Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 4: Episode 3 (Ep 4 in the UK)

Source – ITV

Sorry this is late. I have been busy getting all my things done before Brian’s surgery on Friday. (Next week I’ll be watching Downton with him in his hospital room!) In the meantime, here are my takes from Sunday’s episode.

Anna – Poor Anna! It was painful to see her anguish, particularly when that scumbag was sitting next to her at the table. I thought he had left the house. I wanted to jump through the screen and throttle him to the floor. (Sometimes the Mama Bear in me gets a little crazy.)  However, just as painful was watching Bates struggle with Anna’s coldness towards him.  I can understand why she is shutting out Bates but I still hate to see it!

Mr. Green/Mr. Gillingham – Speaking of the scumbag, I never understood why he was called Mr. Gillingham when his name was actually Mr. Green. I looked it up and found this piece here:

The visiting valet’s name was Mr. Green, but Anna and others referred to him as Gillingham out of deference to his boss, Lord Gillingham, a bit of social niceness that also served as a subtle nod to Green’s obvious sense of entitlement. The name-switchery didn’t make a lot of sense but as the good ol’ Dowager Countess reminded us: “If I were to search for logic, I would not look for it in the English upper class.”

Edna – I am sooooooo glad that this storyline was not played out over many episodes. I don’t know how much more I could take of seeing that nasty thing play the “you used me ill and got me pregnant” card and how many times she’d sneak into Tom’s room again. (Note to Tom – Lock your door, ol’ chap! And note to self – After you jump through the screen and throttle Gillingham’s valet, deal with Edna with equal vigor.) 😉

Mrs. Hughes – She was on fire! After having no problem snooping in Carson’s trash the other week and sneaking into Carson’s room to take the photo of his old love, she could certainly sneak into Edna’s room and find her book “How to Trap A Rich Guy into Marrying You.” Well played, Mrs. Hughes. Well played.

Mrs.  Crawley – I love that she is now working for the Doctor. (He’s a sly one. ;-)) She needs her sense of purpose back. I also loved the scene where the Dowager praised her virtue, to her own surprise.

Rose – Now that we’ve met Rose’s man crush I am eager to see how things develop. I am sure there will be many fireworks to come.

Edith – Was anyone concerned that Edith signed that paper without looking at it? What control was she being given? Was it work related? I’m confused. Although nothing was shown, I am assuming that Edith lost her “virtue” that night. I am not a big fan of Lady Rosamund but she hit the nail on the head when she was speaking to Edith. Will that girl ever find true happiness because all I see is future heartbreak.

Lord Gillingham – Wow, I knew the guy liked Mary but I never imagined him proposing! On the one hand, I know six months is an awfully short time for Mary to consider remarrying and I wonder if he is a little too “nice” for Mary who likes her men with a little devilish streak. Not overboard like Mr. Pamuk or Sir Richard, but like Matthew, a good man who can still stand toe to toe with her strong spirit.

On the other hand, Lord G seems like a decent man and honorable gentleman, not to mention, swoon worthy. I also think he has the ability, like Matthew, to bring out the goodness in Mary. When they are together there is a softness and openness that breaks through her tough shell. (She certainly didn’t seem the lease bit cold when she was kissing him good bye!) I just REALLY hope that Lord G does not marry that other girl then the writers have him come back into Mary’s life and they are unable to contain their attraction. (I can’t stand seeing the married messing around.) We also know there is a second suitor coming onto the scene. (I think he is going to have more of a love-hate attraction to Mary.) So we’ll see where all this goes.

Random Thoughts

  • I thought it was very kind of the Duchess (even though I want to call her Aunt Gardiner from P&P) to try and cheer up Tom. As I said last week, it is as if people forget he is a widower.
  • It was also sweet of Mary to advise him to find someone he can talk to about his problem.
  • What does Thomas do all day besides lurk in hallways and plot getting people fired? But I’ll admit that I was throwing him kisses when he told Edna off.
  • Is it just me or is the love triangle rectangle in the kitchen getting a little tedious. Maybe because I don’t get why Daisy likes Alfred in the first place. And I don’t know what to make of Jimmy. Frankly, I enjoy Mrs. Patmore’s quips more.
  • Best line of Violet to Robert – “Why are you in your rompers?”

