Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Making A Reading Bullet Journal (& A Chance to Win A MMD Journal) - Reading Bullet Journal logo_mmd_journal2

This week I have been celebrating the love of summer reading! - Summer 2016 Reading List - logo_summer_2016

On Wednesday, I posted my Summer Reading List. On Thursday, I posted reviews of the books I read in June. - reading_journal_7

On Friday, I joined Cristina and Tiffany over at Planned Not Scripted for the Late Summer Reading Club where we are reading The Summer Before the War.

Today I am sharing with you by new reading journal!

Anyone who reads my blog knows that I am in love with my bullet journal. I like having all my To Do’s and various lists all in one place. However, Anne at Modern Mrs. Darcy (who recently started using a bullet journal) talked about having a journal just for reading. In previous years, that would have been off my radar since I wasn’t reading much. However, this year one of my goals was to read more. As a result, my love of reading has been reignited and I am reading whenever I get the chance. Sooo, a book journal is making a lot more sense to me now.

I’ll admit that I’m a fangirl of MMD and when she came out with her own lined reading journal I picked one up. It is lovely! (Although, I have to be honest and say that it did have a chemical smell when it came out of the package. I aired it out before using it.) Here is how I set it up. - Making A Reading Bullet Journal - reading_journal_1

My opening page. - Reading Bullet Journal - reading_journal_9

I numbered the pages and made an index of the content. I left space for future lists. - Making A Reading Bullet Journal - reading_journal_2

Next I added my challenges such as my Goodreads Reading Challenge and Modern Mrs. Darcy’s Reading Challenge. - Making A Reading Bullet Journal - reading_journal_3

Next I have my book log where I keep track of the books I read. Here is January to March. - Reading Bullet Journal - reading_journal_4C

April to June. - Making A Reading Bullet Journal - reading_journal_6

I left a few pages for the upcoming months and then started a Lists section. I lined the edges with washi tape for easier reference. I left ample room for various lists – books I want to read. Authors I want to check out. Books friends recommended to me, etc.

On page 31, I started a Quotes and Notes section, which are pretty self-explanatory.


A sample page of books to read.

Having all this in one place makes it easier when I am at the library or browsing the Overdrive app or looking for something on Amazon. There are plenty of ideas in one place. Because I had so much fun setting this up and using it, I want to share the fun with you. I bought an extra copy of the MMD journal and would love to give it to one of my online friends. šŸ™‚ - Reading Bullet Journal - ogo_mmd_journal

To enter the contest, just use the rafflecopter below. Have fun and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

UPDATE: Congrats to the winner of the contest – Mary Ann of NY. šŸ™‚

Oh, and I always get emails asking where I bought my supplies, so here is the info in advance.

Staedtler Color Pen Set, Set of 36 Assorted Colors

Pilot FriXion Pencil, 0.7mm Ballpoint Pen, 12 Colors Set (Erasable)

Weapons of Mass Creation Pouch

Luke’s Diner Mug

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰

PPS – Disclaimer: “Revolution of is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

In other words, if you click on my affiliated links and make a purchase, I get a small compensation that goes towards keeping the blog online. Big hugs to those who click and help support the blog! xoxo šŸ™‚






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  • Gina D. says:

    I’ve been reading more lately as well! This journal would be wonderful to have. šŸ™‚

  • Lisa says:

    Love this journal. Just started this type of journaling and I love it!!

  • Christi says:

    This is the type of journaling that goes on in my head! I’d love to get the pen to paper!

  • Alice says:

    This is amazing!!! I have a limited edition Moleskine (it’s the one with the fabric cover and The Hobbit theme) that I started using as a book journal, I just wrote the list of books read in 2015 and created a sort of 2016 log, but I wasn’t sure how to use the rest of the journal, since it has more pages than a normal Moleskine. I use a bullet journal for planning my life and I didn’t think about using it for my books! So THANK YOU for the inspiration <3

  • Albertina says:

    Really like what how you have set up your reading your reading journal !

  • says:

    Introducing the printable MMD reading journal! Designed to be flexible, this reading journal is a dream for any reader wanting to track their books.

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