Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

The Litany Run: Sponsor A Future Bride of Christ



Those who know me also know that I am usually upbeat but the other day I was reading various news articles  and frankly, it was depressing. My heart was heavy with all the tales of sin and evil disguised as good. Then I clicked over to my blog reader and saw this article at – Marathon to the Monastery: One Young Woman’s Quest for a Vocation.

I was touched by Jen’s vocation story and browsed through her website. Here is some background about her.  She says:

My name is Jenn. I’m 26 and I grew up in a great little town in central California. I’ve spent the last 5 years working, studying, discerning and living in NYC and London, and am now back home to spend the year with my family and pay off my student debt so that I can enter the community of the Norbertine Canonesses of the Bethlehem Priory of St. Joseph this coming autumn. Praise Jesus!

By the grace of God I received my official letter of acceptance into the Order of Premontre in February 2013, and I am currently the assistant to the Vocations Director for the Diocese of Fresno while I continue to grow in my prayer life and participate in various ministries here at home.

Despite the state of these crazy times in which we live, I have great love and hope for humanity in general – especially the amazing people of my generation who are working diligently to restore our BEAUTIFUL traditional catholic values & practices. I am blessed to say that the brightest, most talented, beautiful, HOLY and loving people I have ever known – are the people that I call my friends…

Did you catch that? “Despite the state of these crazy times in which we live, I have great love and hope for humanity in general – especially the amazing people of my generation who are working diligently to restore our BEAUTIFUL traditional catholic values & practices.” It was a soothing balm to my soul. It was a reminder that no matter how bleak things may look, God is alive and He is touching and changing lives every day.  

Source: Norbertine

To help pay off her in debt, Jenn was inspired to run a marathon which she has dubbed the “Litany Run.” This weekend she will be heading to Southern California to make her Litany Run at The OC Marathon.

Instead of listening to music as she runs the marathon, Jenn is preparing herself for the contemplative life and will spend her time praying. Prior to the race she is making a recording that she will listen to (and pray with) as she runs. It will be a recording of hundreds of prayers, including prayer requests for those people who have sponsored Jenn in her run. On her website she has an outline of the Litany and the intentions she will be praying for during each mile.


I love that Jen has thought of a proactive and creative way to help her cause. It especially touches me since two of my own sisters are (half) marathon runners and the Priory she is entering is located in a town where we have loved ones living. (In fact, I have plans to visit the Priory in fall when I’ll be in that area.)  I was happy to make a donation to help a fellow sister in Christ be united with the Love of her life.

To learn more about Jenn’s story and to sponsor her in any amount you can afford (you can add the intention you want her to pray for online or email her separately) visit Do it today since she the Litany Run starts in less than 5 days! 🙂

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