Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 5: Episode 5 Recap: Go #TeamDownton

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It was Super Bowl Sunday last night but I had zero interest in either team or any of the game. I didn’t even know who won until my Facebook feed became overrun with game related posts. However, so you won’t think that I don’t appreciate a good game, this post will be dedicated to my favorite Downton Teams. Thankfully, Brian returned home from Stanford just in time to watch it with me. (BTW, my FIL is making progress, although we aren’t able to bring him closer to home yet.)

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#TeamBlake – Ah, what is this crafty fellow up to. I assumed last week that Blake was going to try and get Mabel back with Gillingham but when he invited her to dinner with Mary, that was priceless. I imagined Mabel being like Matthew’s Lavinia. (Now, that I think about it, Mary has a habit of stealing engaged men.) However, feisty Mabel was anything but. She refused to take Gillingahm back as sloppy seconds. She storms off but I am certain we have not heard the last of her. Mary chides Blake at his attempt but he says it was merely done for show. What do you think he is up to?

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#TeamByeByeBunting – I did not believe for one second that Bunting was actually going to leave. When Tom first told her that he basically chose Downton over her, Brian was cheering saying, “Good for you, Tom!” I told him not to get his hopes up because I knew Daisy was going to try and talk him out of it. When Tom went back to see Bunting after he heard she was leaving I thought, this is it. He’s going to take her in his arms and I am going to be sick. Well, he did take her in his arms but it was only to give her a good bye kiss. Brian continued to cheer Tom and I was dumbfounded to see Bunting drive off. Downton threw me a curve ball by not throwing a plot curve ball. My team actually won! Although, instead of a victory dance I felt a bit downcast. I thought Bunting had the potential to be a likable character but the writers just made her unbearable with her rudeness. Either way, I was proud of Tom and liked him more for holding his ground and taking a stand instead of this constant will – he – won’t – he dance.  Bravo.

#TeamTakeYourBabyBack – It’s hard for my 2015 mindset to fully understand the times/ Downton mindset that made it absolutely impossible for a mother to respectably care for her child born out of wedlock. I feel for Mrs. Drewe and I know she loves Marigold but I wish Edith would just come clean about Marigold to her family and somehow get her baby back. That is easier said than done but I don’t think Edith can go on living this way much longer. I am assuming she is planing to kidnap Marigold and that it will all go horribly wrong. Not to mention that to Marigold, Edith is just the neighbor lady, not her mama. Will Edith successfully take Marigold back? Will she sacrifice her to the Drewes and live with a broken heart forever? Whatever the outcome, there will be  more heartache ahead but I am hoping Edith finally catches a break!

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#TeamGettheHellOutofMyRoom – When Mr. Bricker arrived as Robert was leaving overnight, we all knew trouble was brewing. However, when he started sneaking through the hallways after hours Brian and I both yelled, “Oh, come on!!” Seriously? I don’t know who I was more mad at, Bricker or Cora. I really do like Cora but sometimes her calm reserve and sideways glances drives me a little crazy. Although she may have enjoyed Bricker’s attention and playfully reprimanded him, I never suspected that she would ever follow through on his flirtations. (Although, this is a lesson to married women that these little flirtations are dangerous, and while flattering, they shouldn’t be toyed with.) But when Bricker was standing there in her bedroom I wanted to shake Cora and say stop being so calm. Get this weasel out of your room pronto! Get your American blood going and set him straight. But noooo… instead Robert comes home early and is on his way up the stairs. Natch. Well, I guess the trend these days is to end the game with a fight because Robert belted Bricker and they fought mano a mano. I will admit that Cora’s coolness came in pretty handy as she calmed a puzzled Edith explaining that she and Robert were simply playing a game and they accidentally knocked over a lamp. Umm….ooookay. We’ll leave it at that.

(The clock is ticking and this blogging game is almost over. Time to speed through.

#TeamRobertHasARighttoBeMad – The next day Robert was giving Cora the cold shoulder and family members noticed. I do think Robert should be allowed a little time to grieve the situation. However, I am hoping he remembers that he himself had a dalliance with Jane the maid and unlike Cora, he actually acted upon her infatuation. I want to see Cora and Robbert make up and for both of them to realize how much they do love each other and how they have to make sure they don’t take the other for granted.


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#TeamFreeAnna – You already know how I feel about this storyline. Anna looks more guilty each day and I hate it. Hate it.

