Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

TV Talk: Downton Abbey Recap: Season 6, Episode 1

I was debating whether or not to bother doing another season of Downton recaps but once I saw the show I couldn’t help but share a few things (at least so my mom and I can chat about it.) 😉

As usual, I am not doing a word for word recount of what happened because first, I am short on time and second there are many, many others recappers out there that handle the job much better than I could. Instead, here are my thoughts about last night’s episodes and my favorite quotes. The usual SPOILER ALERT for anyone that has not watched Season 6, Episode 1 yet.

logo_downton_season_6W_Okay, let me start off by saying that I love Downton, truly I do. And I loved watching last night’s episode but there was a bit of “been there done that” in the episode. It makes me a little glad that the season will be ending since you can only stretch these story lines out for so long and I want them to go out on a high note.

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Mary and the Blackmailer

This is not the first time a blackmailer has reared his or her ugly head in general, with Mary in particular. We get our first glimpse at our culprit the first few minutes of the episode. Immediately, our Downton sensors started blaring that this person was no good and the smirk she wore as Lady Mary fell off her horse confirmed it. Later, we found out that Miss Rita Bevan was one of the chambermaids  at the hotel where Mary was illicitly staying with Tony Gillingham. (You know, the episode, where we lost all respect for him as a strong and worthy gentleman.)

Miss Bevan had proof of Mary’s tryst and threatened to expose her if she did not pay 1000 pounds. Now, Mary is not my favorite character (except when she was with Matthew, who brought the best out of her) but I was pleased that she stood up for herself against this nasty piece of work, particularly after she lied and barged her way into Lady Mary’s bedroom. In the end, Miss Beven brought her blackmail to Robert and he cleverly counter blackmailed by giving her a mere 50 pounds in exchange for a signed confession of her crime. If she should publish her story or even show her face there again, Robert would prosecute her.

I suppose this was just the writer’s round about way of getting Robert to see Mary as a capable woman who could manage the estate, although I am not exactly sure how this situation revealed that, but it was heartwarming to see the momentary tearing up of Mary at the news that her father believed in her. I guess it made it all worth it. Plus, the matter was handled quickly and the story didn’t drag on.

Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want

Speaking of stories that drag on way past their expiration date, we finally reached a conclusion to the Anna, Bates, murder of Mr. Green saga. The whole reasoning seemed rather forced and convoluted but in the end an unknown woman confessed to arguing with Green and pushing him to his death. Was she a stranger? Was she another of his victims (my suspicion)? We may never know but whatever the case, that ongoing drama is finally over!! Yay!

But alas, don’t think for a minute that Julian Fellowes will allow our beloved couple to now experience a moment of happiness. Oh, noooo. I’m beginning to suspect he shared my youthful love of The Smiths because melancholy seems to be the theme these last few season. Anna is still in constant emotional pain and tears, this time because she has suffered yet another miscarriage and faces possible infertility. Seriously? They cannot even give the poor girl a moment of peace? The only silver lining was when Anna said things like “I’ve let you down” we got to hear saintly Mr. Bates utter words such as, “There are no words less true than those. You could never let me down…”

Well, maybe now that the extreme stress of possibly being sent to jail has been removed and the advancement of science will improve her chances of conceiving. Either that or they come across the sweetest orphan child that longs for a loving mother and father. I’d be happy with either scenario. Please, please, please let me get what I want this time…to see Anna smile and be happy before she is gone forever.

Okay, that is enough about the nit-picking. Now onto the bits of the episode that were priceless.

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Denker vs Pratt

Why is there always people in life who are like the Dowager’s maid Denker. People with delusions of grandeur that delight in psychologically torturing others. When the Dowager confided in Denker that Downton may have to let some of the staff go, she asked Denker to keep it to herself. Well, that is like asking a child not to touch the chocolate cake sitting before them. The temptation was too great. She was soon at Downtown harassing the servants about the situation. Next on her list was her archenemy Pratt, aka, Mr -I-always-look-like-I’m-smelling-a-rotten-egg. She was all too eager to let him know that he would soon be out of a job. However, Pratt got the last laugh when the Dowager “accidentally” says to Denker, “You are a wonder, Denker. I shall miss you.” She went on to let Denker believe that she would be the one fired if it came down to it. That shut Denker up immediately. Long live Grandmama’s iron fist.

