Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Online Daybook/ 7 QT (9/23/16): Blessed Is She Team Retreat, Summer Highlights & New Fave TV Shows - logo_online_daybook_1

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od_logo_quiet2Grateful for…

  • An incredible weekend with the Blessed Is She team.
  • New new friendships and meeting old online friends in person.
  • Reconnecting with Our Lord and for the time in quiet prayer that I desperately needed.
  • Safe travels.
  • The hugs and kisses I received when I returned home. πŸ™‚

Praying for..

  • The BIS team and all the BIS sisters around the world.
  • Numerous friends who are carrying heavy crosses.
  • For special intentions for members of my family.
  • For my mother-in-law’s upcoming surgery.
  • Our nation.
  • All pregnant moms (especially family members), those trying to get pregnant, those who have lost their babies and for moms contemplating an abortion.
  • The souls in purgatory, especially family, friend and those most forgotten.

UPDATE: My mother-in-law had her hip surgery and all went well. She was recovering nicely but the second day there were a couple of complications. By the end of the third day she was not doing well. Last night we woke up to a call from the hospital at 11:30 PM to let us know she was doing worse and being moved to another section of the hospital where she could be more closely monitored. All I could think was that the kids already lost their Opa six months ago. Please, Lord, don’t take their Oma too! I went to see her early this morning and she is doing better but exhausted and in need of sleep and rest. Please say a prayer for her, for her physical health and her mental health. She is older but strong and active and being brought down like this is a heavy cross for her. Thank you!


For those who don’t already follow me on social media or have been following the hashtag #bisteamretreat on IG this weekend,Β  thirty ladies from the Blessed Is She team met in Wisconsin at Nell’s family lodge for a retreat/conference/get together.

bis_team_retreat_2016_aPhoto courtesy of Megan

It was the most surreal feeling to have profile photos in your head and then see those Facebook photos come to life and hug you. It was amazing. I’ll go into more detail.

However, I have been pondering a comment that MaryRuth made during our small group discussion. We were talking about how we sometimes struggle in our prayer life and how we try to overcome it. On the one hand we can sometimes think of prayer as a “set time” and forget that our day should be inconstant communion with God and turning our heart and mind over to Him numerous times a day. However, that shouldn’t be the only kind of prayer we have. MaryRuth said that just as in marriage, you are working side by side with your husband taking care of family life, you still need to stop and take some quiet time alone for a date night to reconnect with each other. So it is with God. Even though we are working side by side with Him throughout the day we still need a “date night” with God to reconnect with Him and deepen our relationship. I love that image and want to make sure God is getting some one-on-one time with me as well. πŸ™‚ (Thanks for the wisdom, MaryRuth. πŸ™‚ )

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Around the House…

I’ve been gone for 3 days so you can imagine the catching up I need to do without me going into any details!


Family Chit Chat…

Wow, it’s been a month since my last daybook. I usually like to do these every 2-3 weeks. I guess a lot has been going on here so here’s a recap. During the month of August these things happened… - aug_16_collage

Bella started high school (what!!), we watched the Olympics, the boys took swimming classes, we went to he movies, I celebrated my birthday and had a “real” date night with Brian. I had a night out with girl friends that I haven’t seen in ages, we visited the Aquarium, celebrated a little guy’s birthday and the boys started school (grades K, 1 & 3.)


Happy birthday to my birthday month buddy John-Paul! πŸ™‚

The highlights ofΒ  September so far was first – a visit from my Mom and Dad! - gg_collage_2016

It was my mom’s first longer trip (from So Cal) since her surgery. She looked great, is recovering really well, and so far there are no signs of cancer. They were able to attend Grandparent’s Day at the boys’ school and I was just happy because it was the first time I could hug them since I found out about my mom’s cancer. Again, she asked me to thank you all for your previous and continued prayers!! - bis_team_retreat_2016_collage_a

