Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 6: Thoughts on Episode 9

logo_downton_season_6W2_I’m sorry I never got to post a recap on the finale, which I loved. My father-in-law (who had a stroke last year) has been sick and has taken a turn for the worse so I’ve been preoccupied. However, I’ve spent all morning praying and controlling the tears and I have to pick up kids from school in twenty minutes and need a quick diversion. This is my diversion. I don’t have time for a recap so I’ll just post a few comments.


All photos courtesy of PBS Masterpiece.

downton_season_6_ep9AThe Downton finale ended just as I wanted it to… with smiles and laughs and story lines wrapped up in a nice neat bow, no matter how contrived it may have seemed. I loved that our formerly poor Edith finally got her happy ending. I love that Bertie got a taste of life without Edith and it made him realize that his life was not complete without her by his side. I love that Edith refused to get married under a cloud of deceit, having learned the hard way about not telling the truth, and faced her future mother-in-law with the whole story of Marigold. Brave girl! I am sure the drama would have been played up if the show was not ending in less than two hours. Instead things worked out and Edith was able to marry Bertie with a clean conscience and a heart bursting with love. Swoon.

downton_season_6_ep9CAfter all the anger I had for Mary last week, I was more than pleased to see her behavior this week. Matthew was able to bring out a softer side of Mary but Henry was able to bring out a better side in Mary that we didn’t even knew was in there. I love than she made reparation with Edith by bringing her and Bertie together again. I love the tenderness she displayed towards Henry and the sisterly, not so much affection…but respect she shared with Edith, especially when she withheld her joyous news so she wouldn’t steal Edith’s thunder. Classy, Mary. I loved the motherly glow she displayed with the news of her little one growing inside her. I loved the way she had no qualms about her husband being a car salesman or the way she helped Anna undress and give birth to her baby in her room and in her bed. Bravo, Mary.

downton_season_6_ep9BAnna and Bates! We have suffered with them and shaken our fists at Mr. Fellowes over their story lines but tonight we were able to see them both smile and rejoice at the birth of their bundle of joy. It’s about time.

downton_season_6_ep9DIt wouldn’t have been a true Downton episode unless Granny saved the day! I don’t know what I enjoyed more – Violet fighting for her best friend against the likes of obnoxious Larry and his gold digging wife or hearing Violet giggle as she read Spratt’s article, leaving the pain-in-the-arse Denker speechless.

downton_season_6_ep9GLike Bertie, when Isobel faced the prospect of losing someone special in her life, she realized how much she loved Lord Merton and it sparked the crusader in her ready to fight for the man she loved, with Violet as her wing man. šŸ˜‰

downton_season_6_ep9EAnd there was so many other smiles:

  • Mr. Molesley leaving to be a teacher.
  • The business venture and bromance of Tom and Henry.
  • Thomas turning away from the dark side and embracing the force of goodness as the new butler.
  • Carson being able to stay at Downton despite his illness.
  • Robert’s appreciation of Cora’s work.
  • Daisy finally coming to her sense and seeing what a treasure of a man Andy is. (Not to mention getting a chic modern hairdo.)
  • Daisy’s joining Mr. Mason at the Farm with (presumed) Andy to eventually follow.
  • The tender looks between Mr. Mason and my second fave character after Granny – Mrs. Patmore. As Granny said, “It’s good to be in love, whatever the age.”

downton_season_6_epFELike Tom, I hate good byes. But I am thankful for the lovely six years we’ve had with the Crawley clan…

You were more than just characters on a show. You became a small part of my life as I cheered, cried and laughed with you. Thanks for all the memories. On tedious mornings filled with laundry and dishes, I will be sure to pop you into the bluray player and relive the memories once again.

And thanks to you all for joining me for the ride. šŸ™‚

What was your favorite happy moment? What will you watch next?

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  • Laurel Muff says:

    Yes, so happy with the way it concluded! I’ve read one too many books and seen one too many movies lately where the ending was so depressing. It was nice for a little change — despite, as you say, that it was rather contrived. Contrived endings give hope, yes?? šŸ˜‰

    Praying for your father-in-law, Bobbi, and the whole family as you go through this with him. <3

    • Thanks so much for the prayers, Laurel. and I am already missing Downton! Although, I just started Poldark so that has been a nice substitute. When I’m done with that I may rewatch DA starting with season 1. šŸ™‚

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