Oh, my gosh. What an episode. It was emotionally draining. I don’t know where to start to make a coherent paragraph. But I know my mom will be checking the blog this morning to see what I thought. For now I will simply post the Twitter-like comments I made while I was watching the show. They pretty much cover what I thought as it was happening. If I have time later I’ll make longer comments. Feel free to share your own thought too!
Okay, the ride begins!
I love the Downton Abbey theme song. Do you know you can buy the soundtrack?
Are they making Cora annoying so we’ll be sympathetic to Lord Grantham’s attraction to Jane?
How come every time Lord Grantham is alone Jane immediately shows up? It’s ridiculous.
Sir Richard has arrived. Boo.
Thomas is working in the black market. That suits him.
Sir Richard wants Anna to be a spy? I don’t think so!
Lord Grantham feels worthless. You need a cause or a hobby. #idlehands #devilsplayground
I totally had to google “Theda Bara.” #carsonhumor
Carson turns Lady Mary down and her surliness comes out again.
Lord Grantham! Kissing Jane! Nooooooo! I may have seen it coming but I’m still disgusted with him.
It’s a miracle. Matthew walks.
Dr Clarkson, what kind of explanation is that? #stupid
Oh boy. The writing is on the wall. Bates unknowingly bought the poison. Bates will be arrested.
Does Lavinia only wear green?
Poor Mary. She not only has to bear Matthew marrying someone else, it will take place in her home.
Lady Sybil has chosen Branson. Not sure how this will work out.
But it is nice to see Branson humbled and touched by Sybil’s declaration of love. He’s usually too proud.
The chasm between Lord Grantham and Cora widens. I don’t like this.
Despite my feelings against Thomas that pinstripe suit and red tie looks very smart.
Cheeky Ethel eliminates the middleman. She’s heading straight for the dining hall.
Well now we know where Major Bryant got his charming disposition. He’s just like his father. #paininthearse
Mary is certainly stuck with her choice… And it’s bringing out the worst in her.
Matthew you are a true man of honor for sticking with Lavinia but I still want you with Mary.
They are clapping for Matthew when he stands and walks. We have been doing the same with our little Matthew.
Vera wrote a letter implicating Bates. Her vile ways are reaching out beyond the grave.
Sybil on her way to Gretna Green. I’m getting flashbacks of Lydia and Wickham.
Gretna Green must have been their version of Las Vegas.
Good thing Edith knows how to drive.
Thank God they stopped Sybil from doing something she’d regret. Branson still does not sit well with me.
Oh no. Lord Grantham is alone again. Cue Jane. She should slip in any minute. Yep, there she is. Sickening.
Carson’s Spidey senses are tingling. He knows something’s up.
Talk about karma. Thomas finally gets a taste of someone being rotten to him.
Mrs. Crawley, don’t dare through out Matthew’s toy dog. But Lavinia is getting suspicious.
Thomas has been taken for the fool he is. Somehow this revenge doesn’t taste sweet. I feel a little sorry for him. (It shouldn’t last long.)
Lavinia, no one is rooting for you but I still like you very much.
Don’t worry about upsetting Granny, Sybil. She’s one tough cookie.
Lord Grantham is mad at Branson for “seducing his daughter.” What about you messing around with the chamber maid?
You, hypocrite, I’m still mad at you.
The Bryants want to see Ethel and Baby Charlie? How much you want to bet they want to keep the baby and throw Ethel away?
Branson says, “I have no shame. I have great pride in the love of that young woman and I will strive to be worthy of it.”
That’s the best thing I’ve heard out of his mouth so far.
Poor Edith. You’ve paid for your past bad behavior. Now you need love and a purpose. I’m rooting for you.
I’m with Cora being “American.”
Thomas is being nice? “It’s wonderful what fear can do to the human spirit.” TouchΓ©, Mrs Patmore!
Good grief, you’d think they’d all have hangovers after every fancy dinner. #gotwine?
Oh boy, the illness begins. Who will succumb??
Brave Anna. Claim your man!
Best line so far – Granny, “…wasn’t there a masked ball in Paris when cholera broke out. Half the guests were dead before they left the ball room.” Lord Grantham, “Thank you mama. That’s cheered us up no end.”
Cinnamon and milk for Spanish flu? Who knew?
Matthew and Mary are having their dance. “Can you manage without your stick?” “You are my stick.” Corny, yet I still swoon.
