Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Quick Guide to Prayer Meditation

A friend was asking me about how I do a morning meditation and how it differs from sitting quietly and repeating an “ooom” mantra. Well, the purpose of my meditation is to quiet myself down (my head can be going a mile a minute) and to turn my heart and mind towards God in order that I may converse with Him, draw closer to Him and allow Him to guide me in the rest of my day. It’s basically spending quiet time with the one you love.
I admit that, unlike Brian, it doesn’t come easy to me to sit and pray. I have to work at it so that even on days when I feel rushed, I can give God some quality quiet time. Starting my day off this way helps me to keep Him in focus when the rest of the day is crazy with typical mommy duties. Some prefer to take this prayer time in the evening or at 2am when they are feeding a newborn. Go for whatever works for you. Start small and work your way up.
You might want to use a prayer book, scripture, spiritual reading or a daily devotional book (particularly for moms or Catholic woman) to get you started. Then let your heart speak to God one on one. Spend a few minutes in quiet so God can speak to your heart. Close with words of thanksgiving. Finally, to put your prayer into action you can pick something you’ll work on that day based on your meditation/conversation with God.

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