Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

1/23/04 – the friday five: the favorite edition

Sorry I haven’t been around in awhile but I had “computer overload” and was burning out so I needed to stay away from the computer for a bit. But I always know time is up when I start getting emails asking “where are you?” and “is anything wrong?” I’m touched that you care and I’m a little amazed that anyone even notices. Well anyway, I’m back and it’s time to post here, update RoL and answer emails again but before I start… let’s have a moment of fun with the friday five. If you don’t have a weblog but want to answer, feel free to add your own answers in the comment box!
The friday five: At this moment, what is your favorite…
1. …song?
Breathe by Jennifer Knapp. I’ve only heard of her recently and just bought her newest CD A Diamond in the Rough: The Jennifer Knapp Collection and I’m really enjoying it.
2. …food? Hmmm…the spicy chicken platter at our favorite local Mex restaurant.
3. …tv show? Hard one since I don’t watch TV shows per se – but we’re old movie addicts (thanks to TCM channel) and I’ve been on an A&E binge. I just saw Daniel Deronda and am now reading the book. And I’m almost done with my “favorite literary adaptations” list.
4. …scent? LizSport by Liz Claiborne – has a “clean” smell without being too “phoophee”. But the bottle is almost empty so I may try something new.
5. …quote? “If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world ablaze.” – St. Catherine of Sienna. It’s something I need to remind myself of often!

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