Downton Abbey Facebook Recaps

I completely forgot to give you the links to for their hilarious  Downton Abbey Facebook Recaps. (Note: Some comments are a little crude or use questionable language so if that is no bueno for you, skip it.)

Let me know what you thought of the episode! 🙂

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

Theme Thursday: Craft and 7 Quick Takes (1/17/14): Crosses, Cancer & Booty Shaking

Today I’m linking up with Jen for 7 Quick Takes and Cari for Theme Thursday: Craft. (Scroll down to #7 for that.) 🙂

~ 1 ~

I started writing these Quick Takes last night but I was having such a bad day that I was in no mood to write. Life has been super busy. The boys are sick with colds. Despite illness, Matthew has not slowed down from being a Terrible Twos poster child, driving me up the wall. Did I mention that I am also his human kleenex? He wipes his nose on me all the time. The other day he hugged me and them wiped his nose on my hair. On. My. Hair. I didn’t need any gel that day. It’s no wonder that yesterday I woke up sick myself.

I think all the cancer stress had finally worn me down. So today I cleared off my schedule completely. I am not stepping outside the house. I put Thomas the Train on for the boys and put their tracks where they could theoretically play quietly while I rest on the couch and maybe finish these quick takes. To be honest with you, I was upset last night but I am feeling better today. I’m still sick but at least I can laugh at the craziness now.

Since many of you have been asking how things are going, we are hanging in there. I just looked at the calendar and realized that it was one year ago on this day (it was the feast of the Baptism of Jesus) that Brian had his first surgery to remove the cancer in his body. Next Friday he has to go through it all over again. The surgeon called in a specialist to help so we had to wait two weeks for them to coordinate their schedules.

In one sense, everything seems normal. Brian is at work. I am busy at home and there are moments when I actually forget about it. But when I wake up in the morning, I’ll have this heaviness in my heart and wonder why. Then I remember…oh yeah, there’s a cancer eating away at my husband. Thankfully, there are so many of you praying for us and God’s grace is carrying us through so the moments of complete freak out are few. Also, a big, big thanks to those who prayed the St. Peregrine novena with us. 🙂

~ 2 ~

Source: The next recipe I want to try.

One big change we’ve gone through is our diet. The first time around, we made some dietary changes but definitely not enough. This time we have cut out processed food, take out, white flour and as much sugar as we can. (It’s hard to get completely rid of it since there seems to be sugar in everything) but there’s definitely no more of his favorite sugary baked goods. We’ve also started juicing and on the plus side of all this, Brian had been feeling really tired and run down but the other day for the first time he felt a lot better and energetic. I hope that is due to all the toxins flushing out of this body, particularly after all the junk food we ate over the holidays.

Giving up desserts has been hard especially since the family is used to having a sweet treat after Mass.  Since donuts and coffee cake are out, I am looking for an alternative. I did find a few muffin recipes using whole wheat and honey instead of sugar so I’m going to give those a try. Which reminds me, if you have a favorite healthy dessert recipe (or Pinterest board), let me know. It can be gluten free or use whole wheat flour but no white sugar. Thanks!


~ 3~

One thing that has helps us get through this tough time it to remember that we are not alone on our journey. The more we stop looking at ourselves and instead look around at others around us, we realize how many other people are carrying their own heavy crosses. There are numerous people asking for prayers. One prayer request that particularly moved me was from Dwija. One of her readers shared that their one month old daughter Cecilia was diagnosed with an an aggressive form of cancer. One month! At least my Brian is strong and able to fight…I can’t imagine if it were my little baby girl. So please pray for Baby Cecilia and learn how you can help them out.

It also goes to show that no matter how much you “plan out” your life, you never know where God will lead you. Sometime you are blessed beyond your wildest imagination. Sometimes you are asked to suffer in a way you hoped you’d never have to. It’s hard to let go and let God but somehow He manages to get us through. I was thinking about this when I read Annery’s heartfelt post Let Me Tell You of My Foolishness. I have been foolish far too many times.