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Let’s (Not) Talk about Sex

We left last season with Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes engaged to be married. Fast forward a few months and Mrs. Hughes has had the opportunity to think about what her marriage would entail – namely, intimacy with her husband. It was rather humorous watching Mrs. Hughes and gal pal Mrs. Patmore tiptoe around the subject of sex without actually saying the word. But that wasn’t half as amusing as watching poor Mrs. Patmore try to bring up the subject with Mr. Carson… Mr. Carson. She is one of my favorite characters and I felt for her as she painfully (and hilariously) tried to ask Mr. Carson if he anticipated Mrs. Hughes to perform her “wifely duties” after they were married. Finally, he got the gist of the conversation and became equally embarrassed over the situation. But in true Carson manner, he eventually rose above the occasion with his dignity intact and sensitively said, “In my eyes she is beautiful. You say she asks if I want a full marriage. And the answer is, yes, I do. I want a real marriage. A true marriage with everything that that involves. And I hope I do not ask the indelicate when I send you back to relay this message….I love her Mrs. Patmore. I am happy and ticked and bursting with pride that she would agree to be my wife, and I want us to live as closely as two people can for the time that remains to us on earth.” Wow, Mr. Carson just made women across American swoon.

When Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson finally came together to discuss the situation, Mr. Carson assumed that Mrs. Hughes want to call off the engagement. She was honest with him about her fear of disappointing him but he reassured her and gave her one of the most heart felt kisses we’ve witnessed at Downton. So incredibly sweet.

Random Thoughts

  • There is a storyline about the running of the local hospital. I’m sure it will grew in importance but at the moment I just enjoy watching Isobel and the Dowager spar with one another as they sit at opposite ends of the argument.
  • Cora is not going to sit quietly as Isobel and Violet duke it out over the hospital. I believe she will have her say in the fight eventually.
  • I loved Mary’s last minute hairstyle after she had to unexpectedly wash it. It still makes me laugh how the maid would dress you and do your hair. Although if I could afford such a maid, I’d surely have someone magically tame the mop on my head. 😉
  • Branson is in Boston and little Sibby is attending school where, it is noted with slight disdain, she is most likely speaking with an American accent. (Well, I must admit that a British accent does sound far superior to an American one. 😉
  • Rose and her hubby are having fun in New York.
  • Robert and Carson continue to lament the end of the good old days. Does it seem that Robert is drinking much more these days?
  • Daisy went toe to toe with the new owners of the Mallerton estate but frankly, all I could do was insist to Brian that the actor that played Sir John Darnley was Mr. Wickham from the 1995 Pride and Prejudice. What did people do before they had google at their finger tips to solve such quandaries?? 🙂
  • Thomas has been softened, not playing any evil tricks this episode. He appears quite the opposite, playfully giving George a piggy back ride. It was rather sweet. Let’s see if that changes.
  • I love the scene of Cora and Robert in the kitchen eating cold chicken out of the fridge as the servants drank the very good Veuve Cliquot from the very cool part of the cellar. It was a definite “sign of the times.” Also, wasn’t it a little odd that Robert apologized to Carson for being in a kitchen that was in his home?
  • Edith is still a little Eeyore-ish and  uncertain about her future, but at least she has her beautiful (if unacknowledged) daughter with her and she is looking lovely in her outfits!

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Fave Quotes

  • Mrs.  Hughes: I am not sure I can let him (Carson) see me as I am now.”
  • Mrs. Patmore: “Perhaps you can keep the lights off.”
  • Pratt: “I just hope you will be kind enough to give me sufficient warning.”
  • The Dowager: (Dumbfounded.) “I’m sorry, what?”
  • Pratt: “So I may find myself alternative employment before I am cast out.”
  • The Dowager: “Oh, Spratt You’ve clearly had a bad dream and are confusing it with reality.”
  • Pratt: “Your ladyship’s humor is always a tonic but it is a matter of some importance to me.”
  • The Dowager: “If you were talking in Urdu I couldn’t understand you less.”


  • Mrs. Patmore: “Well, you’ve got a nerve. Mr. Carson won’t like that.”
  • Daisy: “Well, even Mr. Carson can’t always have his own way.”
  • Mrs. Patmore: “Ooohooh!


  • Lady Mary (to Robert): “I’m impressed. My darling Papa transformed into Machiavelli at a touch . Will wonders never cease?”


  • Violet (to Isobel): “Does it ever get cold on the moral high ground?”


  • Mrs. Hughes: (Speaking of Ms Patmore’s conversation with Mr. Carson) “He avoided vulgarity then?”
  • Mrs. Patmore: “Vulgarity? Mr. Carson wouldn’t be vulgar if you put him on a seaside postcard.”

Fun Links to Enjoy

  • Real World Downton Abbey by – This is pure eye candy for Downton lovers. From the oldest to the youngest actors – they all look gorgeous! I am a happily married woman but if I was single (and 20 years younger) I’d have my bedroom walls plastered with photos from this post. 😉
  • Downton Abbey With American Accents is Absolutely Hysterical by (Mary doing uptalk is hilarious.)

Okay, your turn! Thoughts? Favorite scenes? Favorite quotes? Do share!

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