Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 4: Episode 4 (Ep 5 in the UK)

Source – ITV

This week I watched Downton with my sweetie in his hospital room. The TV was small and I sorely missed my subtitles (especially to catch the Dowager’s zingers) but at least we were together. (He’s slowly doing better by the way. πŸ™‚ ) I came home and rewatched it with my mom so I could get all the parts I missed.

Anna & Bates – Well, Anna’s secret is finally out and that is good news and bad news. The good news – I could not have loved Bates more when he told Anna that she had nothing to be ashamed of and, if anything, he loved her more because of what she suffered. Thankfully, Anna fell back into his arms, back into his cottage and was once again sharing knowing looks with him. However, because this is Downton, we cannot have a lovely moment without some disaster looming on the horizon. Sweet Bates menacingly vowed to avenge his wife and I cannot say that I blame him. I just pray to God that if Green is served his justice it is not by Bates because I cannot do the “Bates in jail” storyline all over again.

Mary – I knew that kiss from Lord Gillingham was going to shake up Mary. I didn’t realize just how taken she was with Lord G until we caught her wiping tears away as she was writing to congratulate him on his engagement to that girl he doesn’t really love. It was amusing to see her so jovial at the sight of Napier. (He was in Season 1 as the friend of drop dead Mr. Pamuk.) Also, she was definitely feeling like her old self with her verbal jabs at Edith.

Robert – I was pleased that Robert showed a softer, less haughty side by helping out Mr. Drewe. I just hope it all works out okay and doesn’t backfire.

Edith – Ay yi yi. Things are not going well for Edith. First she signs questionable papers without reading them and then she loses her virtue to a suspicious wanna be-Mr Rochester with German overtones and then he leaves her without any word and now she is (I am assuming) with child. Sigh.

Thomas and Baxter – This is an interesting development as Thomas is trying to create an O’Brien 2.0. Although Baxter is doing his dirty work (thanks to blackmail??) I don’t see the evil streak in her that was in O’Brien or Edith. She seems more like someone who has been forced to do his dirty work in order to protect a secret. Time will tell.

Mrs. Crawley – You could tell that Isobel was feeling better. She was getting back to her slightly annoying “I know better than you” attitude. She means well but the Dowager said it best – β€œI wonder if your halo doesn’t grow heavy. It must be like wearing a tiara around the clock.””

Random Thoughts

  • We didn’t see much of Rose this week, besides her offering to help Cora plan Robert’s party. I have a feeling she has the perfect person to provide the musical entertainment. πŸ˜‰
  • It was nice to see Tom and Mary with their absent kids. I am still wrapping my head around the way the nanny basically raises the children and not the parents.
  • Joseph ‘Eeyore” Mosley once again provided us with some comic relief.
  • I hope Tom is not actually leaving.
  • Best lines of the Dowager – when she nicknames Isobel “Queen of the Rebels” or tells her “Wars have been waged with less fervor.”

Downton Abbey Facebook Recaps

Here’s the link to for their hilarious Downton Abbey Facebook Recaps. (Note: Some comments are a little crude or use questionable language so if that is no bueno for you, skip it.)

  • If Downton Abbey took place entirely on Facebook – Season 4, Episode 4.

Let me know what you thought of the episode! πŸ™‚

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

Dear Diary: Chronicling the Last Few Days & An Update on Brian’s Cancer (1/26/14)

A new day brings new hope.

Previous cancer post – Theme of 2014: Work and Pray


Friday, January 24, 2014, 12:15 PM (Brian has surgery to remove cancer from his colon.)

Learning to Surrender – I am sitting here in the waiting room while Brian is having his surgery. I brought my laptop to the hospital because I knew that writing would keep me busy and help me to sort through the various emotions rushing around inside of me.

This morning after dropping off Bella and Andrew at school I went to the chapel to say a prayer. I quietly went in and slipped into the back pew. When I looked up I saw that Jesus was exposed in the Blessed Sacrament. It took me by surprise and gratitude filled my heart. It felt like a gentle reminder that Our Lord is there present and I need not worry. I poured my heart out to Him and just let the tears flow. As I sat there one question kept coming to mind – “What is the worse thing that you can imagine happening? My answer – Brian does not survive the surgery andΒ  I lose him. Then a voice within my heart said, “Even if the worse were to happen, I would give you the strength to endure.” Something in me clicked. No matter what happened, I must love and trust God above all else.

It reminded me of when I was first dating Brian. There was a point where I was convinced that he was the man I was going to marry but he was still not sure if he was cut out to be a husband and father. I remember on one of my lunch breaks from work, I went to the local church and slipped in while it was empty. I poured my heart out to God. I told him that although I felt strongly that Brian was meant to be my husband, I had to accept that God may be calling him to Himself as a monk or religious. (He had already left the seminary before I met him but he was still debating about monastic life.) I placed Brian in the hands of Jesus and Mary and asked God for the grace and strength to accept His will, whatever it may be.