~ 4~

However, don’t think that all my thoughts have been on the somber side. A sense of humor is what always seems to pull us up and get us through many tough times. That’s why I appreciate posts like Cari’s Seven Pre-Coffee Quick Takes. Besides loving her Lego commentary, I was couldn’t stop laughing when she said she didn’t like her kids calling their rear-ends a “booty.” I don’t know if it is totally normal but my boys are going through that “bathroom talk” phase where they love to talk about rear ends. They used to call it a “behind” until my brother once referred to it as a “boom-boom” and it has become their new favorite word.

They also love to watch the movie Despicable Me and one of their favorite scenes is when they dance at the end, particularly when Vector dances on the moon and smacks his behind as he’s dancing. It is their favorite dance move. It wouldn’t be so bad if they kept it in the home but the other day we were at Mass and they were acting up. At one point John-Paul started his Vector dance move and said, “Look mom, I’m shaking my boom-boom.” Matthew, who imitates everything JP does, smacks his own behind singing, “Oh, yeah.” Not exactly one one my finer mother moments. (Insert eye roll.)


~  5 ~

Photo source: 4Life4Life

Okay, another random blog post I loved was Carolyn’s post What’s in My Mompurse? {In Which I Pretend You Really Want to Know}. First she had me laughing with her “keeping it real” photo of the contents of her purse. Then the detailed container photos had be giddy with organizational ideas for my messy life. Not to mention that I carry around a bag that weighs almost as much as my 40 pound pre schooler.

A friend of mine hosts many baby showers for our moms group and she has this purse game where you get points for having various items in your bag. After wining the game a few times in a row I had to be banned from playing because I happen to carry around so many random things – Dried up cheese stick. Check. Church bulletin. Check. Roll of scotch tape. Check. Spanish maracas. Check. Don’t ask what those were doing in my bag but it may or may not have involved kids shaking their boom-booms singing, “Oh, yeah…”   😉


~ 6 ~

Photo source: A Knotted Life

Since I’ve been mentioning various blogs, Bonnie over at A Knotted Life is hosting The Second Annual Sheenazing Blogger Awards. You can nominate your favorite blogs in various categories like – Funniest, Coolest, Most Inspiring, Best Looking, Best Under appreciated, Best Link-up and more! How fun! My only problem is narrowing it down because I have far too many favorites!! Go check it out and vote. 🙂

~ 7 ~

Lastly, since I never got a chance to post it yesterday, here is my photo for Cari’s Theme Thursday: Craft. I love looking at all the other moms sewing and embroidering and knitting skills but I have ZERO skills in that department. I am more of a paper and pen gal than a needle and thread one. I have always wanted to scrapbook (I think the last one I did was when Bella was born over a decade ago) but I just don’t have the time. Instead I am giving Project Life a try. I’ve got my supplies and my photos ready, now I just have to put it all together and journal a few favorite memories. I’ll be doing a post on it in the future but there is a quick peek. 🙂

(Hey, and don’t forget to also  link up those crafty posts on the RoL Pinterest Party. I don’t think Cari would mind. 😉 )

Well, that’s it for today. Have a great weekend.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

Pinterest Party & Link-up (Vol 16): Slow Cooker Lentil Soup with Kale

Welcome to the RoL Pinterest Party. Join me every 2nd and 4th Tuesday as we link up and share how we made, cooked, baked, crafted, planned, organized, followed or created one of the pins on our Pinterest boards OR share something original that others can pin onto their boards.

* * * * *

In dealing with Brian’s cancer, we have been trying to eat more natural food and stay away from canned and processed food. I was looking for a recipe to make lentil soup in my slow cooker and I came across this recipe from Mary Sperling of OR and pinned it to my boards. I made the soup last night, although I changed the recipe slightly to add more veggies and garlic.

Slow Cooker Lentil Soup


3 carrots, chopped (I used 5 med carrots.)
3 ribs of celery, chopped (I used 5.)
1  onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, pressed (I used 4 garlic.)
8 cups water or vegetable broth (I used chicken broth this time but I use veggie broth during Lent.)
2 cups lentils, rinsed (I used a 2 lb bag.)
1 tsp. dried thyme

Directions: Put all of these ingredients in the slow cooker. Set it on low if you are leaving it all day, high if you are starting it around lunchtime.

