Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

TV Talk: Downton Abbey 2, Episode 3

What did you think of last night’s episode of Downton Abbey? Here are my thoughts so far.

Mrs. Crawley – I hated to see the way that Mrs. Crawley was getting snippy about Cora and complaining about the changes. She would have gotten a lot farther had she been more willing to compromise and be a team player rather than insisting that everything be done her way. However, my heart did ache for her when she finally left town feeling unloved and unappreciated. I do hope a more humble Mrs. Crawly returns.

Lady Grantham – It was nice to finally see Cora step up and stop being so passive. She stood her ground with Mrs. Crawley and called her bluff all the while keeping her grace and decorum. (I couldn’t help but laugh at their discourse.) Even when O’Brien filled Cora’s head with tales of secret enterprises between Mrs. Patmore and Mrs. Bird, she didn’t just blindly believe her. She sought the truth herself. In the end she gave us one of the best scenes of the night – when she joined then in the soup kitchen and made O’Brien do the same. Loved it.

Molesley – My other favorite scene was very trivial but I loved when Mrs Bird and Molesley were in the kitchen talking and Mrs Bird was teasing him about being so grand as the valet to Lord Grantham. The way he laughed and playfully nudged her was so sweet. It was like a brother and sister joking around. I hated to see him shot down again with the return of Mr. Bates.

Branson – I really liked Branson last season but the more I see of him the more I dislike him. He is not evil like Thomas but he seems selfish and only concerned about getting what he wants. There seems to be a stark contrast between the relationship of Bates and Anna and Branson and Sybil. Bates is consumed with protesting Anna’s welfare and not wanting her to do anything that would bring her pain or that she’d later regret. Whereas Branson seems to want Sybil to make all the sacrifices and is pushing her to leave all that she loves, even to the point of belittling the nursing work she is doing. It is true when Sybil and Mary said that he seems to be “full of himself.”

Ethel – Stupid girl. Although, I can’t help but feel sorry for her. The one I really want to bodily harm is that Major Bryant. I can’t stand the smug look on his face (even while he is doing his magic tricks) and I hate the fact that Ethel is the only one being punished for a sin that two committed. (But isn’t that so often the case?) Edith put it nicely when the Major said at the beginning, “I was keeping her talking. You mustn’t blame her.” Edith replied. “I don’t.”

And although his behavior may be winked at wouldn’t Lord Grantham want to know that one of his “house guests” was taking advantage of his servant and now that servant had to be fired. I suppose those were not details he needed to be bothered with, especially when his own daughter was in a worse situation and he still has no clue about that. (How is that possible?)

Matthew & Mary – I was pleased that the two boys returned home safely but frankly, I was hoping Matthew would get hurt and on his deathbed Mary would be forced to spill her heart to him and tell him that she loved him before he died. Of course, that knowledge would give him the strength to live and declare his love for her. Instead I had to watch them look at each other longingly at the concert. I ached for Mary to run to Matthew and put her arms around him even though I knew it would never happen – at least not at this point in time. (I did like that Matthew is still taking Mary’s toy dog with him on the battlefield. It gives me hope.)

William & Daisy – William, on the other hand, may have benefited from his brush with danger. Daisy seemed to be genuinely worried for him. Maybe the thought of losing him made her realize how much she does care for him?

Other random favorite scene – The look of the Countess’ face when Lord Grantham joined in the singing at the concert.

Other random favorite quote

  • After the Crawley sisters sing for the first time, Edith says, “I wish we had a man.” Mary replies, “Amen.” (I could hear my single friends giggling.)

The previews for next’s episode looks exciting. There looks like a lot more drama coming, especially from Vera Bates. (If this keeps up I’ll have to go to confession for the anger I am feeling towards certain people and it is mighty embarrassing admitting that those people are not actually real. LOL šŸ˜‰

On a quick side note Julian Fellowes, the creator of Downton Abbey, is Catholic and he said that in Season 3 “Catholicism would be entering the storyline.” That should be interesting. šŸ™‚

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