Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Theme Thursday: Bright & {pretty, happy, funny, real} vol 70: Kitchen Remodel Edition

It’s been busy, busy, busy here lately and I took an unintentional week off from blogging. In fact today’s photos were originally supposed to be for last week’s {p, h, f, r} and Theme Thursday’s: Rooms but since I didn’t take these photos until last night, it didn’t work out. haha! So instead of wallowing in my procrastination I looked on the bright side and started a fresh week instead. (Way to keep in theme, right!)

Seriously, I happened to be looking at some old photos of our kitchen before we moved in and the room is SO MUCH BRIGHTER that I thought heck, I can use the kitchen photos for this week’s theme “bright” instead. So here we go with a TT and {p, h, f, r} mash-up.

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

To put these photos into context, you have to see what our kitchen looked like before we moved in. The home belonged to Brian’s grandmother but she passed away and his aunt that lived with her was moving into a retirement home because she could no longer care for herself. (She has since passed away too.)

To make a long story short, Brian and I (along with a then 4 year old Bella ) would move out of our apartment and into this home. The house was built in the 70’s and I was both elated to have a place of our own and overwhelmed by the remodeling that would need to be done.

We couldn’t afford to do everything at once so slowly we worked on it and little by little and nearly 8 years later, we’ve made our kitchen one of the bright spots of our home.

And before you start thinking, “Wow, she has such a clean kitchen!” you must understand that it took me not minutes but HOURS to wash all the dirty dishes piled in the sink, clear off all the junk and clutter of the counters, wipe off all the smears of peanut, butter, jelly and other sticky substances on the cabinets and vacuum up all the crumbs and stray legos off the floor, wipe the layers of dust and grease off the stove and oven AND start another bag of unused kitchen items overflowing from the cabinets that I will donate to charity. I started cleaning when Brian left for work in the morning and wiped off the last counter when he came home for dinner. He walked into the kitchen and said, “Whoa!” So this is my kitchen after I’ve spent all day cleaning. I would have taken photos of it a mess but that was just too stinkin depressing. Okay, carry on!

It may still seemed a little cluttered to someone who prefers a minimalist approach, but it reflects me. It’s a collage of different items that evoke happy memories or people that I love.

My favorite aspect of the room is the kitchen window that looks out to trees and mountains. I waited until the evening to take this shot because it was the first time we saw any blue sky. It is normal for our summers to be covered with a thick fog, which rolls in from the ocean to the right of us.

I think this is Brian’s favorite spot of the kitchen. His coffee station is ready to wake him up in the morning. Which reminds, me if you are a fan of Mystic Monk coffee they now make single cup coffee pods called Monk shots. (They work just like k-cups.)  Brian loves the stronger flavor so much he finished the last box and now I have to order more. 😉

I think Matthew’s favorite spot is the fruit corner where he loves to take an apple and make his own apple sauce. This would be fine except that he uses his mouth to do it and all the peelings can be found all over the house. Something like this…

But when I look for the culprit, all I find it this under the bed…

Okay, back to the kitchen. Remember this wall?

I had a hard time figuring out what to do with it.

I finally got a small metal shelf from Costco and use it to hold our microwave toaster and other larger appliances. We have finally reached a point where Matthew no longer opens up and dumps the flour on the floor (he’s too busy with his fruit) so that’s sort of a good thing I guess. Behind the door there is our family calendar and bulletin board/ command station

Finally, these pictures are the latest things I’ve added to the walls.

These two are my favorites. I looove the retro feel. I picked them up awhile back at my favorite store. (Target, for any newcomers. ;-))

I need this reminder ALL. THE. TIME. (Picked up at Hobby Lobby.)

I saw this at Staples (of all places) for 75% off. I love it because it has six birds, the size of our family, and because it matches the bird “home” decor in the family room.

Okay, I think I have subjected you to enough photos for the week so I better sign off. Thanks to Cari and LMLD for hosting!

PS – Don’t forget that next Tuesday is our Pinterest Party. Share your creativity! (Or epic fails. ;-))

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{pretty, happy, funny, real} vol 70 & Theme Thursday: Freedom

It’s another photo mash-up today as I link up with Like Mother, Like Daughter with {pretty, happy, funny, real} and with Cari for Theme Thursday. The theme this week is “Freedom” and although I was thinking of various red, white and blue subject matter, I never had a chance to plan anything. Instead I was enjoying a day of picnicking and hiking with my family.

We took a different trail that lead us to a high (but not too high) hill that overlooked the ocean and the forests of Point Lobos. As the cool wind whipped around us and we breathed in the glorious views, I called to mind the scripture from Romans 8:18-21. (I couldn’t remember the exact wording so I had to look it up later. ) It reads:

“I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God; for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of him who subjected it in hope; because creation itself will be set free from its bondage of decay and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God.

It is a gentle reminder that our faith should not be shaken when we look around at all that is wrong in the world. Whatever crosses we are bearing now, they will not compare to the Resurrection to come. Creation itself groans at the disorder caused by sin. Yet when we gaze upon the beauty of God’s nature we see his power and ironically, his gentle touch. It is like a soothing balm to a weary soul. It is then that we experience freedom from despair because we know God will never abandon us and he will always give us the strength to complete the mission before us.

So although, these photos are void of the usual patriotic symbols, for me they are a reminder of God’s gift of freedom as well as the biggest blessings of my life – my family.

{pretty, happy, funny & real}

We started our trail at the parking lot as pointed out by the photo.

