Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Theme Thursday: Happiness & Joy (aka. A Day in the Life…) & {p, h, f, r} vol 62

When I heard that this week’s Theme Thursday was about happiness I knew I wanted to do something outdoors. I planned a family favorite – a picnic at Point Lobos and then going on a nature walk. Alas, a number of things happened that made it impossible so we had a quiet day at home instead.

To be honest, I don’t lead an exciting life. Happy, yes, but not very exciting. Therefore, the things that make me happiest occur in day to day life. And after Brian’s cancer, surgery and the uncertainty of the future, it has especially become my motto. The greatest joys come from the simple moments of life. I’ll admit, I often forget in the midst of family chaos but it’s good to be reminded. Here are a few moments from a particularly good day this week.

And since this post has all the required photos of {pretty, happy, funny, real} I’m also linking it with Like Mother, Like Daughter to “capturing the context of contentment in everyday life.” I couldn’t have said it better myself!

{pretty, happy, funny, real}


Happiness is waking up to your hubby making breakfast.

(And knowing how to position the camera so you can’t see the stack of dirty pots on the other side of the stove top, the pile of dirty dishes behind hubby that I ignored last night so we could watch a movie instead and the wild kids in the background who were jumping on the couch while I shouted, “Stop being so loud! I’m trying to record a happy moment!”

 * * *

 Happiness is seeing the first spring blossom and the temperature finally warm up out of the 50’s.

(Even though it also means that everything is covered in sinus-killing pollen dust and that Daylight Savings Time will soon be here and it will seriously kick my arse when it arrives.)

* * *

Happiness is going for a drive…

(And being giddy because I get to go alone to Target and can listen to my choice of music and sing as loud as I want without reproach. The Cure, Red Hot Chili Peppers, or Mumford and Sons anyone?”

* * *

Happiness is always carrying my iPhone with me so after I shop at Target I can pull over at the beach and snap a photo like this.

(Even though Brian texted me and asked, “When are you coming home?” and I texted back, “I’m on my way! I just wanted to snap a quick photo that Cari will enjoy.” And he asked, “Who the heck is Cari?”)

* * *

 Happiness is getting the perfect shot of Andrew, Matthew and John-Paul…

(Even if it means taking endless shots while your husband shakes his head at you and your tween daughter hides in her room and you realize you forgot to start dinner so you order pizza instead…again.)

* * *

 Happiness is having another female in the house and Bella being at an age where she still wants to have Mother- Daughter outings with me.

(Even though it means watching my baby girl grow up way too fast.)

* * *

Happiness is ending the day in prayer, putting the kids to bed early, and enjoying an at-home date night with my hubby while thinking, “Oh, Phase 3, how I love thee!”

(Even though….nope, no even though. It just rocks. ;-))

(Visited 56 times, 1 visits today)


  • Colleen Martin says:

    Ha! Phase 3 is the best! But I’d replace that milk with a martini 🙂 No wonder your hubby is cooking you breakfast 😉

    • bobbi says:

      Colleen, agreed! 🙂 I was actually laughing at our glasses of milk because it was so “unromantic.” We can’t even be sophisticated enough for a bottle of wine. Oh, well. Whatever works. 😉

      Also, I was up at 4:30 AM with a sick little guy and catching up on some reading. I was thinking about you and wondering why you don’t blog anymore (except for last week’s Theme Thursday that I saw) until I realized your blog address was accidentally deleted from my Google Reader. Ha! No wonder I haven’t read any of your posts! So this morning I was catching up. There were too many comments I wanted to make that I didn’t so let me just say a I loved your last two weeks of posts! And happy belated bday, you youngin’. 😉

      Thanks for stopping by!

  • Rebekah Es says:

    You have totally captured it! On a drive home from Target…how could you not stop for that photo?

    And seriously, I am so coveting your family altar. This has been on my to do list for as long as we have been a family. Errgh…I need the inspiration.

    • bobbi says:

      Oh, Rebekah, if you had only seen that altar the day before! We actually have family altar in our entry way. This is more our seasonal altar but after I took down advent stuff it got piled up with books, papers, toys and miscellaneous crap. I was determined to get that Lenten altar finished so I told myself it would be included in a Theme Thursday photo. That was just enough motivation to get it done. Brian was soooo pleased! 🙂

      And as for Target, I could live in the barren desert and it still would have been beautiful. heehee

  • EML @ Barefoot and Sometimes Pregnant says:

    I love, love, love the pictures!!! I can hardly wait for fall!

  • Natalie says:

    Such great pictures! Your family is beautiful. =)

  • Cari says:

    When I saw “my” shot, but before I read the caption, I said, “Oh my gosh! I never ever get tired of seeing shots of Bobbi’s surroundings!”

    And your family is as gorgeous as the scenery.

  • Rosie says:

    Ohhhh that flower is so beautiful. And I love the picture of all 3 boys – it’s worth the outtakes when you get one that’s awesome like that!

  • Micaela @ California to Korea says:

    Your comment about Brian’s cancer threw me for a loop. I’m new around here obviously. Many prayers for continued healing.

    I just love all the photos. Your three boys are adorable, and you know how I covet your neck of the woods.

    But you made me laugh so hard at “Phase 3.” Best inside NFP joke. 🙂

  • Jennifer says:

    What a beautiful family you have! The pictures are gorgeous.

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