Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Weigh-In Wednesday: Vol 1


**Sharing the triumphs and missteps in my journey towards a healthier physical, emotional and spiritual life.**

Today is the first Weigh-in Wednesday where I share the small triumphs and missteps in my journey towards a healthier physical, emotional and spiritual life.
So much of life in the physical world goes hand in hand with the spiritual world. It’s not healthy to focus solely on one area and ignore the other. There is a balance. I picture it like a table with four legs. You could say that the table represent the four areas of my well being – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
As a Catholic woman, I can also see that table represent the main relationships of my life: God (my relationship as a daughter of God), my family (my relationship as a wife and mother), others (my relationship with family members, friends and the world in general) and myself (how I deal with me.)
However you look at it, they are all intertwined. All are a part of who I am. The four table legs represent the four areas. Working together, the table is stable. But if one area is lacking, then that broken table leg will make the whole table lopsided, or worse, it will tip over.
Someone once told me that a person’s exterior life reflects their interior life. This was a motivating factor in slowly organizing my house. But I am also clearly seeing that my exterior physical life also mirrors my spiritual interior life. Here are a few examples.
I struggle to motivate myself to exercise.
I struggle to slow down and spend time in prayer.
I need to decrease the junk food and increase the healthy fruits and veggies.
I need decrease my frivolous media intake and increase my spiritual/deeper reading.
I can’t lose weight unless I get on my feet and get moving.
I can’t grow spiritually unless I get on my knees and get praying.
Healthier living is not done overnight. It takes small changes everyday, done over and over until it becomes second nature.
A strong spiritual life is not done overnight. It takes small changes everyday, done over and over until it becomes second nature.
The list could go on and on. I know none of this is new but Lent is an especially good time to review and relearn what we’ve let fall through the cracks. For me the lesson is to be a better steward of my time, which helps me spiritually and physically.
So today I’ll give you a report on my physical progress. My goal this week was to turn off the computer and start my walking routine again. My two sisters BC & JC have inspired me! The started off simple and then slowly trained, got fit and have worked their way up to completing their first half marathon. Go girls!


So with their encouragement, after I drop off the boys at preschool I head over to the local walking trail, put Matthew in the stroller and walk two miles. I used to walk this trail all the time when Bella was in preschool and I was pregnant with Andrew. Today I was reminded how invigorating it is to be outdoors and walk so near God’s beauty.


My sister also recommended that I use the Endomondo app on my iphone while I walk. I love it. It really helps out by keeping track of my time, the distance walked, the calories I burn and it shows a map of how far I’ve gone. (It also works on a number of sports, not just walking or running.)
Okay, Wednesday will be over in less than an hour so I better post this before it is too late. Have a restful night!

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