  Parenting with Peer Review

From Sales Manager to Laundry Lady by Little Silly

Going Deeper {Fabulously Featured at Catholic Sistas by Real Catholic

Caring for Oneself by

Why I Always Tell My Age by Annery at Home

I was going to pick one of Erica’s posts from Saint Affairs but the girl is on fire and there are too may good posts to choose one. So just head on over and read you last few posts!





One Fun Thing A Day by Big White Farmhouse

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Here are some Instagrams I’ve taken these past two weeks.

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1. #projectblessed – Plant. I am notorious for killing my plants with neglect. However, now that I’ve put Andrew in charge of watering, they’ve blossomed! No filter.

2. #projectblessed – On the ground. Go into ANY room in our house and you’ll find something similar on the ground. (I didn’t even have to pose it.)

3. #projectblessed – Waking up. Upon waking up I thank God for another day of life and pray for the grace to love Him through the happenings of the day. (Something that has yet to come easy.)

4.#projectblessed – Small. I set my alarm for 9:30am to remind me to pray for a friend at that time. A simple prayer seems so small but those prayers are like drops of water in the ocean. Alone is may not be much, but joined together with others, it goes farther than the eye can see.

5. #projectblessed – It’s time for #BISsisterhood Monday intros and #projectblessed – portrait. I’m Bobbi, wife to Brian, mama to a teen daughter and 3 Jedi aged 7, 5 & 4. I live along the coast of central Cali so I enjoy being outdoors. When I’m indoors I’m blogging at Revolution of, contributing to BIS, catching a movie or rationalizing why it’s okay for me to put off laundry until tomorrow. The question this week is what are my hopes. Short term: this summer I hope to get my house in order and get rid of the growing clutter. Long term: I hope to love God more deeply, love my husband more selflessly and love my kids more patiently.

6. #projectblessed – Reflection. The last few days have been drizzly but I love raindrops of leaves and the reflections they hold.

7. I feel like I’ve been slacking in the kitchen lately so today I’m making up for lost time. I’ve got pulled pork in the slow cooker, homemade BBQ sauce on the stove and banana bread in the oven. Next up is coconut granola.

8. #projectblessed – What I’m reading & On my table. On my nightstand table is my ridiculous stack of books I was supposed to read by the end of the year but I have a hard time just sticking with one! I’ve been forcing myself to finish one before moving on. Right now it’s “Dear Mr. Knightly.”

9. #projectblessed – Waking up & Listen. I woke up to the sound of birds tweeting. I think they were excited to see a bit of blue sky after days and days of gloom!


So that’s what I’ve been up to lately! What about you? What’s currently happening in your life? Do share.

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads Letterboxd, Spotify or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

PPS – This post contains affiliate links.