Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

St. Peregrine Novena for Cancer Patients

A big thank you to all of you who commented, emailed, facebooked and instagrammed your prayers and support for Brian. We truly appreciate it!

I was having a difficult morning and could not stop the tears but after reading a few of your emails and the encouraging words, I was was able to take a deep breath and get a grip. Plus, now that we have a course of action in play, I feel more on track to help Brian fight this.

Brian did meet with his surgeon today and they looked over his tests and it seems that the cancer has not spread to any other areas, so that’s good. He is scheduled to have surgery Friday, January 24. Thankfully, my sister will come up to watch the kids so I can spend time with Brian in the hospital and when she leaves my mom will come up to help while he is in recovery. I am incredibly grateful.

Also, a number of you also mentioned that is currently praying a Novena to St. Peregrine for cancer patients. We missed the first day, which started yesterday but we will join them and pray Day One and Day Two tonight in order to catch up. I hope you’ll join us too.

Thanks again. I’ll keep you posted.


PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

Theme of 2014: Work and Pray

For the last two years I have had a theme word or phrase for the year. For 2012 the word was “homemaking.” I didn’t plan it that way. It just happened. For 2013 it was “loving God” and it matched the new blog design and logo. I have been thinking about 2014 and one word kept popping into my head and it was “Discipline.” Not exactly what I wanted to hear. On the other hand, it made sense because by the end of December I felt like a wild 2 year old hopped up on birthday cake sugar. All the festivities had me eating too much, spending too much, playing too much, and whatever ever else too much I shouldn’t be doing. I can feel the desperate need for a little reigning in and disciplining.

As I was pondering all this I clicked over to Jen’s Saint Name Generator and said a prayer before receiving my randomly chosen saint for the year. I was given St. Benedict. The first thing that came to my mind? His motto – work and pray. It was as if the Holy Spirit was kicking me in the rear and letting me know what was ahead but I was still dragging my feet. It wasn’t exactly exciting. I was reading other blogs and they had really cool words. Jenny had Delight  and Sarah had Rest (in the Lord) and even Jen had something about going out and having fun. This morning I was seriously thinking about ditching the whole idea or just picking another word. But then the Holy Spirit let me know WHY I was given “work and pray.”

Today Brian went for his routine testing to make sure he is still cancer free. (If you recall, I talked about his cancer in our annual Christmas letter.) My father-in-law took him this morning and I took care of getting the kids to school etc. Then Brian called me from the doctor’s office to break the news that the cancer has returned. We were in shock. When we went through this last January, after the surgery and his recovery the doctor said everything looked great and he had a 90% chance of remaining cancer free. He went for his follow up tests 6 months later and again, everything looked good. But now it is back. In the same area and at the same size. Brian couldn’t believe it. The doctor couldn’t believe it.

So now Brian has to go through surgery once again. Plus, we are praying that the tumor is only at stage 1 (possibly 2) because if it is any more advanced he will also need to have chemo. I pray to God we will not have to go through that.

I have a very vivid imagination. A person can tell me one thing and my mind will automatically play out the whole scene in my head. So I think to myself, “My husband has cancer,” and my mind then thinks, “what if…” and I can see the funeral and the kids in tears and me being despondent like Lady Mary unable to cope with the loss of her love. Until I snap myself out of it and say, “Get a grip.” There is work to be done and kids to be taken care of and a husband that needs my support…I need to get to work…and I need to pray. Aha! Now I get it. The Holy Spirit was giving me a heads up. I need to work and pray.

It was the only way I was able to get through the rest of this day. It is the only way I will get through the days and weeks ahead. I don’t know how big this cross will be but I’m trying not to worry abut it and just focus on doing what needs to be done right now.

In the meantime, I ask you to please, please keep us in your prayers. I will keep you posted as to how things are going.

(I’m linking up with Jenny for “Naming the New Year.”)

UPDATE: Dear Diary: Chronicling the Last Few Days (and an update on Brian)

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

TV Talk: Downton Abbey Season 4: Episode 1 (Ep 1 and 2 in the UK)

I wish that before I had watched Season 4, I would have pulled out my Season 3 and rewatched it. It would have refreshed my memory as to who the returning characters where. Brian and I were racking our brains trying to remember who Mr. Griggs was (wasn’t he Carson’s partner that was blackmailing Carson in a previous episode?) and who Edna was. Finally we remembered she was the tart who was after Tom and kissed him. Well, I still need to go back and rewatch this episode to catch all the little parts I missed but for now, here are my first thoughts.

Mary – I did not know what to expect with Mary’s character now that Matthew is gone. Mary can be surly with a sharp tongue but Matthew softened her and her love for Matthew (particularly when he was engaged to Lavinia) brought out a more charitable and empathetic Mary that I loved. I could understand her grief but when she was neglecting baby George, I wanted to shake her and tell her she had to buck up for the sake of her child. However, when she had a good cry with Carson then I knew it would be cathartic and part of her healing. (Bravo, Carson.) By the end of the episode, we saw Mary’s spunk once again.