I had that same feeling in my present situation with Brian. I know God is completely capable of giving us a miracle, and we are praying for one, but I also know that sometimes God has other plans. Whatever the case, I had to reach the point of just letting go completely and know deep in my heart that no matter what, God will give me the grace and strength to get through it. Either way… however it ends up…Β  my trust and faith has to be in God. That is not the easiest thing to accept, let alone live, but I pray that God gives me the grace to do so.

Well, Brian has been in surgery for two hours now and they are about half way through. Time to close the computer and say another rosary.

Fri – 2:30 PM

The First Hurdle: The Surgery – The doctor finally came out around after 3 1/2 hours. He is very nice and very good at what he does but he is also a stoic man so when he walked towards me and my father-in-law with a severe look on his face I thought, “Ohmygosh, Brian died on the operating table.” Without change of expression he said, “It all went well.” It took a minute for the words to register but once they did, what a relief. The surgery was more difficult this time around since the cancer was embedded deep into his colon. Thank God that with the use of modern technology and cutting edge tools, they were able to get in there and remove it. While Brian was cut open he also inspected his other organs and saw that they were clean. He was pleased with the operation and said Brian looked clean but on the other hand, he looked clean after the first operation but the cancer still came back. He said it is rare for that to happen since most of the patients in Brian’s situation remain cancer free.

Next they will do a biopsy and we’ll meet with Brian’s cancer doctor to find out what stage the cancer is and whether or not he will need to to have chemo. We are hoping we can avoid it although they are worried that in Brian’s case he may need it anyway. But I can’t think about that right now. I am just happy that my sweetheart is alive and recuperating. So, so happy!! We jumped over the first major hurdle and we’ll handle the next hurdle when it comes.

I am also incredibly grateful to everyone that has lifted us in prayer. I cannot express how much it means to us to have so many people praying for us and caring for us. It is a true example of how we are all one family united in Christ – brothers and sisters looking out for one another. It brings tears to my eyes. πŸ™‚

Thank you, God, for showing mercy on your son Brian and on our family. Please continue to heal him and make him strong once again.

Β * * *

Sunday, January 26, 2014 – 11:30 AM

It’s Sunday morning and I am in the hospital room with Brian. He is really tired so I told him to close his eyes and get some rest and I’ll stay with him and do a little writing. He smiled and closed his eyes.

Yesterday was a difficult day. Brian was having a hard time with the pain and the stress of the operation was taking a toll on his body. He had gotten a fever and his heart rate was up and his oxygen down. At one point when they tried to sit him up he got the shakes and became ill. They said it is not uncommon considering what Brian has been through, but I felt so bad for him. I could see that it troubled him. I told him not to worry and that he just needs to give his body time to heal and get better. It was only the first day after the surgery!

The next morning (today) he seems in better spirits and in less pain, although he is still very tired. He will have his physical therapy later today and hopefully he does better this time.

Star Wars/Superheroes vs The Aunts (Photo by Bridgette)

Sisters, Sisters… – My sisters have been doing an awesome job at keeping the kids occupied, not to mention making my house sparkle! Bella and the boys were eager to finally go see Brian. He loved seeing them as much as they loved seeing him, although I could tell it troubled Bella to see her big, strong daddy sick in bed. John-Paul was a chatterbox and kept saying, “What the heck?! Daddy, why are you in that bed?” Andrew was quiet with wide eyes and Matthew wanted to know when Doc McStuffins was arriving. πŸ™‚ It was nice that Brian could have a little taste of home in the hospital. πŸ™‚

Sunday – 10:30 PM

I just got home from visiting Brian. We watched Downton Abbey together and by the end of it we were both tired so I kissed him good night and drive home. I hated saying goodbye and this bed feels awfully empty without him in it. I am praying for the day we can bring him home again.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and words of support!!! I’m not sure how long Brian will have to stay int he hospital but he won’t be able to eat for 5-7 days until everything heals up. In the meantime, please continue to pray for Brian as he heals – both for his body and his soul, that his spirits stay high and that he realizes how much inner strength he possesses. Have a good night. Love you guys. πŸ˜‰

UPDATE: Dear Diary: Brian’s Recovery & Dealing with Cancer (1/29/14)

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰


7 super quick Quick Takes (1/24/14)

I am linking up with Jen for 7 Quick Takes.

~ 1 ~

It’s nearly midnight and I have a ten minute window until I crash onto my pillow but I know I won’t have time to post these tomorrow. My sisters arrived and I love that they are here. Although they are here to take care of the kids, I think they will be my moral support more than anything else. I can already feel my stress levels dropping. πŸ™‚

~ 2 ~

Yesterday, Msg M from our parish came over to our home to give Brian Anointing of the Sick. The prayers were beautiful and it was just what he needed to strengthen his spirit.

