Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

The Simple Woman’s Daybook: June 2012

Courtesy of The Simple Woman’s Daybook.
FOR TODAY – Monday, June 4, 2012
Outside my window… it is cold, grey and drizzly raining. I don’t think the sun will break through today.
I am thinking… that it has been awhile since I’ve posted to the blog, well, other than photos.
I wish… I wasn’t typing this with one hand because it’s going to take too long.
I am thankful… for the job promotion Brian received even if it means a change in our schedules.
In the kitchen… the boys are eating the last of my banana oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.
I am wearing… coral peasant top, khaki shorts, and bare feet. Forget that. The temp has dropped and it’s raining now. Make that a long sleeve top, yoga pants and socks.
I am creating… my family household binder. (I’ll post pics soon.)
I am going… to mail my letter to Abigail, the little girl we sponsor in Mexico and post about her last letter to me. (It’s so touching!)
I am praying… for my friend Tim and his family.
I am reading… emails that are piling up in my inbox, the latest Catholic Digest and I’m wondering if I should download the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy or wait until next year.

I am hoping…
to have a number of new posts this week…if this cranky baby in my arms ever settles down and I get a chance to work on them.
I am looking forward to… summer vacation and sleeping in.
I am not looking forward to… keeping the kids busy for the 100+ days of vacation!
I am learning… how to take a deep breath and “go with the flow” because the day often does no go as you plan it to go.

I am hearing…
Lightning and Mater tipping tractors as the boys laugh hysterically and a teething Matthew settling down into a snore. Finally.
Around the house… there are a number of unfinished organizing projects.
I am pondering… the fact that my sister EL is so far away and I wish I could have been at my niece’s baptism this weekend.
A favorite quote for today… “It is better to give than to receive.”
One of my favorite things… going to the movies. It is so rare these days that going in a major treat!
A few plans for the rest of the week… On Thursday I’ll go to Bella’s end of the year class picnic and on Friday we celebrate Bella’s last day of school and Andrew’s 5th birthday!
From my photo journal… These were taken yesterday. As soon as the sun came out we went for a walk before the fog returned.


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