Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes Friday (5/20/11)


– 1 –

I’m listening to Adele. I am in love with her voice.

– 2 –

Matthew is drifting off to sleep in my arms. After the 4th baby, I’m getting pretty proficient at typing with one hand.

– 3 –

I’ve been hearing a lot of people talking about Amazon prime and I have been interested but didn’t want to spend the money. However, we order from Amazon so often I thought I’d give it a try. I love it. The roughly $6 a month it costs for 2-day delivery and easy/full refund returns is worth it. And I just realized we have free streaming of movies on our TV as well. Nice.
UPDATE: After reading this my sister recommended that I try Amazon Mom which gives me the benefits of Amazon Prime and discounts on items I buy anyway. I signed up today. šŸ™‚

– 4 –

Speaking of movies, Brian and I recently watched St. Giuseppe Moscati: Doctor to the Poor. Although it was in Italian with English subtitles (meaning I had to make sure the kids were asleep so I could pay attention) I really enjoyed it and was touched by his life story. I’d love to read a book about his life but I haven’t seen one. If you get a chance, check it out.

– 5 –

Life with Bella and the three little guys has definitely kept my hands full but I have managed to find a few me-moments to take a look at other mom blogs. Lately I have loved my sister’s blog Barefoot and Sometime Pregnant. Partly because I love keeping up with my little sis but I also love to read about other things than non-moms would find incredibly boring. šŸ™‚ She recently updated the look of her site and has been posting quite frequently. Part of me loves the frequent posts and the other part of me wants to freakin’ know where she finds the time! LOL!

– 6 –

Last weekend was Matthew’s baptism. Unfortunately, the priest we had scheduled became ill the day before the baptism and was unable to perform the ceremony. We scrambled to find another priest but everyone we knew had a prior engagement. Finally we were able to get the new priest who just came to our parish, although we had never met him before. We were pleasantly surprised to find him very devout and holy. He performed a lovely baptism and we rejoiced that our little one now shares in the life of Christ.

– 7-

Here is a pic of our holy little man. (Don’t laugh at the cheezy bow tie! LOL! It was originally Andrew’s and the only outfit we could find that would fit him. Since then each boy has worn the same outfit and has become a funny tradition.)

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