Source – ITV
(SPOILER ALERT: Do not read this post if you have not watched last night’s episode yet.)
It is difficult to comment on this episode because of the horrific attack on Anna. Unfortunately, or fortunately rather, I accidentally saw a spoiler a few days ago that said Anna was attacked by Green. It said it was in episode 3 so I thought it was going to be next week and I’d warn you guys today. But I forgot in the UK last night’s episode was #3. (In the US we watched episode 1 & 2 for he premiere.)
Anyway, I was shocked when I read it but at least it prepared me beforehand. I wonder if I would have suspected it as I was watching Green and Anna interact with each other. (Was it a shock to you or did you see it coming?) Instead it just made me sick to my stomach to see him act friendly towards her knowing what was to come, particularly since Bates sensed that something was off with the guy. But when the actual scene came on… to hear her screaming and fighting him… I can’t think about it or I’ll either burst into tears or become so raving angry that it will affect my mood towards my own family. Then to watch Green waltz around downstairs and say goodbye to Bates and Anna as if nothing happened, had my blood boiling. After the episode I literally had to stay up and watch a lighthearted show so it would not be the last thing on my mind before going to bed.
And if that was not enough to make us suffer, we also had to watch Edna lay the ground work for own sexual assault.
Tom – It was painful to watch Tom this episode. He had made such tremendous progress in being a part of the DA family and doing well in his work and helping out Lady Mary but this time we saw his old insecurities as he felt out of place and missed his lost love. I also find it odd that no one seems to be concerned about his loss of Sybil. Little comments have been made in several episodes where it almost seems as if they forgot that he lost his wife. However, nothing was more painful than watching Edna prey on him.
Edna – As Bates would say, “She gets my goat.” I already mentioned last week how much I don’t like her but last night she stooped to a new low. She sickened me with her plot to get Tom drunk (drugged?) and then sneaking into his room… Is there any chance he snapped out of it and threw her out before it was too late? If she purposely gets herself pregnant I think I will lose it.
Okay, let’s try to focus on some of the lighter sides of this episode.
Dowager Countess – Her best line of the night…
Violet: I’m afraid Tom’s small talk is very small indeed.
Robert: Not everyone can be Oscar Wilde.
Violet: That’s a relief.
Mary & Lord Gillingham – I find it interesting that Mary was allowed to test the waters, so to speak, with a character that is romantically involved with someone else. I think it helped her to let her guard down and open up to him. I really enjoyed the scene of Mary and Lord G on horseback. I love how she shared about Matthew and how he changed her. It is true that the Matthew was able to melt the ice queen. However, being open to deep love also means being vulnerable to deep pain. But I love a less icy Mary more and hope she continues to heal and finds a healthy balance between strength and sensitivity.
As for Lord G, he doesn’t seem too attached to his intended but I don’t mind since I think he is lovely. He seems like a gentleman (except for his earlier faux pas when he asked if she had children) and a decent man and genuinely concerned about Mary and her well being. No one could ever take the place of Matthew but I would like to see Mary happy once again with a good man. Now whether or not he is good remains to be seen. We all know that if there is too much happiness then Fellowes must plan something unspeakable to happen to our beloved characters (death, assault, false imprisonment, betrayal…). Sigh. If I wanted reality, I’d watch the news. Moving on.
Sampson – Brian and I spent the first few minutes of the show trying to figure out where we saw the actor that played Sampson before. I allow myself 10 minutes of racking my brain until I have to pull out my phone and look it up. Thankfully, it came quickly that he was Richard from Bleak House.
Gregson – I may not trust Edith’s boyfriend and think he will cause her future heart ache (this is DA after all) but I did relish the scene where he outsmarted the card sharp Sampson. He even managed to temporarily win over Robert buy winning back his bacon.
Mrs. Crawley – It was so sad to watch Isobel struggle with living life and mourning her dead son as others were “moving on.” I can only imagine the pain it would be lose ones only son and to hardly ever (?) see your only grandchild. Now that her pet project (Mr. Griggs) is gone she needs something else to give her some purpose. Is the doctor married? I could picture them side by side curing the ills of the world.
Carson & Robert – Their snobbery was reaching new heights this episode. Although, when Robert shows it I roll my eyes. When Carson shows it I laugh and think, “You are so silly, Carson, but I love you.”
- I find it hilarious that the table is set with the use of rulers.
- I had to laugh at Cora and Robert’s conversation about the evils of gambling with Robert agreeing and hiding the fact that he lost his own small fortune to Sampson.
- What was up with Mrs. Patmore? She needs to let the girls take the reigns a little more often so she doesn’t have a real heart attack.
- Kudos for Alfred making a delightful sauce. He needs to get in the kitchen more often.
- Cora – The strong and sensible Cora was back tonight. Her best line, “Am I the only member of this family that lives in the 20th century?”
- Mosley – I love our little Debbie Downer. His best line of he night… Mrs. Patmore: Are you a footman now? Mosley: I’m having my career backwards.
Well, usually I am so excited for the next episode of Downton Abbey but I am not this time. We will have to watch the painful aftermath of Anna’s attack as she understandably distances herself from Bates. No more knowing looks and stolen kisses. I just pray it does not do irreparable damage to their marriage. And we will see what damage Edna has done. That (bleep.)
My only consolation is that after next week’s Downton I will get to watch Season 3 of Sherlock..a show I love as much as DA. Okay, that’s it for now.
Let me know what you though of the episode? Did you see all the heartache coming or was it a surprise? What do you think of Mary and Lord Gillingham? Spill. 😉

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