~ 3 ~

The recent change in our diet and trying to eliminate the processed food, sugar and white flour and cook with whole foods has been going well but it takes SO. MUCH. TIME. Maybe its because I feel like I have to relearn how to cook. I have to find new recipes and cook them enough times until they feel like staple meals. Although, I have fallen in love with my slow cooker! I thinkΒ  I have enough new recipes to last me for the next few Pinterest Parties.

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One of the blogs I’ve been enjoying and getting new recipes from is 100 days of real Do you have a favorite healthier eating blog?


~ 5 ~

Bonnie over at A Knotted Life is hosting The Sheenazing Blogger Awards, which is like the Academy Awards for Catholic bloggers. All my faves are nominated for various categories, which makes it really hard to narrow it down to just one per category! But what really excited me was that I was nominated for “Best Under Appreciated Blog.” Aw! Thanks to anyone that nominated me. πŸ™‚

You can cast your vote here and you don’t have to be a blogger! And if by chance you do vote for me, well, thank you, dawling. Mwah! (Nothing like a bit of fun diversion during this stressful time.) πŸ˜‰


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Oh, and while you are voting, make sure to cast a vote for my sister’s blog Barefoot and Sometimes Pregnant for Best Blog by A Mom. She rocks.


~ 7 ~

Okay, my time is up and I’m beat. Have a great weekend. Thanks again for all the prayers. Please keep them coming, especially tomorrow at 11 AM, Pacific time when Brian will be having his surgery. May that cancer be gone for good! xoxo

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

Theme Thursday: Catching People Unaware

Today I am linking up with Cari’s Theme Thursday: Catching People Unaware. I need to cheat a little since my sisters are arriving today and I still have tons to do. Instead of taking new photos I’m using ones taken last month when I was visiting my parents.

Brian and the boys were outside playing a ring toss game. I kept hearing Matthew exclaim, “I win! I win!” I started to wonder how he was able to win so many times. I went outside to find out.



LOL. That rascal.

Have a great day. πŸ™‚

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

Five Favorites (Vol 14): Family, Jane Austen & Sherlock

I’m linking up with Hallie for Five Favorites this week. πŸ™‚

~ 1 ~

Family Time

I have been relishing the time we can spent together as a family, particularly before Brian goes for his surgery. I know it is wrong of me but in the back on my mind I will think…what if something goes wrong? What if they can’t get all the cancer out? What if the unspeakable happens… I try not to go there and think positively but my drama queen tendency rears its ugly head. That is when I say a quick prayer and just focus on loving my sweet man and my babies and ignore the what ifs.

~ 2 ~

Monterey Walking Trail

The stress of these days would normally have me munching stale Christmas cookies but when Brian found out the cancer returned, we revamped our diets and stopped eating take out, processed food, white flour and regular sugar (as much as we can.) I have also been trying to deal with the stress by going for walks on my favorite trail along the beach. One good side affect of these changes is that I’ve lost a couple of pounds. There’s many more to go, but it’s a start. πŸ˜‰

~ 3 ~

The Support of Family

On Thursday two of my sisters will come and stay a few days with us to take care of the kids and the household so I can spend time with Brian in the hospital.Β And if that wasn’t a big enough blessing, once they leave my mom will be flying in and staying a week with us. Just knowing that they are coming is a balm to my soul. They know just when to give me a sympathetic hug and when to get me laughing hysterically. I wish it were under different circumstances but I’m loving that they are coming anyway.

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Jane Austen Bookmarks

When I saw these Etsy Jane Austen Bookmarks from Castle on the Hill, I could not resist them! They have each of the Bennet sisters from Pride and Prejudice and one with Mr. Darcey for good measure. So cute!

There are also sweet prints like this one –

Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice – Jane Bennett and Mr Bingley take A Stroll

Or maybe you prefer a more modern print. Try this –

Downton Abbey Lady Mary

~ 5 ~

Sunday NightΒ  Sherlock/Downton Abbey Fest

I think these guys have made it to my Five Faves before but they deserve to a repeat performance. Brian and I just finished watching the premiere of Sherlock, Season 3. The show has a different feel and Sherlock has been humanized a bit but I loved it. Sunday nights have become my night of TV bliss. Downton Abbey followed by Sherlock. It doesn’t get much better than that, baby! (Even though next week’s bliss will be watched in a hospital room. πŸ™‚ ) Also, if you are into Downton Abbey, here’s my take ofΒ  Sunday night’s episode.

Thanks again for the prayers!! Keep em coming. πŸ™‚

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