The second highlight was definitely my trip to Wisconsin for the Blessed Is She team retreat! It was an awfully early morning waking up at 4:30 AM but I made it, which was a miracle in itself. I had plenty of reading material to distract me from the fact that I’m a little freaked out to fly. My first layover was in LA then it was off to Minnesota. πŸ™‚ - bis_team_retreat_2016_collage_d

We arrived at Nell’s house and she was the most gracious hostess with the ability to make you feel like you were completely welcomed and loved. πŸ™‚ After everyone arrived we squealed like school girls and hugged each other as we marveled at this opportunity to be more than online friends but real life friends. πŸ™‚ - bis_team_retreat_2016_collage_b

After dinner we drove in a caravan for an hour until we reached #wholeparentinglodge. The sun was setting when we arrived and were greeted by lovely farm silhouettes. After settling in we had a camp fire where we made s’mores and then prayed the rosary. It was the perfect ending to a busy day. The next morning we woke up to grey skies but eventually the sun broke through and we saw the land in all it’s glory. I swear it felt like a peek into heaven (if you took out the bugs.) - bis_team_retreat_2016_collage_c

For the next two days we got to know each other better, took a writing class to improve our skills, had a state of the union address by our amazing leader Jenna, ate (very well!) and chatted, had small group discussions and a talk about prayer that truly moved me and brought me closer to Christ. On Sunday morning we went to Mass at a little 100+ year old country church. Afterwards we were greeted by the Father who prayed over us and blessed us. I love the photo with him smiling because his joy of the Lord was contagious! Finally we said our goodbyes and I headed to the airport and had lunch with Heather and Beth before returning back to California. So. Many. Blessings. Thanks to all who prayed for us our our safe travels. Please continue to pray for Blessed Is She and all involved! You are definitely in our prayers each day. πŸ™‚


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In the Kitchen…

Monday: Chicken fajitas with salad.

Tuesday: Chicken sausage, roasted potatoes, broccoli and salad.

Wednesday: Breakfast dinner.

Thursday: Quick and Easy Cheesy Pasta with Kale

Friday: Tuna melts and tomato soup.

Saturday: (Treat night.) Eat out.

Sunday: Slow cooker BBQ chicken sandwiches, green beans and salad.


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I really need to sit down and review all the books I read over the summer! Right now I am reading

Other Side of Peace by Hallie Lord


What Alice Forgot by Lian Moriarty





The Fall TV season has started and this week and I have a handful of shows I wanted to check out. My favorite so far is This Is Us. (WARNING: If you click the link, the trailer of the show has a brief flash of Jesse from Gilmore Girls bare butt. So be warned. πŸ˜‰ ) The show reminds me of Parenthood with it’s heartwarming family themes and plenty of drama. There are adult situations and (I think) some language but nothing worse than a PG-13.)

I also watched the new ABC comedy Speechless about aΒ  slightly quirky family of six with a special needs child. There were a number of laughs and a couple of sweet moments. I thought it was well done and look forward to watching more. (Some crude humor.)


I watched The Good Place and it was okay but it didn’t completely grab me. I’ll watch one more episode to see if I will keep it or drop it.

It’s been a crazy week so tonight Brian and I will unwind with the conspiracy thriller The Designated Survivor. Kiefer Sutherland plays a lower-level cabinet member who unexpectedly becomes president after an attack on Washington. The trailer looks good and hopefully the show will deliver. (UPDATE: Brian and I watch the show and both really enjoyed the first episode!)

Lastly, I can’t wait for the beginning of Season 2 of Poldark on Sunday, September 25th. YAY! πŸ™‚




The last three movies I’ve watched.

