Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (2/21/14) and Theme Thursday: Dishes

I’m linking up with Jen for today’s 7 Quick Takes. πŸ™‚

AND I’m linking up with Cari for Theme Thursday: Dishes. (Scroll down to #5 for that one. ) πŸ˜‰

~ 1 ~

Mama Time – Aw, it is that magic time of the evening – 7:30 PM. We finally have our bedtime routine down pat so by 7:30 all the boys are tucked in bed with the lights out and Bella is reading quietly in her room. Andrew and John-Paul sleep in the same room and Matthew, like all the little guys did, sleeps in our room until he turns three. (Then he graduates with the big boys.) I turn off the lights and stay in the room with Matthew until he falls asleep, which takes anywhere from 5-15 minutes. In the dark, stillness of the room I either read or turn on my laptop and start typing (or browsing) for the next hour while Brian showers and prepares for the next day. Then we meet back in the family room at 8:30 to spend time together, chat and watch a show or movie. As much as I love my life as a mom, I relish this quiet time to relax after a hard day and unwind.

~ 2 ~

Tender-hearted Wrestlers – It’s funny how the boys can drive me up the wall with their antics and constant NOISE but this evening as I passed their room, I saw Andrew helping John-Paul button up his pajama top. It was so sweet to watch them working together. It reminded me of earlier in the day when Matthew’s toy broke and John-Paul said, “Don’t worry, Matty. You can play with my toy instead,” and he gave it to him. It melted my heart. So although most of the time they are jumping around and wrestling each other (and with his shirt off, Matthew has the physique of Nachooooooo) it’s nice to get those tender moments that reveal their sweet nature and loving hearts.

~ 3~

Brian Update – A big thanks for your continued prayers for Brian. He is recovering well from his surgery and will be able to go back to work in another week. Although on Tuesday he will have outpatient surgery to put a port into his chest for his upcoming chemo. I googled it to see what it looked like and it was not pretty. Let’s hope it’s better than I am imagining. The whole situation is weird because he seems back to normal (besides all the weight he’s lost) and at times I forget about this whole mess but then I remember that the cancer is still inside him. I worry that it is growing while he is recovering from his surgery. But I do my best to put those thoughts aside and ask God to grant us a miracle and banish the cancer from his body. Until then, we keep fighting.

Speaking of my sweet man, he is ready to relax and watch a movie with me so I’ll finish this in the morning. Have a good night! πŸ™‚

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Good morning. I only have a few minutes to finish this so I’ll try to get it done quickly. πŸ™‚

~ 4 ~

Jen Throws Down A Challenge – My fingers will be busy next week since Jen is hosting another blogging challenge of 7 Posts in 7 Days. It was a lot of fun the last time and I’ll see if I’ll be able to make it through next week. I have enough favorite link ups to inspire me each day of the week! πŸ˜‰

~ 5 ~

One of those favorite link-ups is Cari’s Theme Thursday, even though I am a day late for this week’s challenge of DISHES. I thought I could snap an easy pic of the dirty dishes sitting on the sink but I have a sneaky feeling some of you have a load of your own dirty dishes waiting for you. πŸ™‚ Instead I am submitting this photo I took of the banana oatmeal honey cookies (no sugar) that I got from my sister. I’ll most likely post the recipe on Tuesday’s Pinterest Party, unless my sis asks me not to because she wants to post the recipe. What say you, sis?

When Brian and I moved into our first real home (not longer renting an apartment) we decorated in a sort of Spanish Mission style. I found these red dishes at Costco and fell in love with them. (I’m not a dainty dish girl. I am a sturdy stock girl.) πŸ™‚

~ 6 ~

Mamarazzi – Spaking of photos, I’ve been having fun participating in theΒ  SlowMama Photography Challenge on Instagram. Instead of having a topic each day, we only have to take one photo a day for the month of February. So far I haven’t missed a day. For those of you that don’t follow me on Instagram (bobbi_rol), like you, Mom, πŸ˜‰ here are some shots I took with my iphone in the past week.

Β Taken at the Carmel Mission. This reminds me of a page out of yesteryear.

After we drop off John-Paul at preschool, Matthew always asks if we can “go see Dedus” (go see Jesus). I’m happy to make a visit to the Adoration chapel with him. I love to see him “praying.” He reminds me of his Daddy. πŸ™‚

Time for whole grain blueberry pancakes.

Taken the other day during one of our morning walks along the beach.

Matthew is enjoying the scenery.

During this time of year you can catch a lot of harbor seals along the beach.

