Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

September 2010 Recap: Birthdays and Babies

Wow, did the whole month of September pass without me making a single post? That’s pretty bad, even for my sporadic posting schedule. Well, it was a big month and we had lots of things happening. I’ll touch on the highlights.
Today Third Grade…Tomorrow College
School started once again. Bella is now in the 3rd grade. The other day she told me, “Just think, Mom, today I’m in 3rd and next year it will be in the 4th and soon it will be in 8th grade. Then high school. Then college. Then I’ll be married with my own babies…” Egads. Let me make it through third grade first!
Bella also celebrated her 9th birthday. It’s hard to believe it was just nine years ago that she was born one month early and on the day of our baby shower. It became a birthday party instead.
The Independent Three’s
As for my next little student, Andrew is not in regular preschool yet but he is getting a taste for it with a co-op preschool with younger siblings of homeschoolers. He loves it. The rest of the days I teach him at home following the Little Saints Pre School Program. We are both enjoying it, particularly when I remind myself to be patient with Mr. I-Do-It and bite my tongue and keep my hands to myself.
Fire and Ice
Our resident toddler, John Paul, continues to be the little man of the house walking around like he owns the place. He is has a fire and ice temperament. He is either really mellow and kick back or all fired up and angry. Brian says he knows where he got his fire from…I don’t know what the heck that is supposed to mean??
Falling in Love Again
Brian and I have been doing well. For awhile there I felt like we were drifting apart a bit – nothing major but just getting caught up in all the busyness of life. But these last few months we have been trying to spend more time together and stay more connected with each other. We reminded ourselves of why we fell in love with each other in the first place…
Well, all that second honeymooning didn’t go unnoticed when I made a trip to Target for a pregnancy test. I seriously thought my cycle was just acting up again and going extra long like it used to in the past. I took the test and saw two lines. I said to myself, that’s funny I don’t remember two lines being negative. And then it hit me…omg. I’m actually pregnant???? I was not expecting that! I’ll save my reaction and struggle for another post but right now I am happy to say that yes, I am preggers and officially in my second trimester. So say a prayer for me that all goes well!
(And at least now you know why I’ve been too preoccupied to post! Have a great week!)

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