Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 4: Episode 5 (Ep 6 in the UK)


It seemed like a slower news day at the Abbey without any major catastrophes, well, unless you count Edith but we’ve come to expect a dark cloud to follow her around. (Maybe she and Eeyore/Moseley should spend more time together.)

Thomas & Baxter – Thomas is still skulking around trying to get info and twisting Baxter’s arm into getting him some dirt from upstairs. She seems like she is getting more and more reluctant to do his bidding and that look she gave him when she said, “Have it your own way,” makes me wonder if she is going to put up a fight in the near future.

Mary & Blake – Mary is back to form with her sharp tongue and verbal jabs at Mr. Blake, although he seems more than capable to give it right back to her. I would not be surprised if their angry remarks end in a passionate embrace. (Or so I predict.)

Rose – I knew Rose’s idea of having Jack Ross play at Robert’s birthday was going to raise a few eyebrows but I was actually surprised that they took it so well and enjoyed themselves. I was even more surprised that Edith was acting the snob (she is supposed to be more “enlightened” with her feminist ways, is she not?) and it was Granny who basically told her to lighten up. Meanwhile, things between Rose and Jack are heating up. I don’t think Papa will be as open minded about this arrangement.

Edith – Speaking of Edith, it was confirmed that she was pregnant. (I had to press pause to read the entire telegram.) And now Michael is AWOL. (I heard a spoiler.) There’s a troubling road ahead.

Mrs. Crawley – I could not stop laughing when Isobel channeled her inner Miss Marple and pretended to be ill only to enter Granny’s house and search for the letter knife. (I was also laughing because I totally would have secretly searched the room too.) Of course, Granny gets the final word when she already apologized and hiredΒ  the gardener back, to the chagrin of Violet. However, I wanted to hug Isobel when she danced with Tom and tried to talk him out of moving to America.

Dowstairs youth – Alfred has never been a favorite but I wish him well on his new venture. I am glad Daisy was able to control her emotions and say a proper goodbye to him. Although, Daisy does let loose on Ivy. As for Jimmy, I knew he was annoying and self-centered but I wasn’t expecting him to treat Ivy in such an underhanded way.

Fave Quote – Granny had so many zingers tonight but my favorite line came from downstairs –
Mrs. Patmore: I like that Rudolph Valentino. He makes me shiver all over.
Carson: What a very disturbing thought.

Fave Scene – I am sure everyone was touched by the scene in the nursery where Isobel, Tom and Mary shared about their loves. I had happy tears reminiscing over the proposal scene between Mary and Matthew. I remember blogging about Mary and her being out in the snow. Now I know how she stayed warm in her strappy dress. πŸ˜‰

Okay, the clock has struck midnight so time for me to call it a night! In the meantime, share your thoughts. πŸ™‚

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