Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Weigh-in Wednesday: 100 Miles in 100 Days Intro


**Sharing the triumphs and missteps in my journey towards a healthier physical, emotional and spiritual life.**

Spiritual/Emotional Update: I have missed the last couple weeks of my Book Discussion of Style, Sex, and Substance: 10 Catholic Women Consider the Things that Really Matter for Weigh-in Wednesdays because it has been super busy here, especially with these last weeks of school. However, today the last of my kiddos have finished off the school year so summer vacation has officially started. With a more relaxed schedule, I can hopefully post more often. I finished re-reading the second half of chapter 4 and have lots of notes to discuss about sex and marriage (be forewarned šŸ˜‰ and I’ll try to condense it to a comprehensible post for you next Wednesday.
Physical Update: Instead, today I’ll update you on my physical progress. As I mentioned before, I’ve been trying to walk more. This was relatively easy on the three days the boys went to preschool but for the rest of the week I floundered. Now that the boys are out of school and I don’t have much alone time to walk, I have to incorporate my walking with the kids’ day. They can’t walk two miles but they’ve been okay with one. (Although half way through JP starts dragging and Andrew frequently reports to me how his energy levels are running low.)
My sisters BC & JC are already running half-marathons (they and my brother JC are running the Disney 5K & Half-Marathon in Sept) and my sister EL recently started the Couch to 5K program. I looked into that but frankly I am not ready to start running yet since I am barely making it out the door to walk. My biggest problem is consistency so I’ve been looking for something I can do every day, including days when I have all 4 kids with me. I thought I would commit to walking at least one mile a day. On the days when I can walk without the kids I can double it and try to increase my speed. But as long as I get a minimum of a mile each day, I’ll be happy. My goal is to walk 100 miles in 100 days. It may not seem like much to all you physically fit mamas & chicas out there but for a girl who used to count the ketchup on her hamburger and the apple pie for dessert as two serving of fruits and veggies, well, it is a lot for me but not so hard that I can’t do it.
If you are interested in doing something similar, let me know and I’ll start a link up so you can share your progress on your blog. You can go as far/long as you want. You can walk, run, bike, whatever. Some days you can push it and some days you can make it a leisurely stroll. The main thing is to get moving. If you are on Twitter or Instagram you can upload a photo from your walk or update with the hashtag #100milesin100days.
Here are the photos I’ve taken so far:

Day 1: Monday, June 11, 2012


There were butterflies everywhere on the canyon path we walked.

Day 2: Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Bella joined me on my favorite walk along the central California coast.

Day 3: Wednesday, June 13, 2012


The view from today’s walk.

My calendar shows that I’ll hit my 100 days on September 18, 2012. Wish me luck. (and perseverance!) I’ll keep you posted. šŸ™‚
UPDATE: (6/15/12) My sister is going to join me so I will make a Link Up for next week. I’ll post it Monday mornings and we can share how we’ve been doing.


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1 Comment

  • silencegolden says:

    I will link up with you! I don’t really run miles, but will figure something out. Also, I am not on Twitter or Instagram, but will try to post something every day or at least once a week. This will be good for me and help me stick with the program. We can do it!!

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