Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

2017 Goal Setting Series: Part 2

I am working on Lara Casey’s 2017 Goal Setting Series. Here is my reflection of Part 2 of 5. - goals_2017-series_part_2

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Step 4: What the one thing I want to cultivate this year.

Getting back to basics and simplifying. - mercy_1

 Step 5A: What challenges did I experience in 2016? What areas need work?

Challenges included: Dad’s death, mom’s cancer, feeling far away from extended family, stress, worry, hectic afternoons, feeling overwhelmed at times. When I don’t have a plan to follow I feel like I am spinning in circles not actually getting anything done. And when I didn’t put prayer first it just made all these issues worse.

I already discussed what needs work in Step 1. - goal_summer_15_a

5B: What lessons did you learn from those challenges.

  • Prayer brings peace and strength.
  • Family time is important.
  • Charity begins at home.
  • Less screen time = more positive activities.
  • The boys especially need lots of physical exercise.
  • Walking improves my health and stress levels.
  • I feel like Jesus is calling me to be a source of comfort and joy to His Sacred Heart and his children.
  • I need spiritual strength before I can share it with others.

Step 6A – Who helped me cultivate what mattered most in 2016?

Brian, my kids, my father-in-law, my mom, mi familia, my Blessed Is She sisters and a few close friends.

Step 6B (Optional) – Make a Pinterest inspiration board of things you want to make happen in 2017.

I made a Pinterest board here.

I also took a couple of favorites and made an inspiration board in my bullet journal. - goals_jan_2017_e

I’ll post Part 3 tomorrow. See you then 🙂

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