I received these as gifts for my pregnancy and I love both of them!
Book: Prayerfully Expecting by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
This book is a beautiful compilation of prayers! Each month begins with a summary of how your baby is growing and then various prayers and novenas that can be said for you, your baby and your family. At the end of each chapter there is a space for you write your own reflections. I have really been enjoying this book! (And I think it would be a great idea to save the book and give it to your child as a gift when they are older. It would be cool to read what your mom was thinking and praying when she was pregnant with you.)
Pregnancy Calendar by Russ
When I pregnant with Bella, a friend gave me the Pregnancy Calendar by Russ. I loved using it and had bought another one when I was pregnant with Andrew. For Baby 3, there is an updated version that replaces the “80’s look” of the older version. (As pictured above.)
You fill in the calendar with your own dates and each week tells you something about your baby’s development and each month has helpful hints for your pregnancy. There are also plenty of stickers to record things such as when you told your family or when you felt the first kick or when you had your baby shower. I hung the calendar in the kitchen and Bella loves to see what day we are on and what is happening that week. We’ve had a lot of fun using it.
Gifts for a Pregnant Mom
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