Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Weekly Writing in October 2017


Welcome to the Weekly Writing in October Challenge!

Many bloggers participate in the Write 31 Days Challenge in the month of October but for others, writing every day for a month is not feasible. As an alternative, we have the Weekly Writing Challenge where bloggers write at least once a week in October.

Every Sunday of October 2017 I will have a link-up for you to add your weekly post. The weekly link-up will open Sunday morning and run through Saturday night.

If you are doing the 31 Day Challenge, feel free to add your favorite post each week.

I look forward to visiting your blogs and reading your posts over the next month. Happy writing!

Week 1


October 1, 2017 – Week 1 Link-up

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Week 2


October 8, 2017 – Week 2 Link-up

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Past Link-ups:


October 2016 –  Week 1 Link-up

October 2016 – Week 2 Link-up

October 2016 – Week 3 Link-up

October 2016 – Week 4 Link-up





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