Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Progress Report: 100 Miles in 100 Days & Health Goals - 100 Miles in 100 Days(logo_100_miles)

Back in the beginning of summer I started my second annual 100 miles in 100 days challenge.Ā  Today marks day 77 and so far I have logged in 90.5 miles. šŸ™‚

I was excited to see a number of other friends join me in the walking challenge!

I was lucky to do many walks along the ocean but once Bella went back to high school and I was home with just the boys (they don’t return to school for another 2 weeks) I could no longer walk alone at the beach.

Instead, I’ve improvised and walked up and down our long driveway while the boys ran laps around me. šŸ˜‰

By the end of June I was walking steadily, logging in many 2 mile days. However, all that walking was also causing some pain my my right heel. I had to give it a rest for a few days and buy some new shoes. It is feeling better now, although it hurts again when I walk barefoot (I’m always barefoot in the house.) I’m getting used to walking in shoes at home, which has been weird but doable.

The walking has also motivated me to be more diligent about the food I eat. I’ve traded items like regular rice for cauliflower rice. Or will use low fat cheese instead of full fat cheese. Or I’ll only eat a small piece of enchilada but have a big salad.

I still had a few I-fell-off-the-wagon days but for the most part I have been doing well. Plus, when I do indulge it eventually leaves me feeling a bit sick and sluggish. I can’t eat junk food like I used to, which is actually a good thing. šŸ˜‰

My blood pressure has been good with lots of deep breathing going on when I feel myself stressing out!

I’m not sure if I mentioned earlier, but before during those six years when we had trouble conceiving and lost two babies in miscarriage, I was diagnosed with insulin resistance. I changed my diet and randomly monitored my blood sugar to make sure they stayed within a normal range. For the last month or so, my blood sugar during the day has been fine but my waking blood sugar has been higher than normal despite all the walking and better eating. The doctor started me on specific supplements to help with my levels and we’ll see if it helps.

In the meantime, I am also still working on losing weight. I hit a plateau so I changed up my eating again and I’m finally seeing the numbers slowly decrease. I’m actually only 3 pounds away from a weight I haven’t seen since my 20’s. I still have a loooong way to go but it feels good to see some progress.

So in a nutshell, I am plugging away – walking, eating better, and trying not to reach for chocolate when I am stressed. That’s been a hard lately, especially with Brian’s health situation but I’m working on it.

What about you? Any health goals you are working on? Goals reached? Areas you struggle with? Do share. šŸ™‚

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰





2nd Annual Summer Walking Challenge 2017: 100 Miles in 100 Days - 100 Miles in 100 Days(logo_100_miles)

It’s time for our second annual Summer Walking Challenge 2017!

Last year I completed my Summer Walking Challenge and it went so well I wanted to make it an annual thing. I have made it a habit to take my morning walk after I drop the kids off at school but once summer starts and the kids are home I can’t just put on my earphones and take off. It takes more planning and I am more prone to just skip my walk altogether.

As an incentive to keep moving each day, I made the 100 miles in 100 days challenge. This will motivate me to at least walk a mile a day, or if I do skip a day, walk 2 miles the next day. If I can’t do my usual beach walk then I’ll have to improvise and walk up and down our long deck, the driveway or around the park while the kids play.

Only committing to one mile a day may not seem like much to the fit and moving chicas out there but for me, it’s an accomplishment. šŸ˜‰

I made a progress chart in my bullet journal to keep track of my miles. Plus my Fitbit Blaze has been a huge help in motivating me to walk more!

Okay, let’s pause for a commercial break…

Speaking of Fitbit, someone asked me where I got my pink Fitbit band. I bought a regular Fitbit Blaze but didn’t like the black, manly band and couldn’t afford a fancy replacement band. However, I found this pink/rose gold band (there are lots of colors available) with a regular watch closure (not the circular push clasp) for only $32. I’ve had it since January and so far it is working great.

Second, I’ve gotten messages on my instastories asking about my Blessed Is She water bottle and rosary. You can find them in the Blessed Is She shop!

