Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

What I Needed to Hear

Two posts came up on my google reader and both were were really worth the read. They echoed what I’ve been thinking about all day yesterday.
The first was a post at Creative Minority Report called The Beauty of Human Weakness by Chelsea Zimmerman from Reflections of a Paralytic. My favorite lines are the following:

“…the awareness of the limits of our human nature is meant to lead us to put all our trust in God who wants us to rely on Him for absolutely everything. When we place our trust in God alone His divine power will shine forth in us, sustaining us in our weakness (St. Josemaria, Friends of God, 194). In other words, God uses our weakness to reveal His glory. This is the example Christ left for us that we have been instructed to follow (1 Peter 2:21).”

The second post to resonate with me was These Hands from Tumbling Towards Grace. My favorite lines:

Please don’t fight me. I know you. I love you. I made you to love me. Please let me love you.

What kind of a God do we have, who pleads with us simply to let ourselves be loved? In a world where our value as people is increasingly determined by what we do, make, create, consume; how radical to hear the message that all that matters is to love and be loved? We have a God who makes Himself available to us every moment of every day, body, blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharist!
And what do I do? I get stressed out by the baby crying, or the messy house, and try to find salvation in a chocolate bar. Or a bottle of wine. Or reality tv. Or whatever the crutch du-jour is. Twisting and squirming in the hands which hold everything, and hold it together.
And right there, is Jesus, patiently waiting for me to call on him, quietly reminding me like the most tender of parents, “please don’t fight these hands that are holding you.”

It was just what I needed to hear. God reinforcing what he was speaking to my heart. He’s amazing that way. Blessed be God. šŸ™‚

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