My sis EML is a natural money saver. (I, on the other hand, am not.) So when she offered to send me weekly money saving tips I could post on the blog, I was all for it! Here is the introductory installment.
Tightwad Tips by EML
I have always thought of myself as a somewhat frugal person, but recently have been wondering if I am as frugal as I could be. After discovering one of my friends having a food/household budget of around $100 less than ours, I figured there must be a lot more that I could be doing. I decided then and there to go on a journey of deeper frugality. I thought I would share with you the things that I found.
Every Tuesday, I plan to share what money saving tips I have discovered for the week, recipes to make things from scratch, things that I have done around the house to save money, blogs that share the idea of saving money and other odds and ends that will help you save a few dollars.
My first tip: Learn to say no to your kids and yourself. Not buying anything at all is the greatest money saver!
(Bobbi’s note: Ya know, I keep trying to tell Brian I saved money by buying something on sale and he insists that I’d save even more money if I never bought it in the first place. Hmm…maybe he’s got something there…)
Tightwad Tuesday – Part 1: Tightwad Tips
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