Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Theme Thursday: Secret (Coping with Stress)

I am linking up with Cari for this week’s photography challenge Theme Thursday: Secret. 🙂


Okay, here’s a little secret. I don’t have it “all together.” The other day a friend was complimenting me about something and made the comment, “I want to be Bobbi when I grow up.” HA! That’s a hot one. I don’t have it all together and sometimes I feel like I am downright losing it. This week was one of those times. I haven’t made any posts because I could not get myself to type anything other than “life sucks.” It doesn’t really and most of the time I feel like this…

But this week I felt like this. Literally.

I needed a good long cry yesterday because I was just overwhelmed with everything. When I get like this I have three secret places I like to visit alone. It depends on how bad it is where I need to go.

Code Yellow – Elevated Stress

When I need to regroup I go to the beach and take a few moments to slow down and breathe deep. It allows me to see the situation differently and realize how blessed I am and I can thank God for it.

Code Orange – High Stress

Sometimes after a long day I just need to get out of the house. Brian knows how much I love the movies so after the kids are in bed he’ll send me off to two hours of cinematic bliss. This may not be such a secret since for my birthday my family gave me a Fandango gift card and bag of peanut M&M’s but they may not know I love to keep all my movie stubs in this little wooden box Bella gave me. 🙂

Code Red – Severe Stress

This kind of stress can only be elevated at the feet of Christ, particularly after receiving the grace of Reconciliation. That may not be such a secret to my fellow Catholic friends but what you may not know is that when I pray I love to think about the feet of Christ.

Where he walked. What he endured. How those feet were washed by the tears of Mary and dried with her hair. I picture myself crying at his feet and him stroking my hair and telling me not to worry, that this will pass and I will be strengthened once again. Thankfully, I am.

Thanks to Cari for hosting!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

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  • Hang in there, Bobbi!! Only a couple more weeks and we will all be relaxing in So. Cal!

  • smallfarmmom says:

    Oh Bobbi I loved this “Secret” post. I don’t have a beach–completely land locked for thousands of miles! Replace Pretzel M&M’s and a pretty pasture for me. And the picture of your sweet baby clinging to you crying…replace Leo’s sweet face and you’ll see my week.
    Big Family Small Farm–Secret

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Jenny, I didn’t recognize your name at first. I didn’t realize you changed your blog. Looks good, though. 🙂 I am glad you can relate, even though I certainly don’t wish for you to have a rough week. I just think it is good to acknowledge these things so others don’t feel so alone when they are having a rough time! Thanks for stopping by!

  • Amy says:

    Hi Bobbi :)! You are not alone! It is a full-time job caring for a large household! Yes, the perfect place is to go before the Lord! Anytime you want to go to the beach-that’s my fav place too and we are so lucky! Love your new look .

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