Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Theme Thursday: Boys & {pretty, happy, funny, real} vol 64

Today I am linking up with Cari’s photography challenge Theme Thursday: Boys and {pretty, happy, funny, real} hosted by Like Mother, Like Daughter. I have been having fun with my new camera so here are some shots I’ve taken over the last two weeks.

{pretty} & {happy}

Matthew’s happy 2nd birthday party.

Daddy sitting the birthday boy down.

Hugs for Thomas. (That Thomas plush toy used to belong to my little brother, who is now in his 20’s. He gave it to Bella when she was little and it has been passed along to each of the kids.)

Andrew is giving Matthew some candle blowing advice.

Matthew got the job done.

The birthday boy finally got a Big Wheels of his own.

It was a great day for the little guy.


When I need to keep the boys quiet for 15 minutes straight I put on my You Tube Star Wars playlist. Most of the videos are Legos animations.

The one exception is the Disney Darth Vader dancing to Can’t Touch This.

The quiet ends there as the boys jump up to practice their dance moves. Andrew almost has the side to side shuffle down.


As far as the boys are concerned, the real fun begins when the biggest boy of them all, Daddy, arrives and joins his Jedi knights.

Then the kids start running over to get me into the game.

Time for me to turn off the camera and join the battle.

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  • Christie @ Everything to Someone says:

    Happy birthday, Matthew! Trains and farm machinery are intrinsically boyish. My son adores them.

  • Bobbi says:

    Your son is adorable! VIsiting from Auntie Leila’s and noticed we have the same name…and spelling!!

  • Rebekah Es says:

    Those light sabers are our families all time favorite toys. Our two year old Isaac was practically born with one in his hands, he even fell asleep with it the other night and woke up with a sore cheek.

    The party looked perfect, and the birthday boy is was too cute!

  • Jessica says:

    Third picture from the top is the absolute best!

  • Cathy W says:

    Aren’t new cameras FUN? My hubby smiles whenever I have mine out (it has been a few months that I’ve had itJ). I’m glad it still makes him happy to see me happy! 🙂

    Great photos!! Those boys look like they are having fun!

  • Micaela @ California to Korea says:

    The one of him riding his Big Wheel made me grin! What a sweetie, and he looks so fun to be around.

  • Cari says:

    Your boys are absolutely gorgeous. Like, now it makes sense why you live in such a stunningly beautiful location- it’s the only place on earth that could possibly suit such boys.

  • Leila says:

    Thanks for joining! Everyone just looks so happy!

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