Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes (9/14/12): Sneezing, Sewing & Old Movies

Hosted by Jen at Conversion Diary.

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This Is Why We Don’t Have A Cat – Over the past two weeks we’ve been touch and go with a cold bug tagging each of the kids. This week it finally hit me. At first it started as allergies due to a bad experience with Target. I know, the store I love! Well, it wasn’t really Target’s fault but one of their shoppers. I purchased a slip cover for our horrid front room couch that has an even more horrid slip cover that always comes off. (It is taking the word “slip” too seriously.) I opened it up and as I was placing it on the couch I started sneezing like crazy. I then realized that the cover had cat or dog hair all over it. I pulled the cover off and folded it back into the box but the damage was done. My allergies went crazy. (It’s weird but I know it’s my allergies when the roof of my mouth gets really itchy.) Well, slowly my allergies went into a head cold and sore throat and if you call my house and hear a raspy whisper answer the phone, don’t hang up. It’s just me.

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Silence Is Golden – However, I’ve noticed a curious thing with not having my normal voice, I can’t yell at the kids when I am mad moderately raise my voice to demonstrate my displeasure. Yesterday, I almost blew my top, but not being able to talk loudly, I had to take a deep breath and firmly but calmly and quietly correct Child A. This automatically had a calming effect on me interiorly and I then calmly corrected Child B. I swear I felt like Michele Duggar when she sweetly corrects her kids (at least on camera.) I walked into the kitchen and Brian was smiling at me. I think he is secretly praying that my voice takes a long time to return. šŸ˜‰ But seriously, it’s amazing all the little lessons God can teach you when you are quiet and humble enough to listen.

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Pass the Visine – Okay, okay. One more quick take about being under the weather. (Cut me some slack, guys, it’s been a slow news week.) Along with the stuffy head and raspy voice, I have been wearing sunglasses outside the house all week, despite the clouds and the fog, because my eyes are so red and watery. I looked in the mirror the other day and saw puffy eyes, bags and dark circles and I swore I aged 10 years in a week. Man, if this keeps up I’m going to have to break down and buy some kind of cover up/ make up. I’m also really resisting the urge to watch the movie Mr. Skeffington just to witness Fanny get ill and age 20 years after always looking so youthful. (I love that movie!)

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Movie Night – I think I’ve mentioned this before but one of my favorite times of the day is when I put John-Paul and Andrew to sleep. After prayers and bedtime stories, it’s lights off. Usually I would sit in the room 5-10 more minutes while they dozed off. Now they are out within minutes but It is so quiet and peaceful that I find myself staying in there 15 – 20 minutes just to read. No emailing, texting or web surfing allowed. I can only read. One of the books I finished last month was To Kill A Mockingbird. Can you believe I had never read the book nor seen the movie before, particularly since I love B&W classic movies? Now that I’ve read the book I was going to rent the movie but I noticed that our local theater is playing the movie on Nov 15 as part of the TCM Event Series so I think I’ll wait and watch it on the big screen.
BTW, if you are a classic movie fan, next Wed, Sept 19th they are playing Hitchcock’s The Birds and on October 24th it is a Halloween Double Feature with the original “Frankenstein” (1931) followed by “Bride of Frankenstein” (1935). Sounds fun!

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Catholicism & A Zombie Apocalypse – Speaking of reading, I was going to do a Quick Take about Ryan Charles Trusell and his new, innovative novel Ora et Labora et Zombies but I think it is too exciting to merely mention it quickly so I made a separate post instead. Check it out.

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Making It Count – Hey, did you notice that I am now hosting Making It Count Tuesday? Sarah and Pam are unable to do it right now so they were kind enough to let me oversee it. If you are not familiar with Making It Count, it runs every 2nd and 4th Tuesday. You simply start with any one of those fabulous ideas you’ve found online. Then, do it. Make it. Cook it. Create it. Take it from the screen, give it life and let it bless your world. When you’re done, snap a photo, write about it and share it with us. Make your time online count.
You have until Sunday night to participate in this week’s MICT. Or you can come back on Tues 9/25. I hope to see you there!

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Sew what? – Speaking of getting creative, as readers of this blog know I am not exactly skilled in the sewing department. (Duct tape to hem pants, anyone?) However, I’ve been trying to correct my ways and spread my creative wings and I’m thinking about trying a simple sewing project – such as making your own cloth napkins. How hard could that be? (Famous last words.) I was thinking of buying a simple sewing machine with some birthday money I have saved but let me ask you a question – what is the minimum I should spend on a machine. I don’t need anything fancy but I don’t want it to be so cheap that it doesn’t work properly but I honestly don’t know where to start. So if you could recommend a brand or price range I’d really appreciate it! Thanks.
Okay, my time is up and I made it to the last take. Have a great weekend!


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  • colleencr00 says:

    I hope you are feeling better soon, Bobbi!
    I have a very basic Singer sewing machine that my husband bought me for my birthday. I do very basic sewing and it has never let me down. Eric says he thinks he paid about $200 for it, but when I look at the models in amazon the ones in that price range are all computerized and that is waaaay fancier than my machine. I would guess that a machine in the $100-$150 range would be about right.

  • mamabearjd says:

    I haven’t visited in a while. It was good to check in!
    I wish I had ideas for the sewing machine. My feeling is that you can get a good machine for $150-200. A really good resource is your local sewing store (sometimes there will be one inside JoAnn’s). I got a great deal on a demo there. They will usually have classes and help you out if you get stuck along the way. I can make complicated things but mostly I make simple things and my daughter has mostly taken over my machine. I think you girls would have fun learning together.
    Also, I’m so glad you read TKAM. We are both lawyers and named our daughter Scout. Love that book.

  • bobbi says:

    Thanks for the advice! I think I am going to ask for a sewing machine for Christmas. šŸ™‚

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