Dowager Countess – Love her. Need say no more.

Robert – I don’t know why but ever since Robert’s past indiscretion with that maid, I can’t seem to warm up to him. Almost everything he does bugs me and his particular treatment to Mary this episode seemed more self serving than worrying about her welfare.

Tom – Now this is a character who I was unsure about at first but have grown to love over time. This episode sealed the deal in the way he cared for Mary and was the voice of reason numerous times.

Edna – Well, they were quick to fill the role of O’Brien with the new baddie Edna. However, she does not seem like one I will  playfully “love to hate.” I think she will be a “nails on chalkboard” character that raises my blood pressure whenever she is onscreen, much like the former Mrs. Bates. Now she has teamed up with Thomas and they are in cahoots as they play cat and mouse with Anna and Bates. (I’m assuming it is Thomas’ way to continue his personal war against Bates.) Thomas and Edna are really going to get me riled up this season.

Anna & Bates – Are they too cute or what? The Valentine card scene was so sweet I had to get out of my chair and kiss Brian. They just make you want to cherish being in love. But all that happiness in our soapy drama means that some turmoil must be ahead. (Refer back to Thomas and Edna.) Also, how could Cora and Robert immediately think so badly of Anna? She has been nothing but faithful to them (above and beyond duty when you consider carrying a dead body from Mary’s room) to automatically believe she would act in such a manner. At the very least, they could have given her the benefit of the doubt or asked her about the “incident” to get her side of the story. Grrr.

Isobel – It was hard to see her in her grief saying that she was not a mother anymore. I hated when she finally rallied to see her grandson only to be turned out by the nanny. I was so happy to see her find a sense of purpose again in helping Mr. Griggs. (Even though I thought it a little creepy to invite a perfect stranger into your home. )  Oh and speaking of that nanny…

Nanny – I can’t remember her name and don’t feel like looking it up but when Thomas was ratting her out I felt sorry for her since Thomas is Thomas. But when those disgusting words were aimed at sweet Sybbie I wanted to jump through the screen and smack her face. Cora can sometimes get on my nerves but when she calmly but firmly kicked her out and wouldn’t let her touch the children or even be in the same room, I was more than pleased. My question is – was it just a coincidence that Thomas made those comments to Cora or did he really know how awful she was treating Sybbie?

Molesly – I like poor old Molesly. Even thought he is sometimes weird and whiny I can’t hep but want to root for the guy. And I was so upset when that bully butler  made him look a fool in front of a prospective employer.

Mrs. Hughes – She was just a busy little bee going through Carson’s trash, finding Grigg’s, talking Cora into taking him in ect. I wonder how she was able to get so much time off from Downton. 😉

The Downstairs Youngsters – The Jimmy, Alfred, Daisy and Ivy saga is a little stale. When Daisy got that Valentine I was hoping there was a new love interest outside of Downton. Inside, there seems to be only two options and Alfred is too whiny and Jimmy is a troublemaker.

Rose – Speaking of troublemaker, I am waiting to see what shenanigans Miss Rose has in store for us this season.

Edith – I don’t know what t think about Edith. As unlikable as she was at first, I have rooted for her many times and shook my head when she made one mistake after another but hoped she’d finally come around, particularly after she got her confidence caring for the soldiers. But now that she is in this Mr. Rochester-ish relationship I can’t imagine it ending well.  I suppose they needed a female character to reflect the changing times and loosening morals.I thought that was going to be Rose’s role but Edith is charging ahead. And are we suppose to feel sympathetic towards Gregson and his lunatic wife? I don’t trust the guy and the fact that he chooses to become a German before WWII will provide for interesting storyline. The only positive thing Edith has going for her are the lovely outfits she is able to wear. Love the colors.

Okay, I wanted to add my fave quotes and tidbits but it’s late and I’m starting to see double so I better get to bed. Let me know what you thought of the episode!! 🙂

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

“2013 in 13” AND “13 for 13”: My Favorite Photos of 2013


On this last day of 2013, I am linking up with Dwija at House Unseen for 2013 in 13 AND with Pam from Everyday Snapshots for 13 for 13. Here is a collection of my favorite photos from 2013, plus an extra photo as a bonus. 😉 Narrowing down the photos was a difficult choice since I snapped over 3,000 shots!! Well, I did my best to narrow it down. Enjoy! 🙂

This photo was shot with my iphone as dusk approached on a difficult January evening. I was at our local hospital where Brian was recovering from surgery to remove cancer from his body. It was so hard to kiss him goodnight and leave him alone in his hospital bed. Before driving back home to the kids,  I stopped in the lobby to compose myself. I did not want them to see me upset. I sat there and listened to the water fall and watched the evening sky darken and  give way to the moon and twinkling stars. It soothed my soul. No matter how dark it got that night, I knew the stars and the moon would still be there to give light and hope. The sun would shine once again… and in the same way, we’d get through this period and be happy once again. And we did. Blessed be God. 🙂