#TeamMosleyandBaxter – I was so pleased to see them talking again. I love these two and feel they bring out the best in each other. I am also touched by Baxter’s concern for Thomas. As nasty as he may act, she sees the hurt man inside of him.

Time out! I can’t rush this last one because I saved the best for last.

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#TeamAtticusAldridge – I’ll admit it. I have fallen in love with Atticus as a a match for Rose. Rose started this show as a party loving flapper but she has grown into a beautiful character with emerging depth. Her generosity and empathy for others is reminiscent of Sybil and her work in the hospital. The meet-cute between Rose and Atticus was so sweet and the name, well, the name Atticus Aldridge is downright regal. When Atticus first told Rose about his family leaving Odessa, I didn’t understand what all the hush hush was about. Brian immediately said that he was probably Jewish. As we learned, he was. (Is?) I loved how Rose couldn’t understand why that would be a problem. She did not hold any of the prejudice his family had suffered. That line also touched the heart of Atticus and he knew he wanted to see Rose again. Yay! I am always ready to cheer on a good love story!

And of that was not good enough, I stumbled across this piece of info from Digital Spy as I was trying to fin the correct spelling for Atticus. There is a real baby by the name Atticus Aldridge.  The baby’s parents won a contest to name the Downton character. Matt Barber, who plays Atticus, said this:

“The charity is called Sugarplum Children, it was set up by a lady whose daughter has type 1 diabetes and knew Julian Fellowes somehow, and they auctioned off the opportunity to name a character in return for raising money for the charity.

“The people that won it, their son is called Atticus Aldridge. I think he’s now about 18 months old. It was unbelievably lucky [that he had a Downton-style name], it’s a really awesome name. I’m a bit jealous!”

Matt also says that “Atticus is the nicest man on the planet.” Okay, DA writers, let’s leave it that way. Don’t mess it up! Don’t make him an evil snake in disguise. Don’t put him in a situation where he is caused unspeakable pain or where some unsavory character sets him up to look guilty when he is actually innocent. We’ve had enough of that lately, thank you very much.

Okay, that is the end of the game. I’ll leave you now with my favorite quotes of the night.

Favorite Quotes

Violet: (In response to the nudist colony) “In Essex? Isn’t it terribly damp?”
Rosamond: “Would that make a difference?”
Violet: Well, yes if you had no clothes on. I think it’s a mad idea.”
Isobel: I doubt they were aiming it at you.”

Doc: “Can I ask you a personal question?”
Violet: “I’ve lived through great wars and my share of grief. I think I can manage an impertinent question from a doctor.”

Violet: “The idea of Princess Irina scrubbing the sick and emptying bedpans is a cheering one.”

Rose: (Speaking of her granny) “You make her sound very constant.”
Prince K: “She is. Ruthless, but constant.”

Robert: “I accept change but I want to navigate it gently. I don’t want to leap into it and put everyone’s backs up.”
Violet: “But you wear rompers without a second thought these days.”

Mrs Hughes: “I wish men worried about our feelings a quarter as much as we worry about theirs.”

Violet: “Rosamond, you are addressing your mother not the committee at the Woman’s Convection.”
Rosamond: “I am afraid you’ve read somewhere that rudeness in old age is amusing, which is quite wrong, you know.”


Okay, you know the drill. Don’t leave me hanging. Tell me your thoughts about the show! Favorite scene? Favorite quote? Predictions? Do tell. 🙂

Find other Downton Abbey Episode recaps here.

grantchester_1_1Oh, and one more note – Is anyone else enjoying Grantchester??

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

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  • jkwec says:

    Yes. Yes. Yes on pretty much every point here. We share many of the same thoughts and the characters and their storylines.
    Also, I’m incredibly impressed that you are able to remember some of the best lines. Do you keep paper beside you and write them down as you hear them? I’ve thought about doing that. When I hear a really good one (usually from Violet….she has the best lines!), I think I DON”T want to forget that. But, invariably, I do.
    You have a really beautiful blog by the way!

    • bobbi says:

      Hi JK, I am glad you stopped by. It is so fun to discuss DA with another fan. 🙂 Yes, I do keep paper with me and make notes as I watch. Plus I have the show recorded so if need be I can go back and catch the whole line. LOL. BTW, did you watch Sunday’s episode? Wasn’t it a great one! Thanks for the kind words about the blog. I appreciate it. I hope to see you again. 🙂

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