We went up the rocky hill trail. (You can see someone walking along to the trail at the upper right hand of the photo.)

Matthew was having a fit because he didn’t want to hold anyone’s hand so Brian stood at the bottom of the hill with him as I went ahead with Bella, Andrew and John-Paul.

We made it to the top and on the other side of the hill, this was our view.

Beside us some deer where enjoying their lunch. As I was snapping this photo Bella said she saw Brian coming up the hill. I told her it couldn’t be him.

But there he was with Matthew running beside him. Matthew’s hair was blowing and his arms were stretched out like a soaring eagle. My first thought – the freedom of childhood innocence and joy.

Upon seeing Brian the boys cheered and ran to him. Matthew then became a dinosaur. I looked at Brian and said, “God, I love that man!”

At this point we were tired and wanted to go home but not without one last shot of our view back as we descended the hill. (Unfortunately, I am not skilled enough to really do the view justice so this will have to suffice. ;-))

Happy 4th, everyone!!

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{pretty, happy, funny, real} vol 69 & Theme Thursday: Black & White

It’s another photo celebration mash-up today as I link up with Like Mother, Like Daughter with {pretty, happy, funny, real} and with Cari for Theme Thursday: Black & White. (Scroll down to {funny} and {real} for that. :-))

I know I already had two photos of Lake Tahoe for last week’s Theme Thursday: Water and some on Tuesday’s Pinterest Party & Link-up: Travel Tips but I promise this will be the last time I post photos from this trip. LOL. 😉


On the drive to Lake Tahoe along Hwy 50 I pulled to the side of the road to snap this photo. The drive up there is as gorgeous as the destination.

One of our favorite spots is the Taylor Creek Visitor Center and Trail.

Along the trail.

The sun shining through the trees.

A view of the mountains.

Where we stayed during our trip.

The boys are following in their father’s footsteps on trail behind our hotel.


Happiness was beach day! It was a completely different experience from playing along the ocean. I am always worried about the kids and the pull of the waves but the lake was so calm, it was lovely and peaceful. (At least until a boat went by :-))





One of those speed boats went by and kicked up some waves. The boys giggled like crazy as they played “Don’t let the wave get you.”


After one of our picnics the boys wanted to play Star Wars. Matthew found the perfect light saber, even if he could barely lift it. 🙂


I used my iphone to snap this one of Brian, my parents, my sister and the kids walking through the forest. I was so, so blessed to have my them (my dad, mom and sis) with us on our trip.

I liked the way the sunlight was breaking through a tiny patch between the trees.

A close-up of a tree.

I hope you enjoyed this peek at our trip. 🙂

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Theme Thursday: Water


I knew I was going to be out of town on vacation for this week’s Theme Thursday: Water so I took photos before I left. However, I could not resist also adding two photos I took yesterday at Lake Tahoe.

We got a rare rainfall last week and I loved the way the water droplets were hanging from a spider web in our front yard.


I also spied this flower covered in water droplets hiding behind numerous leaves.

My add-on photos…

I love Lake Tahoe. The combination of the water, the trees and the mountains makes it breathtaking. I snapped this photo from our spot on the beach.

This may not be as “majestic” but I love the water running over rocks.

Thanks to Cari for hosting!

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{pretty, happy, funny, real} vol 68 & Theme Thursday: Dad

It’s a photo celebration mash-up today as I link up with Like Mother, Like Daughter with {pretty, happy, funny, real} and with Cari for Theme Thursday: Dad. (Scroll down to {real} for that. :-))


I took this shot yesterday at the Mission in the courtyard.


At the end of the school year, Bella and Andrew’s school has its annual mini-Olympics.

Andrew was happy that this was his first year to participate.

Despite his befuddled look here, Matthew was the happy unofficial 5th grade mascot, especially loved by the girls.

This week Andrew also celebrated his Pre-K graduation. 🙂

John-Paul and Andrew look happy but Matthew is trying to figure out why there is a tassel hanging from Andrew’s hat.


The other day I took off the boys’ mattress to clean under the bed and they were ecstatic to re-create the scene in Empire Strikes Back when Luke hangs on for dear life after fighting Darth Vader.

Of the three boys, Matthew has the frame closest to his mama – short and thick, poor kid. He went for his 2 year check-up and he only weighed one pound less than John-Paul (or the average weight of a 4 year old.) We have to make sure he get s a lot of exercise and little junk food so his height can catch up with his weight. (Personally, I am still waiting to reach 7 feet tall.)

Here he is working off the weight as he runs and pushed John-Paul on a ride-along toy.


(These are the photos I am linking up with Cari’s Theme Thursday: Dad.)

When we first got married, Brian was worried about being a father. He grew up as an only child and didn’t have any experience taking care of babies or little ones. While watching her son play with the kids, Brian’s mom once commented to me how surprised she was that he seemed to take to fatherhood so naturally. I couldn’t help but smile. I knew that his loving and sacrificial heart would help him become an amazing father.

I love how the kids just love to be near him. When I see him teaching them their prayers or running around with them with a light sabers, I fall in love with him all over again.

Happy Father’s Day to my sweet man! Thank you for taking such tender care of all of us.

And Happy Father’s Day to my own daddy, to my father-in-law Bill, my brother Rob whose son was just born yesterday, my brother-in-law Vinnie and to all the amazing dads who set an example of strength, courage and sacrificial love every day. 🙂

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