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It is sometimes easy to complain about the warm winter weather when you wish you could wear a coat and mittens instead of shorts and a t-shirt but then when people are talking about being depressed by the gloomy weather in February, I can enjoy this. 🙂

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When I first married Brian I told him that we needed to start having kids right away because our house was too darn quiet. (Remember, I was used to having 5 brothers and 3 sisters.) We may have had to carry a few crosses of secondary infertility and miscarriage but then God opened the floodgates of grace and boom, boom, boom these little guys have added all the noise and mayhem (and love) I could have imagined. What’s that saying…careful what you wish for? But I certainly wouldn’t have it any other way with their sweet smiles and hugs (unless you could also give me a little less screaming down the hallway and a little more picking up and putting away those darn Legos and Star Wars figures. 😉 )

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At the beginning of the year I started participating in Cari’s Theme Thursdays and it really started me to explore photography a bit more. I also got a new “big girl” camera and it does great work because I am such an amateur still  trying to learn the techniques of better photography. This was one of the first shots I was so pleased to capture. (This photo was taken at a different time  from the spider web /water droplet photo I posted yesterday. I think I like it even more.) 🙂  And as they say,  April showers…

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…brings May flowers. Taking flower shots are one of my favorite things to do. I especially love big, bright and bold colors. I can’t help but smile when I see them. 🙂

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There were a lot of photos I loved from our Lake Tahoe trip, but something about this black and white shot grabbed me. I particularly liked how the sun broke through the shadowy cover of the trees and created a path of light.

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This photo was for Theme Thursday: Knots for my knotted rosary. Brian and I received the statue of Our Lady for our wedding (oddly enough from a family friend who is not religious) but it was a perfect gift since Our Lady was instrumental in our meeting, dating and getting married. 🙂

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I snapped these bubble photos and I not only love the content but the memories behind it. It was the morning of my birthday and I was outside trying to get a perfect shot for Theme Thursday: Shadow. I did get a shot I loved (whichyou can see here), but I posted this one as my favorite instead because it is so playful and fun. It also caused the most laughs and cheers from everyone as it was being blown.  Brian and I had such fun playing with the kids out there and all it took was something as simple as soap and a wand and our time. I don’t remember the gifts I got that day but I remember this morning vividly. (Wait, I do remember my gift… the Macbook Air I am typing on now. Yeah, may just have been my best bday ever. 😉 )

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In was 12 years ago in September that Bella arrived into the world a month early, on the day of our baby shower to be exact,  and weighing in at a little less than 4 pounds. How did those years fly by so fast? Now she is my sweetie girl with a special place in my heart, not only as my daughter but as my comrade in this house of males. 😉

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I love, love, love autumn and although we don’t have the fiery autumn colors that the East Coast does, amidst the green you’ll find pockets of amazing colors such as these that I found in the forest at Jack’s Peak in Monterey.

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Technically there are things about this shot I wish I could fix – the harsh sun, random people in the background (I don’t have time to photoshop), JP looking away – but I LOVE the memories behind the shot. We met up with my parents and many of my siblings and spend a few days before Thanksgiving at Disneyland. It is an annual tradition and I look forward to it all year long. This year was especially sweet since January had such a rocky start.

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Also taken at Disneyland, I loved the sweet country Christmas feel to start my favorite time of the year. 🙂

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For my bonus shot #13, I give you this photo from one of our family walks.

I simply adore this. Thinking about Brian sick in the hospital and now seeing him strong and healthy I can’t help but shed tears of gratitude as I type. This photo shows Brian at his essence, a loving husband and father that cares, protects, leads and guides the ones he loves AND he doesn’t complain (too much) that I keep taking shots of him and everything else  because he knows taking photos makes me happy. 😉

Well, I hope you enjoyed the photos! Thanks to Dwija and Pam for hosting!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

“Most” Posts of 2013

For the blog’s year end review of posts, I am linking up with Sarah at Amongst Lovely for “Most” Posts of 2013.

Post with the Most Clicks

I suppose many people were trying to cope with the loss of Google Reader.

The Pros & Cons of Feedly & Bloglovin’

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Post with the Most Comments


I don’t get a lot of comments on the blog but this post logged in at 25.

Theme Thursday: Piles

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Post with the Best Picture

 Of all the Theme Thursday shots I’ve done, I think this one with the water droplets hanging from a spider’s web is my favorite.

Theme Thursday: Water

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Post That Was the Hardest to Write

Self-introspection is never easy, however, once it was done, it was also one of my favorites.

The Year of Loving God… Downton Style

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Post That Was My Personal Favorite

This was a hard one, since I love the Theme Thursday/{pretty, happy, funny} posts such as the last one I did but I think I have most enjoyed the posts that bring out the homemaker in me such as this one – Recipe: Banana Blueberry (Lower Fat But Still Delicious) Muffins.

Well, that was fun. 🙂 Thanks to Sarah for hosting! Check out her link for many more “Most” posts.

PS – Join me tomorrow when I link up with Pam at Everyday Snapshots for 13 for 13 and Dwija for 2013 in 13. (My fave photos of 2013. 🙂

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