The Secret Life of Pets – This was actually pretty funny. There was a little crude humor but nothing too bad. The kids all enjoyed it. PG

Ben Hur – This got terrible reviews but I thought it was a decent movie, particularly for a “biblical” movie. The ending was a little Hallmark-ish but I still enjoyed it. Great for those looking for a “Christian” movie.Β  I rate it 3Β  stars. PG-13

The Light Between Oceans – I finished the book just in time to watch the movie. It was a little slow at firstΒ  (or at least it would seem so for someone who didn’t read the book already) but the actors did a great job at expressing the emotion of the story and the visual scenery was stunning. I still don’t like the ending, even though I understand why it was done that way. Overall I ‘d rate it 3 1/2 stars with the recommendation of reading the book first. PG-13


Listening to …

New Song by Warpaint is a little less alternative and a little more dancey than I usually like, but it has grabbed me anyway. πŸ˜‰


If you are looking for something a little deeper for the soul, check out Danielle Bean’s podcast Girlfriends. I love it. πŸ™‚


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Recent Posts:

Not many. My schedule is still pretty full.


From the Archives: - Holy Spirit Prayer - Free Printable and Bookmarker (pp_holy_spirit_3)Sept 2015 – Pinterest Party & Link-up (vol 39): Holy Spirit Prayer {Free} Printable & Bookmarker

Sept 2014 – How I Improved My Night Prayers & Exam of Conscience

Revolution of Love Blog - minestrone soup

Sept 2013 – Meatless Meals (Vol 2): Minestrone Soup


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Β Weekly Bullet Journal Layout Ideas by Sublime


Around the blogosphere…


~ 7 ~ - od_logo_captured_2 - ocean_purpleTaken on a morning walk.

So that’s what I’ve been up to lately. What about you? What’s currently happening in your life? Any book or movie recommendations? Do share.

I’m linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.

Have a great week!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, πŸ˜‰

PPS – Disclaimer: “Revolution of is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

In other words, if you click on my affiliated links and make a purchase, I get a small compensation that goes towards keeping the blog online. Big hugs to those who click and help support the blog! xoxo πŸ™‚








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  • Nell says:

    I loved meeting you in person so much. What a blessing!! And what a beautiful thought from MaryRuth about continuous conversation with God!

  • Laura says:

    I love your online daybooks! So much information and wonderful tidbits about life, your lovely family, and hobbies/interests. I love snagging ideas from your daybook because there is always something to read, cook, think about…

  • Laurel Muff says:

    What a great recap of the #bisteamretreat, Bobbi! Such a wonderful weekend…and what a blessing to finally meet in person! πŸ™‚
    We should have talked books more when we were together. Next time. πŸ˜‰ I’m interested to hear what you think about “What Alice Forgot”. I just finished “The Awakening of Miss Prim” which I had picked up for our trip. A good read, and I’m eager to hear ‘Fountains of Carrots’ podcast on it (forthcoming!).
    I’m interested in ‘This is Us’, but haven’t had a chance to watch yet. “The Light Between Oceans” too — I loved the book!

    • bobbi says:

      Yes, next time we will definitely have to discuss some books, Laurel. I always love your suggestions! I slowed down in my reading and only have 1/2 of What Alice Forgot done so far. (I have too many half read books at the moment and I hate that.) I did hear about “The Awakening of Miss Prim.” I’ll have to add it to my list. Did you ever get to see This Is Us or The Light… movie? I’m curious to know what you thought. πŸ™‚

  • Beth Anne says:

    I have that same weekly spread post pinned on pinterest. Maybe I pinned it from you originally lol So many choices for weekly spreads. I’m always changing mine nothing seems to stick ha

    • bobbi says:

      That’s funny, Beth Anne. I am the opposite. I have been using the same format for months and don’t want to change but then feel a little guilty that I SHOULD change it up a little. Oh, well. LOL.

  • Your Daybook posts are! So much detail! I’m glad your MIL and Mom are hanging in there – will keep praying. Also grateful we got to finally meet IRL and have lunch! God bless you! <3

    • bobbi says:

      Thanks, Heather. Now whenever I see your profile photo on FB I can’t help but smile and remember your sense of humor and playful attitude. You are a joy. πŸ™‚ I hope we get to see each other again!

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