It is fascinating to watch them waddle along the sand or jump into the water.

Β If you are one of my snow bound friends, I pray that the sun shines on your face and spring reaches you very soon!

~ 7 ~

Have you ever been on instagram and wanted to pin a photo to Pinterest or repost a photo that you loved? There are a few online sites that can do that but my favorite is They also have a lot of cool stats about your photos. For example, these are my top five liked photos.

Okay, my time is up but I’ll be back soon for 7 Post in 7 Days. Have a blessed Friday! πŸ™‚

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

7 Quick Takes (1/30/14): Brian Comes Home, Mr. Knightly Inspires & Twue Wuv Lives

I’m linking up with beloved Jen for this week’s 7 Quick Takes.

~ 1 ~

It’s been a loooong week. Brian went in for surgery last Friday and it has been a roller coaster ride of good moments and bad moments. However, all I can think about now is that I get to take this handsome man home tomorrow! (It’s Thurs night now so he comes home Friday.)Β  We are ecstatic! I told the kids they could stay home from school and we are having a welcome home party instead. πŸ™‚ Woohoo!

Brian will still need to go through chemo but he can’t do anything until his body is completely healed from the surgery. (He is still in some pain and barely getting used to food again.) The doc talked to him today and said the “good news” is that his panel of 16 nodes showed cancer in only one node. It is hard to think of that as good news. But then we found out that another patient down the hall had a panel of 22 nodes examined and he had cancer in all 22 nodes. Yeah, I guess when you look at it from his perspective, Brian is lucky. The doc said Brian is strong and (comparatively) young so once he gets his strength back, he can fight and beat this.Β  We are praying that he does!

~ 2 ~

My mom and my sisters are back home now so I’ll be managing the house, the kids and Brian’s recovery solo. It’s a little daunting but I know God is using this opportunity to help me grow in the virtues I struggle with the most like patience and selflessness and fortitude. Yeah, this is going to be really interesting. πŸ˜‰

~ 3 ~

This week was the 201st anniversary of Pride and Prejudice. In honor ofΒ  the day, I ordered the Jane Austen bookmarks I mentioned in last week’s Five Favorites. Okay, truth be told, I had no idea it was the 201st anniversary when I ordered them. It was just a coincidence. However, I danced a little jig when happy mail arrived from the UK. πŸ˜‰

~ 4~

Speaking of Pride and Prejudice, as much as I love the book, it is not my favorite Austen novel. Persuasion is actually my favorite. I also love Emma but that is more because I fell in love with Mr. Knightly at a time when I was choosing all the wrong kind of men. Mr. Knightly was my inspiration that lead me to dating Brian. In fact, I think I have a post about Mr. Knightly in my draft folder. I should find it and finish it. In the meantime, what’s your favorite Austen novel?

~ 5 ~

Speaking of posts in my Drafts folder, I forgot I had to finish the post about my planner. I am big on making check lists because if I don’t, all that info just pours out of my brain like a sieve. My planner is a collection of my to do lists and other info. I’ll finish it up and post it, hopefully, on Tuesday. πŸ™‚

~ 6 ~

There is still time to join this week’s Pinterest Party and Link-up.Β  My sister linked up a recipe she found on Pinterest for grain free chocolate donuts. For being a healthy treat, they look delicious! I definitely want to try them. πŸ™‚

~ 7 ~

And since I am mentioning family, congrats to my little brother Jake who recently got engaged. I am so excited to welcome Amanda into our big, crazy family. πŸ™‚

Okay, time for bed. Have a great night/day!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

Dear Diary: Brian’s Recovery & Dealing with Cancer (1/29/14)

Previous PostDear Diary: Chronicling the Last Few Days & An Update on Brian (1/26/14)

* * * * *

Monday, January 27, 2014 – 2:05 PM

That’s My Boy – I just came back from visiting Brian in the hospital and today has been a great day so far. He was finally able to get out of bed and sit in a chair without getting sick. Minor, I know, but after being cooped up in bed for so long it was a big first step. However, what I loved the most is that I saw “my Brian” again…not the worried, sick Brian with a forced smile that has been there lately, but the happy, joking, twinkle in his eye Brian that I have been missing. It warmed my heart to be with that guy again. πŸ™‚

We still haven’t gotten any results back from the biopsy but we’re praying for the best.

* * * * *

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 – 10:46 PM

I wish I could say that today was another great day but it wasn’t…………… Ugh. I’m staring at the screen and I am so exhausted physically and emotionally that I can’t get any words out. I’m calling it a night and coming back tomorrow. Night.