About 10 minutes before you are ready to serve the soup, add:
1 ½ tsp. balsamic vinegar
2 tsp. salt (I used about 1 tsp.)
1 tsp. ground pepper
1 bunch of kale, washed and chopped


You can add potatoes if you want more bulk. Add cubed potatoes at the beginning of cooking if you do.

Tomatoes are also good in this dish. Add one 14 ½ ounce can of diced tomatoes at the beginning of cooking if you like. (I haven’t tried any of the variations yet.)

slow cooker lentil soup with kale

I made the soup without the balsamic and kale since I don’t like the smell of vinegar and prefer my leafy greens raw rather than cooked. It tasted really good and the house smelled great as it was cooking. The next day I rewarmed the soup and added the kale and balsamic.  It was still really good and much thicker after sitting in the fridge overnight. Everyone loved the soup and it has been added to our regular family meal list. 🙂

UPDATE: I have since grown accustomed to the taste of kale and love it in the soup. I still haven’t tried tomatoes or potatoes yet. That’s next on the list. 😉

* * * * *

Now it’s your turn.

1. Choose your creation, share about it and snap a photo if you can.

2. In your post, link back the original blogger/idea, rather than your Pinterest pin. That way credit goes to the proper person. 🙂 (But feel free to add your Pinterest profile link so we can follow you!)

3. Add a link back here so others can play along.

4. If you want to use it, here is the html code for the logo:

<a href=”″><img title=”Revolution of Love Blog – Pinterest Party &amp; Link-up” src=”×240.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”240″ /></a>

5. Link up below. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address.

The link up will be active for 10 days. Have fun!

Lastly, you can follow me on Pinterest here: 🙂

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 4: Episode 2 (Ep 3 in the UK)

Source – ITV

(SPOILER ALERT: Do not read this post if you have not watched last night’s episode yet.)

It is difficult to comment on this episode because of the horrific attack on Anna. Unfortunately, or fortunately rather, I accidentally saw a spoiler a few days ago that said Anna was attacked by Green. It said it was in episode 3 so I thought it was going to be next week and I’d warn you guys today. But I forgot in the UK last night’s episode was #3. (In the US we watched episode 1 & 2 for he premiere.)

Anyway, I was shocked when I read it but at least it prepared me beforehand. I wonder if I would have suspected it as I was watching Green and Anna interact with each other. (Was it a shock to you or did you see it coming?) Instead it just made me sick to my stomach to see him act friendly towards her knowing what was to come, particularly since Bates sensed that something was off with the guy. But when the actual scene came on… to hear her screaming and fighting him… I can’t think about it or I’ll either burst into tears or become so raving angry that it will affect my mood towards my own family. Then to watch Green waltz around downstairs and say goodbye to Bates and Anna as if nothing happened, had my blood boiling. After the episode I literally had to stay up and watch a lighthearted show so it would not be the last thing on my mind before going to bed.

And if that was not enough to make us suffer, we also had to watch Edna lay the ground work for own sexual assault.

Tom – It was painful to watch Tom this episode. He had made such tremendous progress in being a part of the DA family and doing well in his work and helping out Lady Mary but this time we saw his old insecurities as he felt out of place and missed his lost love. I also find it odd that no one seems to be concerned about his loss of Sybil. Little comments have been made in several episodes where it almost seems as if they forgot that he lost his wife. However, nothing was more painful than watching Edna prey on him.

Edna – As Bates would say, “She gets my goat.” I already mentioned last week how much I don’t like her but last night she stooped to a new low. She sickened me with her plot to get Tom drunk (drugged?) and then sneaking into his room… Is there any chance he snapped out of it and threw her out before it was too late? If she purposely gets herself pregnant I think I will lose it.

Okay, let’s try to focus on some of the lighter sides of this episode.

Dowager Countess – Her best line of the night…

Violet: I’m afraid Tom’s small talk is very small indeed.
Robert: Not everyone can be Oscar Wilde.
Violet: That’s a relief.

Mary & Lord Gillingham – I find it interesting that Mary was allowed to test the waters, so to speak, with a character that is romantically involved with someone else. I think it helped her to let her guard down and open up to him. I really enjoyed the scene of Mary and Lord G on horseback. I love how she shared about Matthew and how he changed her. It is true that the Matthew was able to melt the ice queen. However, being open to deep love also means being vulnerable to deep pain. But I love a less icy Mary more and hope she continues to heal and finds a healthy balance between strength and sensitivity.

