Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Baby Birth Stories: Better Late Than Never by EML

Next to “how we met” stories, I love baby birth stories. My sister posted the story of her son Frank and since she is also a guest writer at RoL, she let us post it on our website. Here it is for you to enjoy!

Better Late Than Never
by EML of Barefoot and Sometimes Pregnant Blog

My first baby, Edith, was a week early so I figured Frank would be early too, but I was very wrong. Frank’s due date came and went and not much was happening. I would get contractions here or there, but nothing that would stay. I tired walking, shoveling snow and all the other things they tell you to try to get the baby to come out, but Frank was taking his sweet time. Finally, on the day before I turned 42 weeks, we spent the day at Colonial Williamsburg. We walked around for a good six or seven hours and by the end of the day, I could feel the contractions coming a little stronger. I went to bed thinking Frank was probably going to be coming in the next few days.
I woke up at exactly 8am with a very hard contraction and they continued to come every 20 mins or so. I was still thinking they might just be a false alarm so I went about my morning. By noon, they were coming between 6-9 mins apart and with enough force that I needed to stop and let them pass. I called the midwife and let her know, but I was still thinking it he wasn’t going to come until the evening or later. The midwife said she was going to come to the house and she arrived around 2pm, we ate lunch and then I went to our bedroom since the contractions were starting to come more often and much harder.
While I was on all fours dealing with the contractions coming and going, my 1.5 old daughter would bring me water, pretending to time contractions and writing things down.
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