* * * * *

Wednesday, January 29, 2014 – 8:28 AM

Good news – Good morning. I got a decent sleep last night so I am feeling better. As I was saying before, yesterday was not a great day, although there were some good points too. Okay, first the good news, they unplugged some of the machines Brian was hooked up to and he was able to get out of bed and walk a couple times up and down the corridor with his IV pole. Yay!

He has also graduated from ice chips only to beef broth and jello, which is good. Now we just have to make sure all his bodily functions are working properly. When I came for my afternoon visit, I was excited to see him sitting up and eating. He chatted about some crazy reality TV show he saw the night before and tried not to laugh too hard because it hurt to laugh. There was my ol’ sweet guy again, not to mention he was looking cute in that beard he is growing out. πŸ˜‰

Bad News – But then we heard from his cancer doc. Although we don’t have the final results to his biopsy yet, his panels showed that there was a bit on cancer in his lymph nodes. We discussed our options and for now, Brian will be having chemo every two weeks for the next six months. The doses are lower and he (hopefully) won’t lose his hair but we were still trying to avoid this all together. Sigh.

Well, it is what it is and we just have to deal with it. Right now I have to focus on Brian getting stronger so he can leave the hospital and come back home.

Teach Me Your Paths – A friend was asking me how I was doing with all of this…I’m okay. I think having my sisters here earlier and now mom here has been a huge emotional support. Not to mention that my mom has been cleaning everything so I have a clean house on top of it all. But she leaves tomorrow and I’ve got to learn to do it solo.

I’ve been trying to put my trust in God and not worry about it but that is always easier said than done. Sometimes I don’t have any words left to pray or I think why bother praying, what’s going to happen is going to happen anyway. That is more my tiredness talking than me because I don’t really believe that. In those moments I just say, “Lord, I can’t get the words out but you know my heart completely so no words are necessary. I just want to rest my head on You.”

Through all this God is stretching me and teaching me. I can’t help but think of Psalm 25:4, “Make me know your ways, O, Lord; Teach me your paths.” There are many more lessons to come.

* * * * *

Thank you, thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement. I’ll keep you posted. Love you guys.

UPDATE: 7 Quick Takes (1/30/14): Brian Comes Home

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

Dear Diary: Chronicling the Last Few Days & An Update on Brian’s Cancer (1/26/14)

A new day brings new hope.

Previous cancer post – Theme of 2014: Work and Pray


Friday, January 24, 2014, 12:15 PM (Brian has surgery to remove cancer from his colon.)

Learning to Surrender – I am sitting here in the waiting room while Brian is having his surgery. I brought my laptop to the hospital because I knew that writing would keep me busy and help me to sort through the various emotions rushing around inside of me.

This morning after dropping off Bella and Andrew at school I went to the chapel to say a prayer. I quietly went in and slipped into the back pew. When I looked up I saw that Jesus was exposed in the Blessed Sacrament. It took me by surprise and gratitude filled my heart. It felt like a gentle reminder that Our Lord is there present and I need not worry. I poured my heart out to Him and just let the tears flow. As I sat there one question kept coming to mind – “What is the worse thing that you can imagine happening? My answer – Brian does not survive the surgery andΒ  I lose him. Then a voice within my heart said, “Even if the worse were to happen, I would give you the strength to endure.” Something in me clicked. No matter what happened, I must love and trust God above all else.

It reminded me of when I was first dating Brian. There was a point where I was convinced that he was the man I was going to marry but he was still not sure if he was cut out to be a husband and father. I remember on one of my lunch breaks from work, I went to the local church and slipped in while it was empty. I poured my heart out to God. I told him that although I felt strongly that Brian was meant to be my husband, I had to accept that God may be calling him to Himself as a monk or religious. (He had already left the seminary before I met him but he was still debating about monastic life.) I placed Brian in the hands of Jesus and Mary and asked God for the grace and strength to accept His will, whatever it may be.

I had that same feeling in my present situation with Brian. I know God is completely capable of giving us a miracle, and we are praying for one, but I also know that sometimes God has other plans. Whatever the case, I had to reach the point of just letting go completely and know deep in my heart that no matter what, God will give me the grace and strength to get through it. Either way… however it ends up…Β  my trust and faith has to be in God. That is not the easiest thing to accept, let alone live, but I pray that God gives me the grace to do so.

Well, Brian has been in surgery for two hours now and they are about half way through. Time to close the computer and say another rosary.

