Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Weigh-in Wednesday: Vol 11 – Walking & Weight Updates, Catholic Exchange Virtual 5K & Add Your Link


**Sharing the triumphs and missteps on my journey towards a healthier physical, emotional and spiritual life.**

I’m pressed for time so I am going to keep this short.

Spiritual Update

— I have been so out of sorts and grumpy lately and I knew without even looking at the calendar that it was my scheduled time for confession. I could feel the flow of confessional grace running dry so this weekend I scrubbed my soul clean. It felt so good!
— I haven’t forgotten the Wednesday Book Discussion of Style, Sex, and Substance. I simply have not had time to type out my thoughts, especially since completing my household binders took up so much of my free time.

Physical Update


My walking program of 100 Miles in 100 Days continues. I’ll admit that there have been a number of days this week when the last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed and walk. I either had too many things to get done that day or just didn’t feel like it. Brian would encourage me to go and get it done, so I did. On one particular morning when he had to kick my butt out the door, I tried a different trail. It was difficult for me because it was a little on the steep side. And I knew it wasn’t just me because two young, fit girls passed me and they were huffing as they were talking to one another. Heck, they are half my age and half my size so I figured I was doing okay for me. When I was done and had a relatively easy time going back down the trail, I was able to get a few shots. I love this one of the bridge I crossed.



This is Week 3 of Lose a Half-Marathon. This week I didn’t lose any weight and it’s completely due to a lack of trying. Grr.


(This logo is genius.)

Cari Donaldson, one of my favorite mom bloggers, has proposed a Catholic Exchange Virtual 5K. I know that my sis is doing it and I am thinking with all this walking, it would be nice to end my program with a virtual 5K.
Here is what Cari wrote:

We can run/walk/limp/crawl a 5K together. We’ll start training now, and on Saturday, September 29th, we’ll have the “virtual 5K”.

  • Mark out a 3.1 mile course. Design your own run- flat? hilly? on the local high school track? It’s your 5K, run it where you like.
  • Find a training program and try to stick to it. There’s lots of good couch-to-5K training plans for you, but don’t feel like you have to run this thing. The “run/walk/limp/crawl” thing is serious. Just move your body 3.1 miles at some point on September 29th.
  • Set up a finish line and get a picture of you crossing it. Send the picture to my email, and I’ll include it in the post-race blog post.
  • Print up this graphic and pin it/tape it to a white t-shirt. Viola! Free race shirt.

Read the rest of the post here.
So what do you think? Are you joining too? What have you been working on this week? Share your goals, your progress or your missteps. You can share in the comment box or link your own blog post. I look forward to hearing from you! (Note: For some reason WordPress users haven’t been able to comment so you may need to sign in using google or yahoo, etc instead.)
Have a healthy week!


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