Okay, back to the challenge. It starts June 1 and runs until September 7th. And if you don’t start on June 1st, no worries! Jump in whenever you can! Every little bit counts!

Want to join me? Snap a photo of your walk and post it on Instagram with the hashtag #rol100milesin100days. You can follow me at @bobbi_rol.Ā  šŸ™‚

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest,Ā GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰

PPS – Disclaimer: “Revolution of is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

In other words, if you click on my affiliated links and make a purchase, I get a small compensation that goes towards keeping the blog online. Big hugs to those who click and help support the blog! xoxo šŸ™‚


Summer Walking Challenge: 100 Miles in 100 Days - 100 Miles in 100 Days(logo_100_miles)A few years back I did a walking challenge and I’d like to pick it back up this summer. It is relatively easy for me to walk in the morning after I drop the kids off at school but when summer is here and the kids are home with me I don’t have the same flexibility to go walking whenever I want. As a result, my walk time decreases.

To combat this, I am doing a 100 miles in 100 days challenge. This will motivate me to at least walk a mile a day, or if I do skip a day, walk 2 miles the next day. If I can’t get to my beach walk then I’ll have to walk up and down our long driveway/deck or walk around the park as the kids play. It may not seem like much to you regularly running chicas but for me, as long as I get myself consistently moving, I’ll be happy. - 100 Miles in 100 Days bullet journal page bujo_1--_milesI added a page in my bullet journal to keep track of my miles.

The challenge starts June 1 and runs until September 8th. Want to join me? Snap a photo of your walk and post it on Instagram with the hashtag #rol100milesin100days. šŸ™‚

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest,Ā GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰

PPS – Disclaimer: “Revolution of is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

In other words, if you click on my affiliated links and make a purchase, I get a small compensation that goes towards keeping the blog online. Big hugs to those who click and help support the blog! xoxo šŸ™‚


Weigh-in Wednesday: Vol 13 – Walking Update & A Link-Up


**Sharing the triumphs and missteps on my journey towards a healthier physical, emotional and spiritual life.**

I’m pressed for time so I am going to keep this short.

Walking Update


My walking program of 100 Miles in 100 Days has hit a bump in the road. I am almost at my half way point but this week has been crazy and I missed walking five out of 7 days. Ugh. Last night we had an early dinner so Brian told me to go ahead and go to the beach to walk because I don’t want to break the good habit I started.
So I put my walking shoes on and got back out there. It’s funny that just that little break in my routine made me feel kind of sluggish and a bit out of step. It took me longer to get into the rhythm of walking. Does that make sense? Anyway, I’ve regrouped and wlil try to stay on track. I’ll just walk a little longer than the 100 days to make up for my lost time.
In the meantime, here is a photo I shot last night.


What have you been working on this week? Share your goals, your progress or your missteps. You can share in the comment box or link your own blog post. I look forward to hearing from you! (Note: For some reason WordPress users haven’t been able to comment so you may need to sign in using google or yahoo, etc instead.)
Have a healthy week!


Weigh-in Wednesday: Vol 12 – Walking & Weight Updates, Virtual 5K & Add Your Link


**Sharing the triumphs and missteps on my journey towards a healthier physical, emotional and spiritual life.**

It’s a busy day so this is a quickie!

Physical Update


My walking program of 100 Miles in 100 Days continues. On the day I took this photo the only motivation that got me to climb the hills of Carmel by the Sea was to stop at this restaurant and make sure they still sell my favorite roasted garlic pizza with feta cheese.


I love the outdoor seating! (Actually, I’ve never even been inside the main restaurant. I always sit outside.) I hope to go there next month for a birthday lunch date with Brian. Hey, whatever works to keep me moving, right?



This is Week 5 of Lose a Half-Marathon. This week I lost two pounds, making up for my big 0 last week.


All this walking will be topped off by my participating in theCatholic Exchange Virtual 5K.

Are you joining too? What have you been working on this week? Share your goals, your progress or your missteps. You can share in the comment box or link your own blog post. I look forward to hearing from you! (Note: For some reason WordPress users haven’t been able to comment so you may need to sign in using google or yahoo, etc instead.)

Have a healthy week!