Fri – 2:30 PM

The First Hurdle: The Surgery – The doctor finally came out around after 3 1/2 hours. He is very nice and very good at what he does but he is also a stoic man so when he walked towards me and my father-in-law with a severe look on his face I thought, “Ohmygosh, Brian died on the operating table.” Without change of expression he said, “It all went well.” It took a minute for the words to register but once they did, what a relief. The surgery was more difficult this time around since the cancer was embedded deep into his colon. Thank God that with the use of modern technology and cutting edge tools, they were able to get in there and remove it. While Brian was cut open he also inspected his other organs and saw that they were clean. He was pleased with the operation and said Brian looked clean but on the other hand, he looked clean after the first operation but the cancer still came back. He said it is rare for that to happen since most of the patients in Brian’s situation remain cancer free.

Next they will do a biopsy and we’ll meet with Brian’s cancer doctor to find out what stage the cancer is and whether or not he will need to to have chemo. We are hoping we can avoid it although they are worried that in Brian’s case he may need it anyway. But I can’t think about that right now. I am just happy that my sweetheart is alive and recuperating. So, so happy!! We jumped over the first major hurdle and we’ll handle the next hurdle when it comes.

I am also incredibly grateful to everyone that has lifted us in prayer. I cannot express how much it means to us to have so many people praying for us and caring for us. It is a true example of how we are all one family united in Christ – brothers and sisters looking out for one another. It brings tears to my eyes. πŸ™‚

Thank you, God, for showing mercy on your son Brian and on our family. Please continue to heal him and make him strong once again.

Β * * *

Sunday, January 26, 2014 – 11:30 AM

It’s Sunday morning and I am in the hospital room with Brian. He is really tired so I told him to close his eyes and get some rest and I’ll stay with him and do a little writing. He smiled and closed his eyes.

Yesterday was a difficult day. Brian was having a hard time with the pain and the stress of the operation was taking a toll on his body. He had gotten a fever and his heart rate was up and his oxygen down. At one point when they tried to sit him up he got the shakes and became ill. They said it is not uncommon considering what Brian has been through, but I felt so bad for him. I could see that it troubled him. I told him not to worry and that he just needs to give his body time to heal and get better. It was only the first day after the surgery!

The next morning (today) he seems in better spirits and in less pain, although he is still very tired. He will have his physical therapy later today and hopefully he does better this time.

Star Wars/Superheroes vs The Aunts (Photo by Bridgette)

Sisters, Sisters… – My sisters have been doing an awesome job at keeping the kids occupied, not to mention making my house sparkle! Bella and the boys were eager to finally go see Brian. He loved seeing them as much as they loved seeing him, although I could tell it troubled Bella to see her big, strong daddy sick in bed. John-Paul was a chatterbox and kept saying, “What the heck?! Daddy, why are you in that bed?” Andrew was quiet with wide eyes and Matthew wanted to know when Doc McStuffins was arriving. πŸ™‚ It was nice that Brian could have a little taste of home in the hospital. πŸ™‚

Sunday – 10:30 PM

I just got home from visiting Brian. We watched Downton Abbey together and by the end of it we were both tired so I kissed him good night and drive home. I hated saying goodbye and this bed feels awfully empty without him in it. I am praying for the day we can bring him home again.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and words of support!!! I’m not sure how long Brian will have to stay int he hospital but he won’t be able to eat for 5-7 days until everything heals up. In the meantime, please continue to pray for Brian as he heals – both for his body and his soul, that his spirits stay high and that he realizes how much inner strength he possesses. Have a good night. Love you guys. πŸ˜‰

UPDATE: Dear Diary: Brian’s Recovery & Dealing with Cancer (1/29/14)

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰


St. Peregrine Novena for Cancer Patients

A big thank you to all of you who commented, emailed, facebooked and instagrammed your prayers and support for Brian. We truly appreciate it!

I was having a difficult morning and could not stop the tears but after reading a few of your emails and the encouraging words, I was was able to take a deep breath and get a grip. Plus, now that we have a course of action in play, I feel more on track to help Brian fight this.

Brian did meet with his surgeon today and they looked over his tests and it seems that the cancer has not spread to any other areas, so that’s good. He is scheduled to have surgery Friday, January 24. Thankfully, my sister will come up to watch the kids so I can spend time with Brian in the hospital and when she leaves my mom will come up to help while he is in recovery. I am incredibly grateful.

Also, a number of you also mentioned that is currently praying a Novena to St. Peregrine for cancer patients. We missed the first day, which started yesterday but we will join them and pray Day One and Day Two tonight in order to catch up. I hope you’ll join us too.

Thanks again. I’ll keep you posted.


PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