Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 4: Episode 7 (Ep 8 in the UK)


I can’t believe this was the last regular episode until the Christmas special next week. I can’t wait for that! In the meantime, let’s discuss. 🙂

Edith – At the beginning of the episode when Edith first started looking dreamy-eyed at Mr. Drewe, I thought she was smitten. (At least this farmer is not married… or wait, is he? Does he have a wife and family?) However, she was actually thinking that she could leave her baby with him. (So maybe he does have a wife to care for the baby.) Either way, Rosamond had other plans in Switzerland…plans in which Granny saw right through. I was a little surprised that Violet took the news so well but then again, after the Mr. Pamuk incident I suppose not much would faze her. Sigh. The whole thing is just a mess. I’m guessing that Edith will give up her baby and then her babydaddy will return and proclaim that for legal reasons he needs an heir to his estate pronto. Alas, he does have an heir but he can’t be found because he is off climbing the Alps sharing very little conversation.

Anna and Bates – Fortunately, Anna finally tells Mary about Greene. Unfortunately, it is too late to stop Green from coming to Downton where he shares a meal that has as much appeal as nails on a chalkboard. I was waiting for Bates to stab him with his butter knife but instead Bates was chillingly calm. He was also very calculating (and a little cruel) as he questions Anna about Greene, knowing perfectly well that Green was the attacker. Although everything points to Bates taking a murderous trip to York, I am am not sold that he actually did it. (Although I did call the car accident last week, even though I think my version of the story was better. 😉 ) Frankly, I am disappointed in the whole thing. It seems like deja vu. It’s too much like when we saw Vera mysteriously dead in her house, right down to the same prime suspect. Been there, done that, Fellowes! I do hope the Christmas special next week flashes back and shows us how Greene died and that Bates really wasn’t involved.

This episode was appropriate for Valentine’s weekend because romance was everywhere you turned!

My new favorite romance is Baxter and Molesley – Now this is a downstairs romance that I can get excited about! I love the little conversations and encouragement that Baxter and Molesley have been giving one another. It is so sweet. Although, my favorite scene was definitely when Baxter talked Molesley into trying to ring the bell. The look on his face had me laughing out loud. Then Baxter was rewarded when Molesley defended her from Thomas. Bravo! More please!

Another surprise romance – There’s another possible romance between Isobel and Lord Merton, Mary’s godfather. It was sweet to see them together and hilarious to see Violet’s facial expressions during it all.

Mary and Her Men – I’ve already said what I thought about Lord G and Blake here and here. My thoughts haven’t changed. It was humorous to watch them spar with one another as they fought for Mary’s affections. Lord G scored points for finally breaking it off with his fiance. And Blake scored points when he offered to hold Little George. There is nothing quite as attractive as a man who feels comfortable caring for a baby (even if he couldn’t actually get him to stop crying.) 😉

Tom and Sarah – I am not sure how I feel about Tom pairing up with Sarah yet. (Although Brian declared, “I don’t like her. She’s a pest.”) I wouldn’t go that far. I just think she needs time to get used to the fact that the family is not as shallow as she perceives them to be. (As Blake found out with Mary.) I did love when Tom defended Cora to Sarah. It was nice to see him follow the rule that you can complain about your own family but God help the person that complains about them in front of you!

Rose and Jack – Rose’s infatuation with Jack made a lot more sense when you add in the fact that she wanted to shock her mother with their engagement. I believe she cared for Jack and was intrigued by him but was not truly in love with him. Jack, on the other hand, was a gentleman to break things off for Rose’s sake.

Daisy  and Alfred – Daisy has been such an annoying brat lately that I am glad she was able to spend time with her father-in-law. He is the perfect guardian for her, knowing what to say and how to reprimand her with kindness. She definitely redeemed herself when she made up with Alfred and yet, stood up for herself and not settling for being second choice. Hopefully the best of Daisy will be shining through now.


Random Thoughts

  • Would the old Tom have told Mary about Rose and Jack’s relationship or would he have encouraged it?


Favorite Quotes

  • Isobel: It’s only me. — Violet: I always feel that greeting betrays such a lack of self worth.
  • Mrs. Patmore – Blimey. He puts a lot in a letter does Alfred.
  • Molesley (to Baxter): It’s just coffee. You won’t have to surrender any of your independence.
  • Violet: No life appears rewarding if you think about it too much.
  • Violet: Rosamind has no interest in French. If she wishes to be understood by a foreigner, she shouts.
  • Branson: I don’t believe in types, I believe in people.
  • Violet: Switzerland has everything to offer, except perhaps conversation. And one can learn to live without that.
  • Isobel: I’m a feeble substitute for the entire Crawley family. — Violet: Mm. Yes, but you’re better than nothing.
  • Violet: He’s the most unconvincing fiance I’ve ever come across.
  • Violet (to Edith): “My dear, all life is a series of problems which we must try and solve. First one, then the next, and the next, until at last, we die.” (At least there is ice cream to soften the blow.) 🙂


My Favorite Line of the Night

Lady Mary (to Tony): I find that both irritating and beguiling in equal measure. (I often think that is what Brian thinks about me in general.) 😉

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