Today I am linking up with Cari for Theme Thursday. I was happy that the subject was trees since yesterday I started walking again and took my favorite trail.
Although Cari and many of the other bloggers linking up actually know something about photography and are quite talented, they have kindly allowed us wanna-be’s to participate. I admit that I love photography and I’ve always had an interest in it but I’ve never gotten beyond a point and shoot camera. I’ve wanted to buy a big girl camera but always hesitate because I seriously know nothing about apertures and ISO’s and UFO’s and macro something or other. I’m lost.
However, Cari lit a fire under my butt and I dug out my old Canon Power Shot SD4000 and was determined to switch out of auto and fiddle a little with manual mode. Don’t judge. Baby steps, people.
Okay, the first three shots were taken with my iphone. These are the actual photos. No filters used.
Now this is the part when I was trying to find the macro setting on the camera, which was a comedy act in itself. I finally found the little tulip icon and tried to get a couple of shots of the branches.
If you look closely, you can see spider web strands to the right.
The branch is not centered on this one but I liked the contrast of the large blurred tree in the back.
I must admit that playing around with the camera was fun and it made me want to go find those tutorials Cari mentioned so I could learn some of the basic terminology. Who knew that raw had nothing to do with red meat? 😉
Thanks again to Cari for hosting. I can’t wait to see everyone’s take on the theme!