Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

31 Days of Gratitude (Day 27): Throwback Thursday – Cancer and the Grace of the Cross

The #write31days challenge continues. It’s Day 27 of my 31 Days of Gratitude 2016. In a new tradition, I’ll be having Throwback Thursdays and reposting past posts. Here is one I originally posted exactly two years ago. A few tears fell as I reread it and remembered the pain of the struggle and the joy of making it through. Blessed be God for his mercy and grace.

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(From Jan 2014, after Brian’s surgery to remove the cancerous tumor.)

As many of you know, at the beginning of the year, God asked us to travel a difficult path. In January, my husband Brian was diagnosed with cancer for the second time. He went through his second surgery to remove the cancer and this time around he had to have chemo. They surgically inserted a port into his chest. He had chemo for six months and finished his treatments in July. They won’t take the chemo port out until he has been clean for three months after treatment.

Over the last two months he’s had bloodwork and CT scans and this week he went through his last round of bloodwork. We got a call from the doc yesterday and he said that everything looked good, his lymph nodes are clean and there’s no signs of growth. Brian can now schedule the removal of his port. Blessed be God!

I pray that this cancer chapter is over forever! Sometimes, I’ll start to worry, especially when he is not feeling well, that maybe it is back but I’ve got to tell myself to shut up and don’t even go there because worrying like that is no way to live. I’ve just got to enjoy each day we have together and not worry about what may or may not happen. Its not the easiest thing for me but I’m trying.

Now we are concentrating on helping Brian recover from the chemo. He started going to a new doctor that has a more holistic approach to medicine and together they are working on building his body and his immune system back up and working on getting the lingering chemo out.

scrip_rom_8_28You know, I hate the cancer that invaded Brian’s body. It brought physical pain, emotional heartache, spiritual questions (and not to mention late night binging on ice cream while I worried about being a widow.) But now that the dust has settled and our lives feel “normal” again, I can’t help but think of the Romans 8:28, “We know that all things work for good for those who love God.” There actually have been positive outcomes to this whole situation.

First, we are taking much better care of our health with diet and exercise. Goodbye double cheeseburgers; hello, salads! Good bye pan dulce and glazed donuts; hello, black bean brownies! Goodbye, couch potato; hello, walking fool. I complain about it (shocking, I know!) but it feels good to feel healthier. (I’ll talk more about the improved health next week. ;-))

Revolution of Love Blog - ba_bv_9_14.jpg

This cross has also brought Brian and me closer together. We have shared such raw moments together that it was either going to drive us apart or cement us together. It brings me to tears as I type to think about just how much I love this man. He’s a gem. Funny thing is, he says the same about me. I always felt like he was the rock and I was the flighty one. To see him hold onto me for strength is disconcerting, and reassuring, at the same time. As a family, it has drawn us closer and made us more compassionate towards those who are suffering illness and their families.

Lastly, we have grown closer to God and more reliant on him. We have been reminded that life is precious and that we can’t take any day for granted. I’m trying not to get so caught up in the tedious chores of the day that I forget to see the beauty in the mess. I think we’ve also come to realize that, by the grace of God, we are much stronger than we think. I have no desire to be tested any further but that’s not the way life works. So for now, I lay it at the feet of Christ and celebrate in the blessings of today. For that, I am truly grateful.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd or Instagram. šŸ˜‰

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For more 31 Days of Gratitude, visit the homepage here. - 31_days_2016_logo2

Want to join the writing challenge but are unable to write everyday? Join me for the Weekly Writing Challenge in October instead.

31 Days of Gratitude (Day 26): A Lesson in the Final Hours of the Day - 31_days_2016_logo2

It’s Day 26 of #write31days challenge and this day only has one hour left and I JUST remembered that I have not posted anything! So let me take five minutes to not break my writing streak.

It was another busy day here but I wasn’t running around town, thank goodness. This morning I dropped the kids off at school, attended morning school prayer with them and then met with some other moms to pray the rosary together. I reeeeally needed that time in prayer!