Oh Matthew and Mary, you’re killing me. Shall you kiss? And there it is.
Oh, yes. Lavinia. Back to reality.
Molesley is merely drunk. Lol. Classic.
Oh no. Lord Grantham is in a robe. He is standing in front of a bedroom. Jane wants to help. Not good. Don’t you dare go there. Oh my God, I’m going to be sick.
Lord Grantham, I’m hating you right now.
Brian is scolding Lord Grantham saying, “Push her away. Get out of there. Stop it!” That’s my man. You remember that!
It’s not fair to Jane?? What about your dying wife? Oh how I want to smack you right now. Ugh!
Lord Grantham is trying to reason with Branson. Every word coming out of his mouth is turning my stomach. I can’t look at him.
Lord Grantham asks if Jane is sick. Now Mrs. Hughes Spidey senses are tingling.
O’Brien is making up for past sins. It’s strange to see her kind.
Finally a bit of good news. Anna and Bates wedding date is set. But will they ever make it??
Ah, yes. Mr Sunshine is there to steal his grandson Charlie. The one he affectionately calls the “housemaid’s bastard.”
I think Mr. Bryant needs to go visit the sick rooms. Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll get the flu next. #tryingnottoswear
This episode is just making me angry. I’m so disappointed in some characters.
The anger is melting. Lavinia is making me cry. “I’m a little person, an ordinary person…” she actually has much strength.
And the moment is spoiled with the presence of Sir Richard. Send him to the sick rooms with Mr. Bryant.
Oh my goodness. Will Cora die??
Thomas is still being nice?? What’s his angle?
Is he gunning for Mr. Carson’s job. Now that’s the Thomas we know.
It’s Lavinia and not Mama? She is dying to set Matthew free. Her last act of kindness and sacrificial love. I rooted for you
until the end, Lavinia. Rest in peace.
Here come the tears. I’m an emotional wreck. Blast you, Downton Abbey.
Lord Grantham is holding Cora’s hand but is he wishing it was Jane’s? He does not look remorseful. #gag
Ethel keeps her baby. I don’t want him to be poor but I don’t want him living with Mr. Bryant either.
Anna and Bates. Will they get through the vows? I keep imagining the police breaking in and stopping the ceremony Jane Eyre style.
Oh God. Must I suffer another scene with Lord Grantham and Jane. How much more can we take?
A last kiss? Does no one worry about being caught in that house? I can imagine Thomas lurking in the shadows securing himself ammunition for the next blackmail. I guess not.
Sigh. I guess I can be happy Lord Grantham sent Jane away before he went to the point of no return. But my view of him is forever scarred.
Wow, Anna. A honeymoon suite! That’s how I felt at Pebble Beach.
Yes, Jane. It is for the best. Keep on walking. #homewrecker
Aw, Bates and Anna. But after seeing everyone so covered up its weird seeing them undressed. And that’s some white skin. #getsomesun
At least William’s father gets some comfort. Keep your mouth shut, sweet Daisy.
Matthew, your grief is not allowing you to think straight. You are not cursed. But Lavinia may come back to haunt you if you do not find happiness. It was her deathbed wish.
(And you are looking a little goth in your black clothing and ultra pale skin.)
Sir Richard comes to take Mary away. If she stays with him she will revert to her old selfish and haughty ways. We get a glimpse of it whoever she is with him.
Only Matthew brings out the best in Mary.
I’m glad Lord Grantham relents and doesn’t cut ties with Sybil. I pray she has a happy life with Branson.
Granny is going to spin the news and turn Branson into a desirable son-in-law. Love her.
The other shoe has finally dropped. Bares is arrested.
Anna standing there alone. Trying to be brave. Her chin is quivering…
(She too is ultra pale. Is everyone turning vampire-like?)
What a show! I can’t believe there is only one episode left.
At least I don’t have to wait until Sunday. My blu-ray will be playing tonight. π
Well, that’s it for now. As I read over this a few things come to mind and perhaps I’ll get a chance to expand on it later.
The marriage of Lord Grantham and Cora makes me think of how they drifted apart. How he felt useless and gave into temptation. How no one is immune to falling and it takes work to keep a marriage going properly. Second, as much as I think Vera would kill herself to ensure Bates was blamed and put to death for it, I can’t help but think Sir Richard is behind all this. Third, I hope this Mary and Mathew drama is not dragged on into Season 3. It may be good for the show but it’s bad for my nerves. Okay, dishes are calling so I better get to work.
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