As for Lord G, he doesn’t seem too attached to his intended but I don’t mind since I think he is lovely. He seems like a gentleman (except for his earlier faux pas when he asked if she had children)  and a decent man and genuinely concerned about Mary and her well being. No one could ever take the place of Matthew but I would like to see Mary happy once again with a good man. Now whether or not he is good remains to be seen. We all know that if there is too much happiness then Fellowes must plan something unspeakable to happen to our beloved characters (death, assault, false imprisonment, betrayal…). Sigh. If I wanted reality, I’d watch the news. Moving on.

Sampson – Brian and I spent the first few minutes of the show trying to figure out where we saw the actor that played Sampson before. I allow myself 10 minutes of racking my brain until I have to pull out my phone and look it up. Thankfully, it came quickly that he was Richard from Bleak House.

Gregson – I may not trust Edith’s boyfriend and think he will cause her future heart ache (this is DA after all) but I did relish the scene where he outsmarted the card sharp Sampson. He even managed to temporarily win over Robert buy winning back his bacon.

Mrs. Crawley – It was so sad to watch Isobel struggle with living life and mourning her dead son as others were “moving on.” I can only imagine the pain it would be lose ones only son and to hardly ever (?) see your only grandchild. Now that her pet project (Mr. Griggs) is gone she needs something else to give her some purpose. Is the doctor married? I could picture them side by side curing the ills of the world.

Carson & Robert – Their snobbery was reaching new heights this episode. Although, when Robert shows it I roll my eyes. When Carson shows it I laugh and think, “You are so silly, Carson, but I love you.”


  • I find it hilarious that the table is set with the use of rulers.
  • I had to laugh at Cora and Robert’s conversation about the evils of gambling with Robert agreeing and hiding the fact that he lost his own small fortune to Sampson.
  • What was up with Mrs. Patmore? She needs to let the girls take the reigns a little more often so she doesn’t have a real heart attack.
  • Kudos for Alfred making a delightful sauce. He needs to get in the kitchen more often.
  • Cora – The strong and sensible Cora was back tonight. Her best line, “Am I the only member of this family that lives in the 20th century?”
  • Mosley – I love our little Debbie Downer. His best line of he night… Mrs. Patmore: Are you a footman now? Mosley: I’m having my career backwards.

Well, usually I am so excited for the next episode of Downton Abbey but I am not this time. We will have to watch the painful aftermath of Anna’s attack as she understandably distances herself from Bates. No more knowing looks and stolen kisses. I just pray it does not do irreparable damage to their marriage. And we will see what damage Edna has done. That (bleep.)

My only consolation is that after next week’s Downton I will get to watch Season 3 of Sherlock..a show I love as much as DA. Okay, that’s it for now.

Let me know what you though of the episode? Did you see all the heartache coming or was it a surprise? What do you think of Mary and Lord Gillingham? Spill. 😉

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

Posted. The Most Clicks of All Time.

Hey guys, I’m trying to keep myself busy until Brian has his surgery in 2 weeks so you’ll probably see more posts from me as blogging tends to calm me. (Also on that note, join me in prayer tonight as Brian attends a healing Mass at a local Marian conference. We are praying for his physical, emotional and spiritual healing and for strength to endure the weeks ahead.)

I was supposed to post this on the first Tuesday of the month. I’m a little late but not too late to link up with Sarah over at Amongst Lovely Things. The theme today is Posted. The Most Clicks of All Time.

The post that had the most clicks ever on the blog is Baby-proofing the Fireplace Area.

I originally posted it in July of 2008 and then updated the post in March of 2012. It was so sweet to see photos in the post of the boys from years back. They recalled sweet memories. Andrew’s was taken on our deck when my brother Rob and his (then) new bride visited us from So Cal. The photo of John-Paul was taken at the house of the boys’ speech therapist. Lastly, the photo of Matthew was taken at the Pebble Beach resort where Brian and I had a lovely over night stay. Sigh. Who would have thought a simple instructional post would evoke such memories. 🙂 See the post and photos here.

Have a great weekend. (And thanks for the continued prayers.)

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