Afterwards, I went home, turned off the phone and computer and tackled all the housework that had been neglected all week. It was glorious to see the progress made. And for that, I am truly thankful!

However, something else happened today that doubled my gratitude. As I was waiting for the kids to get out of school, I was talking to another mom and she opened up to me about a situation she was facing. I tried to put myself into her shoes and if I had to deal with the same things I’d be a freaking mess. Yet, she was really trying to stay positive and “to focus on what she is grateful for” rather than what is going wrong. She said her faith is really helping her to trust that God will help her.

I was so moved, not only that she opened up to me, but that she was a witness to me about being thankful even when you are carrying a heavy cross. My heart went out to her and I am lifting her and her family up in prayer (and ask you to do the same.)

For my growing friendship and for her witness to me today, I am doubly thankful.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰


For more 31 Days of Gratitude, visit the homepage here. - 31_days_2016_logo3

Want to join the writing challenge but are unable to write everyday? Join me for the Weekly Writing Challenge in October instead.


31 Days of Gratitude (Day 25): Asking God for the Grace to be Patient and Kind

It’s Day 25 of the #write31days challenge and my 31 Days of Gratitude 2016 and I have a 10 minute breather before I have to leave the house again. It’s a full day with school meetings, helping my MIL with doctor appointments and errands, school pick ups, speech therapy and dentist appointments. I remember in the earlier years of motherhood I longed to get out of the house. These days I long to be able to just stay home and catch up on laundry. Funny how that works. - 31_days_2016_sunrise

Anyway, this morning as I was feeding the kids breakfast and packing lunches I looked out the window and saw the sun rising and making gorgeous colors in the sky. We ran out on the deck to snap a photo and although my phone didn’t do it justice, I couldn’t help but stop a moment and just breath in God’s power.

Hours passed and I could feel my nerves starting to fray. I know it is my own fault because I made the mistake of praying to God, “Help me to be more patient. Help me to not be so selfish and self-centered.” God said okay and He and gave me plenty of opportunities to bite my tongue and die to myself and think of others first. Meanwhile, I’m thinking, “Yeah okay, God, you can ease up a bit now. You shouldn’t have too many lesson in one day, ya know.” But deep down I am thankful because as much as I may hate it, I know it is good spiritual exercise for me. I know that it allows me the opportunity to love God and to offer up prayers for people who have been on my heart lately.

I can’t help but think of that sky this morning. As I was busy getting through my everyday tasks there was God’s glory displayed in the morning sky. I just needed to stop and take it in. In the same way God’s power and grace are right there in front of me. I just need to stop and humble myself before Him and admit that I need all the help I can get. He is ready and willing to get me through anything. I am witnessing that today. God has been pouring down his grace and helping me to be more patient and more kind when I needed to be. For that, I am truly grateful.Ā  (Now I pray I make it though the second half of the day! ) šŸ˜‰

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰

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For more 31 Days of Gratitude, visit the homepage here. - 31_days_2016_logo2

Want to join the writing challenge but are unable to write everyday? Join me for the Weekly Writing Challenge in October instead.

31 Days of Gratitude (Day 21): Five Minute Friday – Park


Today I am linking up with Kate for Five Minute Friday: Park.

Happy Friday! Today is Day 21 of #write31days challenge and my 31 Days of Gratitude 2016. I’ve got the three boys home today and I promised them we would finally get out the fall decor and decorate the house (since I never got beyond decorating the front porch.) However, while they are doing a quick morning clean up (the threat of no playtime until it is done is good incentive), I am going to participate in Five Minute Friday. I did my first last week and it was so much fun, here I am again. šŸ™‚

The rule is to write 5-minutes straight about the topic of the day, more specifically, as the blog states, “This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write.” Okay, setting the timer and go…

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Earlier this morning I was looking through a computer file of old photos and I found one from a past trip to Disneyland Park. The boys were in the room with me and they asked if I could start from the beginning and look at the photos with me.

We went to the beginning when Bella was the only child of the family. I remember that first trip to Disneyland Park so vividly. I had so many fond memories of visiting DL with my family as a kid and a teen and I was eager to give her the same memories. As the boys and I scrolled though the photos we saw Andrew, John-Paul and Matthew as they were babies and as they got older, laughing and playing.

Sure there were also meltdown and babies that had accidents (and forgot to put the change of clothes in my backpack) but all the fun far outweighed it.

This year we will go pack to the Disney Parks when we visit my family at Thanksgiving. We thought my mom wouldn’t be able to join us after her cancer surgery over the summer but the other day, she changed her mind and said she wanted to keep up the tradition of joining us for our annual visit.

Now I’m counting down the days until I once again roam the park with my kids, laugh on rides with them and hug my mom and remember the joy I felt of being by her side on these special trips. šŸ™‚


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That was fun! And I couldn’t help but add a little collage of trips to Disneyland Park over the years. šŸ™‚

For all the great memories I have with my family (past and current) and for future memories to come, I am truly grateful. šŸ™‚

Have a great Friday! Don’t forget today is the last day to link-up for Weekly Writing in October. (If you are doing 31 Days, just add your favorite post.) The new link-up for Week 3 will be up tomorrow morning.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰


For more 31 Days of Gratitude, visit the homepage here. - 31_days_2016_logo2

Want to join the writing challenge but are unable to write everyday? Join me for the Weekly Writing Challenge in October instead.







31 Days of Gratitude (Day 20): Throwback Thursday – Letting Go of the Idea of Having One More Baby

The #write31days challenge continues. It’s Day 13 of my 31 Days of Gratitude 2016. In a new tradition, I’ll be having Throwback Thursdays and reposting past posts. Here is one I originally posted in exactly a year ago. (Funnyy thing, I am scheduled to join Matthew at The Farm for a Kindergarten field trip next week. šŸ™‚Ā  )

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Today was Matthew’s school field trip to the “The Farm,” an organic farm in Salinas, CA. It is an annual field trip the pre-school class takes every year and I’ve been lucky enough to join each of the kids on their trip. Even a decade ago, before Bella was in school, I went with a group of home schooling friends. (Can you tell we didn’t have cell phones then, so no selfies. I also didn’t realize how much heavier I was then!) I’m so grateful to have these one-on-one moments with my children doing something special with them. (31_days15_day21)Our trips to The Farm. 2015 with Matthew, 2014 with John-Paul, 2012 with Andrew and 2004 with Bella.

As I was riding on the bus with Matthew leaning on me and holding my hand tightly, I thought about that fact that this was most likely my last field trip here with a pre-schooler. Before Brian got cancer a couple years ago, we were thinking about having one more baby. On the one hand, I was feeling my age and family responsibilities but on the other hand I really wanted a sister for Bella! However, after Brian got sick we had to be prudent, especially while he was going through chemo. The more we prayed about it, the more we felt like it was something we wanted but not necessarily what God wanted for us. A part of me had a hard time letting go of having another baby girl (or boy) and accepting that my last baby was most likely my last baby.

Thankfully, now I can say that instead of being regretful, I am filled with gratitude for my four blessings (plus two in heaven), especially when I consider that in between Bella and Andrew, we thought we’d never be able to conceive and carry to term a second child. Today I no longer feel that tug for a baby. I am truly at peace with our family and realize that God knew what was best for us especially when you factor in Brian’s parents and the help they now need from us.

It is not always easy to let go of our idea of what our life should look like, whether we want more kids or are dealing with a surprise pregnancy. Thankfully God is ready to give us all the grace we need to let go of the negative and worry and instead focus on the blessings of what is before us. For that, I am truly grateful.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰

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For more 31 Days of Gratitude, visit the homepage here. - 31_days_2016_logo2

Want to join the writing challenge but are unable to write everyday? Join me for the Weekly Writing Challenge in October instead.